Carbon Filter/Inline Fan: More noise than I expected


Well-Known Member
Don't have to worry about heat, running flouro's (T5s & CFLs) Circulation not that big an issue. Ac vent in closet. Going to vent to a closet same size next to grow.

Any one use one of those variable speed fan controllers? 1/2 to 1/4 speed would seem perfect for noise.

Can these run in a MDF box to quite the noise?

I'm going to go ahead and stick it in there and just let it run maybe 15 min every hour while the lights are on (7PM to 7AM).

Ideas, links, suggestions???


Well-Known Member
heres a post by email468 I read.

Some things I've HEARD (not experience) might do the trick:
1) Use straight duct work (not the easy to use bendy kind) less resistance is supposed to equal less noise
2) Use insulated duct work (absorb the noise)
3) Mount the fans using rubber grommets to reduce the vibration that is causing the noise
4) Mount the fan using bungie cords (same idea as number 3 - only more likely to reduce vibration and hence - noise)


Active Member
4) Mount the fan using bungie cords (same idea as number 3 - only more likely to reduce vibration and hence - noise)

i did that to vent an area next to my room, to the outside. works perfectly, and dropped the temp by 5 degrees.

i actually had to swap out a loud ass 12" inline tonight. Elicent AXC 15A? thing was just rambling and loud ass bumpy sh!t. Luckily, I happened to have a spare FanTech sitting around, same size; twas a b!tch an a 1/2 to swap out by myself, but I got it.

Even dropped my temp by 2 degrees. Just shows the Elicent was 'effed up. I wonder what the mfg warranty is on that

Here's the new one in place.
