carbon filter in room without external venting


Well-Known Member
is there any reason this wouldnt work? litterally just putting a carbon filter on a table in the grow room with the extractor fan just pulling the air through the filter and back into the same room rather than being vented outside the growroom?

i cant think of any reason this wouldnt work, just making sure before i purchase one (going to start flowering this weekend.) for various different reasons i wont go into i cant filter the air outside the room.


It's called scrubbing and people do it all the time. Hopefully you have a lot of ambient air and good circulation(fans).

north strong & free

Active Member
cheers, i scrub too. using my old fish tank carbon filters reloaded, and placing them near fan intakes and on the chimney effect out of my closet. i drilled stoppers about 4 inches with a rock holding it closed for ventilation. place one on top and the carbon binds through adsorption while exiting air passes ;)