Carbon Filter Odour problem!!


Well-Known Member
My setup is: filter -> hood -> fan -> out. I also use a fan speed controller to give just a little more contact time with the carbon. Works just fine for me, and typically get about a year out of each filter. If interested in re-packing carbon to re-use the filter housing, a friend of mine has good luck running an orbital sander on top of it to settle the carbon and pack some extra in there. I personally just buy a new filter as it's pretty messy re-filling them.


Active Member
Your set up is fine. Your using your vent kinda like duel purpose for the lights and the room, I get it, How is your humidity in the tent? The more humid your room the less effective your filter will be. Carbon can only do so much in the best of cases, humidity clogs pores and air passes right by. If you really want to get rid of the smell a inline ozonator is the 100% cure for it. Yoy could get rid of the carbon filter all together and increase your cfm's.

Their costly but well worth it IMO.
Where is the best place to buy one from any idea i rather invest in some thing that eliminate smell totally. RO is also fine around 55 percent,I also purchased the filter bigger than the fan my filter is 6 inch and the fan is 5 inch so that it might be stronger but obviously it isnt doing the job maybe cause the strain I grow is really smelly IDK