Carbon span and refurbishing?


Well-Known Member
I've got a standard canister type filter purely for exhaust smell, it's oversized for my space 1x1x1.2 but I'm consious I'll need to replace it, but I'm desensitized to the smell!

Replacing them every year or two gets expensive, are there any that are servicable/re-fillable?

Also any good way to tell if they are past thier best, or should you just replace them say every 12 months regardless?

I’d recommend the can660 as the smallest filter that actually works and in your space should work for a few years. I plan on turning my little ac infinity filters into dry sift rollers.
One more question, I'm currently set up like the pic on the left, but to make more space in the tent, I want to swap it round like the pic on the right..
Anyone have opinions on this? I can't see it would make any difference to filtration?filter.JPG
I’d recommend the can660 as the smallest filter that actually works and in your space should work for a few years. I plan on turning my little ac infinity filters into dry sift rollers. you have a link to the product? a quick search isnt showing up much ...
I've read that reversing the airflow lessens the lifespan of the filter due to air not going through a pre-filter first. Not sure where I read it, but sort of makes sense, maybe someone else can answer with more knowledge and experience on configuration.
I've read that reversing the airflow lessens the lifespan of the filter due to air not going through a pre-filter first. Not sure where I read it, but sort of makes sense, maybe someone else can answer with more knowledge and experience on configuration.
Not using the pre-filter first will shorten the lifespan regardless of whether it's in a push or pull configuration. I'm not sure how one would even use a pre-filter on the interior of the carbon filter.

The main problem with using the filter in a push, rather than pull configuration is efficiency; the outside of the 'donut' has far more surface area: less resistance, less static pressure, more airflow. And the added perk of being able to effectively uses a prefilter.
AC Infinity makes a refillable carbon filter. I have no experience with their product.

Garbage, they stop working VERY quickly. Phresh filters are the only thing I have found that actually work and only for about 7 months before the smell gets "sour" is the only way I can describe it.
Don't skimp on your filter. Unfortunately the only ones I have found that are reliable are Phresh filters. And even those are only good for about 6 to 8 months before they start smelling "sour" . I am not sure how else to describe it but if you have smelled that smell you know what I mean.
Kootenay is same as can. This is the smallest filter I’ve found that works I’ve tried two of the xl ac infinity and a vivosun that kind of work for a few months. I’d put fan and filter outside of tent and build a box or storage bin turning it into an inline.

I put my filter in cardboard box to use inline. Easy, effective and free.

The filters flange protrudes through one end of the box and spiral flex duct is threaded into a hole in the other end. Done.
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I go through vivosun filters every 2 years or so. 2 3x3 tents each with a 4" fan and filter blowing through on the outside. 6" vivosun fans are terrible but the 4" seem pretty reliable (metal not the plastic).
You might want to check out filters that you can refill or service to save some money. Just keep sniffing around for any lingering odors or if the filter isn't doing its job as well anymore to know when it's time for a switcheroo.
I've got a 6" electronically commutated extractor fan (inline), so I'm good on that front;

Filter I think is this one, but it's over 12 months old now, only one grow, though...

The description says it's good for 18 months and it is a tad oversized for my tent, dunno if it's worth risking using it again?
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You might want to check out filters that you can refill or service to save some money. Just keep sniffing around for any lingering odors or if the filter isn't doing its job as well anymore to know when it's time for a switcheroo.

Well thats the thing, I cant detect the smell very well, as I get accustomed to it!

I only do 3 or 4 plants at a time, and vent into the loft above the grow room.
Kootenay is same as can. This is the smallest filter I’ve found that works I’ve tried two of the xl ac infinity and a vivosun that kind of work for a few months. I’d put fan and filter outside of tent and build a box or storage bin turning it into an inline.

kootenay makes good filters, can filters got bought by hawthorn and they cheaped out on the carbon there not what they were. +1 for kootenay
I have had the police at my door (not for me but looking for someone) and my grow room was on the porch they were standing next to it ... the exhaust was going on the other side but through a phresh filter. I will not buy anything else lol