carbon filter not working


Active Member
I can't seem to figure out why my carbon filter is letting smell out and not only that a decent amount of smell. I am in week 3 of flowering. I originally bought a 170 cfm carbon filter combo, switched to 435 cfm fan to help power through ducting. I have tried using fan speed on a lower setting to not overpower the carbon filter and on a higher setting since maybe with all the ducting it needs to be that high to get the same pull as the 170 cfm would with little ducting. I have a 20x32x62 grow tent. Was fairly cheap, almost completely air tight, some air vents are taped up since there was no need for as many as were open and this also helps make sure no smell leaks through the few small holes where zippers come together. Lucky for me it doesn't smell like pot but some sort of sweet smell, not even associated with plants. But it is something I would not like especially since the smell will only get stronger. My ducting is securely taped to the carbon filter for all I can see. Not sure if I am using my fan speed at the wrong settings and it is overloading/under utilizing the filter. Sorry if this has been asked before. I usually search for a long while before posting but have limited time to search at the moment and this is a problem that needs attention asap. thanks for any responses.


Well-Known Member
with to much humid or moisture in the air, the carbon itself closes and does not allow the odor to be picked up and it cant scrub/clean the air if there is to much moisture..


Active Member
Ive had the filter for only a few months. I am sucking air threw it. Humidity right now is never above 40%. I was thinking of buying a quart of ona odor remover gel and putting it in the tent with a fan blowing on it. But this is a last ditch attempt, I'd rather get the carbon filter that I paid good money for to work as it is supposed to. I swear I can never get every thing on this grow to work at once. Either heat, humidity, or now smell issues.... With the money I spent and even though the tent is on the cheaper side, it is still of good enough quality it should not be having smell leak issues.


Well-Known Member
I dont know, I use the carbon 150 its the biggest that they make and thats the only one that i will ever use.. it is the 12 inch fan that goes with it and its perfect for my room,


Well-Known Member
lol humidity was through the roof this morning in my room opend the door and next thing i knew you could smell it 3 floors down lol growing sensi powerplant having to move home soon so had to throw the last of my plants into flower 5 average sized 2 one yearold mothers and 9 lill babies that have been veging for a week after rooting lol probly my own fault lol left the lid of my feed barrel holds 85ltrs the smell is crazy off em but they have just been put onto 12/12 didnt realize veging plants could kick up such a smell lol


Well-Known Member
stay on it man.. just watch that humid.. I see so many peoples set ups and there is always problems with odor, most of the time it comes down to the filter being to old or to hi humid for it to work.. its crazy


Well-Known Member
thinking of investing in a bunch of car air freshners and insence sticks never realy have a problem from it like it stinks the house up a storm but you cant smell crap outside also every fooker that comes to mine knows i smoke morning to nite gots me a fooked up spine so started growing now i just do it for a hobby i love it lol


Active Member
thanks for the replies, but yea humidity isn't a issue and filter is less then 3 months old with life span up to 18 months, doubt I maxed it out. I'll keep fiddling with intakes and exhaust and fan speed and see what I can do.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Hopefully this will come through...

you say you are sucking through your filter. Where is the fan in relation to the filter? Mounted on it....pushing air through the ducting....or on on the other side of the tent...sucking air across the light and through the ducting and then exhausting out??


Well-Known Member
i recently read an aritical in urban garden magazine that said a higher air speed was better then a lower, they explained it as the carbon being a jetty, and the air as being an ocean, and with the air slamming into the carbon it smashes the molecules bla bla something i cant remember, point is they said higher is better :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:joint::eyesmoke: