carbon filters


Well-Known Member
hey all. are carbon filters the same or are some better than others. whats your experience. the guys at my local grow shop tell me that active can-lite filter from are "the industry standard" im just checking to see if thats really true. someone give my the DL. I'm running a closed grow tent thats 8X8X7 (448) cubic feet with co2 and im growing 12 under a 1k w hps. I'm trying to get no smell. any suggestions?
get a phresh filter can, 3-5 feet tall, 18 inches or so around and a big fan rated for it, dont look back.
you'll need to replace this as needed, mine need a yearly to be undetectable
I only use CAN brand. I would call them the industry standard as well.

I've never had a problem with them, always packed tight and filters great. Usually get a couple years use out of a filter, but I tend to change them yearly anymore.

I have a CAN 66 that's getting changed after harvest, that's been filtering my room for about a year and a half. Still could probably get another few grows out of it, but like I say, better safe than sorry.
I use phresh.

No not all are the same. Some use coal based carbon and some use coconut carbon. The coconut is better.

Over size your filter to the fan. You can never go too big in the filter. The bigger the longer it will last.
I used a 6x18.ebay fan filter combo and had smell. Replaced it in 3 months later with a cheaper name brand one from the gardening store and still had a sweet smell. Now I run both filters. One at each end and it almost seems to work. If i could do it all over again I'd spend the cash on a phresh filter and be done with it.
Can is great. I have the can- lites and regular can. The can lite is lighter and more convenient with the flange attached. (Nice for tents). The regular can is steel with a thicker carbon bed.

They usually last about a year and a half before they stink. If you change them out annually you should have zero smell. Make sure humidity is low. They're less effective in a humid environment. Also, make sure the filter is attached directly to the fan.
Just passed the 2 year mark on a 6" Phresh filter. It filters 8-12 flowering plants and the drying closet of my perpetual garden.

I think it may be close to finished. If I had to be perfectly stealthy I would change it now.