Carbon Filter for Odor Control


Active Member
Hello growers, I plan on trying my first grow and I am curious about carbon filters and other ways of controlling odor. Mainly about the setup and how exactly they work. I have to be very efficient with my grow area because I will be growing in a walk in closet yet would still like to get quite a few plants in the area. Pictures would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i grow in a exbathroom @ 6x7. its sealed air tight. i put portable ac in linen closet thats with in bathroom. lights are in cool tubes cooled by 8 in can fan. fan pulls air in from outside and it vents into attic so there is no contact with the air in room so the smell cant leave. so if i never open door you will never smell. carbon filters are great just attach a can fan to it and put theassembly in the corner of closet and it will scub air


Active Member
Thanks alot! Thats good to know, also do you have any advice on moving plants temporarily. Im only talking about if I have to do twice in a grow cycle just incase my mom travels down to where ill be living. I just want to be safe in case she trys to snoop around.