carbon filter still smelling

board boy

ay brothers, has anyone else noticed the smell being expelled from the carbon filter, its not the smell of weed but i'm sure it could raise suspicion from a noisy neighbour, ive always had the smell with rhino and now prima kilma filter, anybody got any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Humidity is probably too high. Carbon will not activate!

High temperatures and humidity adversely affect on the filtration capacity of activated carbon. It becomes important, therefore to adjust air flow into the filter with temperature fluctuations for effective functioning of the filter. One simple control method makes use of a thermostat to adjust the air flow with temperature variations. Besides temperature variations, extremely high levels of relative humidity also lead to diminishing absorption capacity. A relative humidity of 60%, it has been observed, is the upper limit beyond which filtering performance drops sharply. The relative humidity should therefore not be allowed to exceed this limit.


Well-Known Member
you mean the smell of carbon? im the only one who smells it at my place ,no one else would be suspicious of it IMO


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about those 2 brands? They may be crap and not working well?? What is your humidity? Too much humidity will cause them to not work well. Are you using too large a fan for the filter? If the air moves too fast thru the filter it doesn't have time to remove the odors. There should be no odor coming out if it's working the way it's supposed to.