Carbohydrates for ENHANCED FLAVOR


Active Member
i dont think these products really do as much as they say. i mean the plants roots takes up the nutrients and moisture and convert it all using photosynthesis in the plant. these flavorings and such get broken down and converted to other chemicals, or dont even get taken up at all. also before harvest you should flush anyway. use pure water at least 2 weeks before harvest for soil, at least 1 week for hydro. if you want a change in flavor, i say either go straight organic or try a new strain. i use advanced nutrients overdrive as recommended by HTG Supply.


Well-Known Member
STRAIGHT ORGANIC with subcools super soil then use sucanat 3 times between day 35 and day 50 of flower and you will not have a added flavor with sucanat its just unrefined sugar with the mollasses still in it comes granular and can be easy milles 2tsp per gallon if your using other carbo loads wich i dont think is nescesary just use 1 tsp but im telling you guys sucanat in comparison to straight mollases it accentuates the natural flavor rather than adding or covering and the micro beasties made from the organic slew in subs super soil make it for a just add water soil mix i never mix nutrient solutions and i never have defeciences loving every second of organic growin lol


Well-Known Member
You can't add them or take them away.
The terpenes of the plant are inbred in genes of the plant, however, you certainly can mess up/alter the aroma of a plant by either neglecting it or overloading it with synthetic nutrients.

And furthermore, terpenes can be infused through hybridization. I firmly believe in the future you could get weed that tastes like a cheeseburger somehow. Its just a matter of some narcissistic scientist going through the painstaking and long experimentation process.


Well-Known Member
well ill still with the cheese sir and oyu can have your cheeseburger bud i prefer to eat my hamburgers but if you feel like smoking meat so be it :D lol jk


Well-Known Member
well ill still with the cheese sir and oyu can have your cheeseburger bud i prefer to eat my hamburgers but if you feel like smoking meat so be it :D lol jk
I dont know. I would like to think that marijuana could make up a rather larger percentage of my consumed diet and overtake processed corn and grain. I wonder what the actual nutritional value of marijuana is... I know it would vary somewhat from strain to strain but im sure its loaded with calories, fiber, and minerals.... We arent too far off from grocery stored hempburger buns...


Well-Known Member
sucanat is just as cheap as molasses just saying ..... and better results epsoms are already in my soil and same thing with azomite no trace mineral def's at all


Chef Bob, terpenoids are the very compounds within the plant that give it's flavor and aroma. You can't add them or take them away. Every strain has a unique terpenoid profile. As does every food you eat that has taste and everything you smell that has a scent.

my bad, wrong word.

i like flavor :)

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Thank you everyone for jumping in and sharing your 2 cents! It seems like the majority votes for molasses, so I think what I will do is back off on the dosage of all my other carb solutions and start feeding a good dose of 100% organic molasses. That will def save some $$$ at the rate my 7 foot outdoor ladies are consuming...

I still want to do a few controlled experiments on various strains this fall when I start an indoor cycle. Nutrients comparisons will def be a big focus, and this time I will do a much better job by logging all this in a grow journal. I will grow some with molasses only, carb solutions only, and some with a mixture of both. I think doing all this at once and seeing the side-by-side results is going to be very informative, as in the past I've kinda more switched from nutrient line to nutrient line til I found something that I was happy with and had much greater results.

Keep the good info & opinions coming! I'm def curious to hear more about this Diamond Nectar tho, as some are saying they are achieving pineapple like aroma & flavor? Are you sure that's not in the genetics of your strain at all, or are you literally turning something you've grown before that was skunky into something that is more fruit-like?

One love, all! =)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about all that, but I do know that too much mg is not good near harvest no matter where it comes from. I use molasses, but I stop using it the last 2 weeks and flush with clean water only. mg can build up in the plant, and is harder to flush than most other nutrients, even if it's coming from an organic source. Some folks think that if they're feeding organics only, that aflush is not necessary....not true, animal waste (organic ferts) can build up salt just like syntheyic nutes do. Also, it seems like that bud candy was not organic, I'm not sure on this, but it seems I remember reading the bottle one day, and setting it right back down. It definitly has non organic mg which is not good. Be careful putting ANYTHING on your plants the last 2 weeks....FLUSH, that's the best way for your herb to taste like it's supposed to.


