Car exhuast healthy or unhealthy for plants?


Well-Known Member
I was just searching on different ways to produce CO2 and found a little research on the exhuast from a car having CO2 levels almost the same as our exhalation. Any one got any ideas?



Well-Known Member
As your cars exhaust does contain carbon dioxide, it also contains carbon monoxide which is deadly to plants as well as humans.


Well-Known Member
As your cars exhaust does contain carbon dioxide, it also contains carbon monoxide which is deadly to plants as well as humans.

I'm just a retard and think about all the wrong things, and skip over the important stuff. But I haven't even tried this yet so thats good! Thanks for all the replies guys!

fat sam

Well-Known Member
well if your car ran on natural gas then yes it would work, i have seen/ran the exhaust from ng powered generators to the grow room as a source of co2, with frequent air changes mind you, i have also used the vent from a hot water heater as co2, just think how a co2 generator works then you will see all kinds of possibilities