

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with swallow able capsules? They're just like any kind of pill but with pot in them. I heard you do it even with skuff. I'm not entirely sure I was also wondering what else goes into them other then plant matter?


Well-Known Member
i bought a kit from cannabrex and i cant really tell if they work that great cuz i smoke probly a quarter or half gram a day. they work tho if you dont smoke that day. its like 20 to 40 % herb and then the rest is some oils and compound stuff. Its all safe tho cuz your eating it not smoking it


Well-Known Member
would it not work just puttin X amount of hash,kief etc into the capsule? ive never even seen these capsules but im shore there is more to them than just swallowing plant material?


Well-Known Member
yeah but my whole point is how can you even feel anything if you a tiny capsule? even if the THC stuck to some sort of fatty oil doesn't seem like enough to me to get stoned.


I've been told by a dispensary that they put cannabutter in their capsules. Not sure if it was really cannabutter, but it was a medium-low dose and it acted like one


Well-Known Member
ive made my own by making olive oil infused with thc, and thats basiclly what any kit is. if you ate two or three capsules youd feel like a brownie high