Well-Known Member
sucanat SOO kuh Nat buy it in any organic food isle better then mollases check subcools organic thread on it
I tried Sucanat a few years ago. I experienced a variety of negative results. Several of us had the same results, when Subcool was touting the stuff, on another site.


Well-Known Member
I read a study in urban garden (urban gardener magazine?? not sure what its called) and the scientist was basically running tests on whether carbohydrates and amino acids work or not. To be honest, the results were not impressive. The roots are not able to absorb the carbohydrates or the amino's effectively. Something about some caspian wall rejecting them I think. If they could inject carbohydrates directly into the plant it would be a different story. They are now working on some type of advanced delivery system because they feel the possibilities are great, but till then their effect is not susbstantial. I do realize, however, that carbo's feed the beneficial bacteria and if that is what your trying to do go for it, but I doubt this will directly affect taste or aroma. I wish I could find the study, I'll look for it because it was an informative piece.

I add a LOT of mulch to my garden. Mulch contains a lot of carbs which are broken down by the bacteria in the soil.

If you're doing things right to begin with, you'll see little or no difference, using carb products.


Well-Known Member
If you use Blackstrap molasses with Epsom salt won't won't have to buy these products:

View attachment 1110485+View attachment 1110489= $100 :cry:

Blackstrap molasses $6.99 + $1.99= $8.98 and whatever sales tax is on the epsom salt :joint::hump:
Well, technically.. the sales tax will depend on what state you live in. Sales tax differentiates from state to state. In fact, some states (Oregon and Texas) don't have Sales tax on anything. I'm 100% sure about Oregon.. not sure if Texas has sales tax or not.

anyhow, I only use Molasses for the last two weeks (two weeks of flushing..before harvesting). It doesn't make that much of a difference.. to some people.. but I can tell a difference between a plant that was flushed with.. and one that was flushed without molasses. Adds just a little bit of a sweeter taste to the buds in the end.



Well-Known Member
I dont know. I would like to think that marijuana could make up a rather larger percentage of my consumed diet and overtake processed corn and grain. I wonder what the actual nutritional value of marijuana is... I know it would vary somewhat from strain to strain but im sure its loaded with calories, fiber, and minerals.... We arent too far off from grocery stored hempburger buns...
Cannabis seed oil is a nearly perfect food, but the leaves and buds are VERY hard on digestion. Extracting the Cannabinoids in butter, oil or alcohol(used to make hard Cannacandy) is far better. We occasionally make Cannaflour but use it sparingly.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I'm approx 90% organic, so I have that angle covered

I know all about proper flushing, and agree that a full 2 weeks for soil growers is vital ... I will be upgrading my water filtration unit again, to the GE reverse osmosis system. Approx $200, but worth every penny. Used them in the past and the water quality is unlike any other filtration unit

TY for all the feedback! I've been using up my carb solutions with the intent to never use some of them again when they're all used up, and have decided to adopt using majority organic molasses & organic banana extract from here on out


Active Member
Hey everyone! :hug:

I'm trying to figure out what products work best not only to feed plants carbs, but to also help enhance the flavors & aroma of the final crop. I have sampled with the following: MOLASSES, AN BUD CANDY, BOTANICARE SWEET (GRAPE, CITRUS, & BERRY), AND TROPICAL ORGANICS BANANA EXTRACT :weed:

Anyone who has good experience with these products and can testify as to what works best, as well as how to properly feed your plants with these to obtain the best flavor possible. I've read of various carbo loading methods, so I'm trying to figure out what's best :joint:

The guy at my local hydro store also suggested not to use TOO many of these different flavors together, he said maybe Bud Candy & Grape, or Bud Candy & Banana, ... could be good . I'm thinking that because they are such similar compounds that I CAN use as many as I want, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried this and it gave them fruitier smelling bud or if you really can use too many flavors and experience any problems or undesireable flavors? :spew:
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy is awesome. I use it from week 1 until the flush and I've noticed better resin production and increased taste. Also gives those beneficial micro's some experience with the others...but the BC is easy to use and works great.


Well-Known Member
well ill still with the cheese sir and oyu can have your cheeseburger bud i prefer to eat my hamburgers but if you feel like smoking meat so be it :D lol jk
speaking of smoking meat... i'm only week 12 of cannabiogen destroyer and the damn thing is no where near finished... also, it smells just like rotten meat!