Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed


Hey all, I'm currently in the process of constructing my first grow tent. It's set up in a basement where the temperature stays around 21 C throughout the year. I'll be building a tent because I will not be using the whole basement. My plan is to build a frame out of 2x4s and plywood, and then lining the inside with panda film or mylar, there will be a 4' x 4' x 6' veg room with a 400 watt MH air cooled light and a 4' x 8' x 6' flower room with 2x 600 watt HPS air cooled lights. I plan on cooling the lights with a 720 CFM fan pulling air through the lights in a straight line and venting out of the basement. I would like to use a carbon filter with a separate fan to exhaust, while using passive intakes.

Here's a quick sketch of my idea:
View attachment 2402916

Here are my questions:

- How big of a Carbon Filter will I need to control the odor in this setup? What size of fan will I need to accompany it?
- Will the passive intakes be sufficient? Or should I add another inline fan for intake in the veg room?
- Is mylar worth the extra money? Or will panda film work well enough?

Any answers/feedback/questions etc. is welcome! This is my first real attempt at growing and I would like a good setup to work with and to help me become a successful grower. I have done a lot of research and am feeling confident enough to put the money into it, all I'm looking for is some advice on the details.




Well-Known Member
You need to have at least 288cfm fan and filter.

I would recommend a 400CFM fan along with a 500CFM filter you can also use a speed controller to adjust running speed of your fan.

4x4x6= 96
4x8x6= 192
96+192=288cubic ft.



Well-Known Member
- How big of a Carbon Filter will I need to control the odor in this setup? What size of fan will I need to accompany it?
That kit you linked from ebay should be just fine
- Will the passive intakes be sufficient? Or should I add another inline fan for intake in the veg room?
The passive intakes will be enough
- Is mylar worth the extra money? Or will panda film work well enough?

Your set up looks just fine man accept for that merging of ventilation ducting at the end of your exhaust i would be worried that it will restrict air flow, either upgrade to bigger duct rated to handle the combined cfm or keep the ducting separate


Okay thanks for the great answers psilocybindude! I didn't even think about that Y duct causing problems, I'll just separate them.