Carbon Filter Alternatives


I just finished building a 22” long filter cartridge. The inside tube is four inched and the outside is a little less than eight leaving about 1 3/4 inch space between them for the carbon. The tubes consist of a double layer of hardware cloth (1/4 inch square mesh) with aluminum window screen sandwiched between them. I calculate that it’ll take 3 1/2 gallons to fill it. Activated carbon isn’t cheap but I am. Has anyone ever tried filling a filter with cat litter to see if it is effective at removing odors? I’ll probably try it anyways, if it works I’ll let you know.


Well-Known Member
No it will not work. You need the chemical properties of activated carbon to bind to the VOCs that cause the smell. Why not get a can 705. They are only $40. Small price to pay to keep the police from knocking on the door.

Think about it.


Yes, I’m aware of how activated carbon functions. I’m also aware that cat litter has odor absorbing properties and is in fact superior to carbon for some odors such as ammonia. I have used it to effectively trap the gasses from a flask of boiling hydriodic acid and ephedrine.

By the way, plant odor is not considered a VOC.

I was actually looking for a response from someone with experience rather than just an opinion but as it is I did my own experiment. So far it is working great. The unmistakable smell that was present before is now undetectable.

Go figure.