The rate of the room doesn't matter. The cfm rating of the fan and filter do.If I have a 2x4 room and use a fan and carbon filter scrubbing the room at a rate quicker then normal, will it affect the lifetime of the carbon filter or does the life of the filter depreciate through smells absorbed(dirty air)
I didn't know a 4 inch fan could pull through a sucker that big! What's the cfm rating on the fan? and what size(cfm) fan would you reccomended for my 2x4x5 room?The rate of the room doesn't matter. The arm rating of the fan and filter do.
I reccomend oversizing the filter. I use a 8 inch filter on a 4 inch fan.
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The bigger filter is actually easier to pull through.I didn't know a 4 inch fan could pull through a sucker that big! What's the cfm rating on the fan? and what size(cfm) fan would you reccomended for my 2x4x5 room?
And what cfm rating carbon filter should I buy?
The bigger filter is actually easier to pull through.
You don't need very much for that size room. You have to replace the air every 3 min. 2x4x5=40\3= 13.3 cfm.
That 4 inch in the pic is 190 cfm.
Think of the filter as a hole. The bigger it is the easier it is to pull through.
A matching 4 in fan and filter with a speed controller to slow the fan will work as long as the filter is name brand like a phresh or can. I would still run a 6 inch filter if you could.
I am a firm believer you get what you pay for. If i was getting new fans I would look at hyper fans. Yes they are a little pricey but the advantages outweigh the cost. The hyper fan also comes with a controller. If you want a temp controller they have one also. would be able to run a 6 inch filter, I love te answer, very Informational. I have a follow up question. I found the same fan that you have online, 190 cfm but for 200$, I found a 6 inch fan 347 cfm for only 20$ more(great review on product for quiet noise). Should I get the 6 inch fan? Stick with the 4? At the same time I'm reading a lot of reviews on fan speed controls, a lot of them do not work for the full range of speeds, and are poorly manufactured. I know the idea IS NOT to suck all air itself out of the Tent so it is collapsing.
Look into ventec fans. I paid $100 for my fan and first filter. The filter didn't last long but you can refill them. The fan has been running 3 years non stop.I would be able to run a 6 inch filter, I love te answer, very Informational. I have a follow up question. I found the same fan that you have online, 190 cfm but for 200$, I found a 6 inch fan 347 cfm for only 20$ more(great review on product for quiet noise). Should I get the 6 inch fan? Stick with the 4? At the same time I'm reading a lot of reviews on fan speed controls, a lot of them do not work for the full range of speeds, and are poorly manufactured. I know the idea IS NOT to suck all air itself out of the Tent so it is collapsing.
I am a firm believer you get what you pay for. If i was getting new fans I would look at hyper fans. Yes they are a little pricey but the advantages outweigh the cost. The hyper fan also comes with a controller. If you want a temp controller they have one also.
They only have 6" 8" and 10" the 5 year warranty is nice
Look into ventec fans. I paid $100 for my fan and first filter. The filter didn't last long but you can refill them.
I use a variac on my fan. Variable transformer. It adjust voltage. The cheap controllers start and stop the fan many times a second. They are hard on the fans.
Here is a clip I took from the phresh website. Notice the bit about larger filters lasting longer.
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I edited that post. My cheap ventec has been running 3 years or more non stop and has 5 year warranty. No reason for the new expensive fans. The cheap cookie cutter fans are built like tanks. They are based on old reliable patents.Raises hand*....I like Vortex brand. They're expensive as hell but the warranty is 10years. I have a 6" Vortex that's been abused. I had to scrape dust scum from the inside blade and sides of the chamber. Blew it out with an air compressor.
It's still cranking along like the day I bought it. I need an 8" and a 8" filter. I'm getting too much smell in the room. Not anywhere else just the room. I need to vacuum that out.
Phresh or can. Mountain air is the best but very expensive. They last 5 years.And from reading your advice on other stuff. That's the brand of filter I'm buying next.
I edited that post. My cheap ventec has been running 3 years or more non stop and has 5 year warranty. No reason for the new expensive fans. The cheap cookie cutter fans are built like tanks. They are based on old reliable patents.
Phresh or can. Mountain air is the best but very expensive. They last 5 years.
I buy bulk carbon and refill mine. I even bake the carbon to reactivate it.
I just bought that 8 inch filter. I didn't have one that big. Its an ipower. It supposed to have the same carbon as phresh. It has reversible flanges. I still have 15 pounds of carbon from the hydro store.
A bit of both.What makes the filters "wear out"? Is it based on the level of stink or just the total volume of air?
Even if the ipower doesn't last I bought it for the frame. I can refill it. I bought a big box of the coconut carbon. It is good stuff. I got 16 pounds for $100 including shipping. Its enough to refill a 4 inch four maybe five times.Lolololol...dude. I've been thinking about the mid shelf inline blowers and the filter I'm using right now is an Ipower off Amazon. It said it had the Australian charcoal. It's working pretty good for the size and air flow. My carbon filter is on the outlet. I push through the filter instead vacuum through the intake. There's no room inside the cabs for a huge filter.
A bit of both.
The type of carbon will determine how long it last. Coal based being cheaper and doesn't last as long. Coconut based carbon is more porous and last longer.
Humidity plays a factor. The higher it is the less life of the filter. Over powering the cfm of the filter will shorten its life.
Get coconut based carbon and oversize and it will last.
Even if the ipower doesn't last I bought it for the frame. I can refill it. I bought a big box of the coconut carbon. It is good stuff. I got 16 pounds for $100 including shipping. Its enough to refill a 4 inch four maybe five times.
Hmm... maybe it's time to move the worm bin outside. Night temps are still a bit low but the worms should survive.Stink. Nothing else matters as much.