carbon filter no match for my Dank weed???????? odor problem


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have 4' x 4' dr grow tent, with a 4 inch carbon filter (can filter) set up ventilating the tent. I have a 8 inch sun system cool sun reflector with the glass, being cooled with an 8 inch can fan, seperate from the room exhaust. I am still having odor problems it stinks still like a dam skunk outside of the tent! Does any one know what the problem could be? what else can i do to properly nutrilize the odor consistently, with out having to spray deoderizers all the time? Any suggestions will be very appreciated.
Ok, I have 4' x 4' dr grow tent, with a 4 inch carbon filter (can filter) set up ventilating the tent. I have a 8 inch sun system cool sun reflector with the glass, being cooled with an 8 inch can fan, seperate from the room exhaust. I am still having odor problems it stinks still like a dam skunk outside of the tent! Does any one know what the problem could be? what else can i do to properly nutrilize the odor consistently, with out having to spray deoderizers all the time? Any suggestions will be very appreciated.
start by checking for leaks then re check if your filter has the cfm to scrub your tent maybe add a filter to your light exast
I've read if the humidity is too high +55% the carbon filter isn't able to function properly removing odors. You might want to add a dehumidifier which would also help prevent moldy buds.
if you create a suction inside the tent bigger fan sucking thru the filter then what is being pushed in will make sure everything is getting pulled thru the filter, start by checking that, then move onto looking for leaks in the duct, the tent, also check to make sure carbon is good, just my 2cents
I had a very small leak in one of my hoods, the glass was off center by maybe a 1/16th of an inch and it was barely noticeable. That tiny leak stunk up my whole house and it took me days to find the problem.
Ha ha. Why are you tryin to cover the smell? I'd love to smell that dank ALL day long! Just my opinion!! You probable have a reason
if u have a smell problem for under $200 u can buy a ozone generator ie(the silver bullet)i lived in a duplex ran mine for 10 min every hour while the light was on and it smells like a fresh rainstorm this is buy far the best way to conrol odour