Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism


Well-Known Member
I think you have your left and right mixed up.

It is true that the two sides share some similar stances on issues, like excessive government power to abuse citizens. I see this as a hopeful sign because working together is the only way real change gets done.
come to the center......


Well-Known Member
We’re borrowing money from China to pay farmers to not sell beans to China

Trumpnomics is retarded
We've been borrowing money from China to buy Chinese goods for decades. Both parties have helped build the current system of 'free trade' and outsourced manufacturing, leading to the hollowing out of the American economy.

But point fingers at just one side and then wonder why nothing ever changes.


Well-Known Member
We've been borrowing money from China to buy Chinese goods for decades. Both parties have helped build the current system of 'free trade' and outsourced manufacturing, leading to the hollowing out of the American economy.

But point fingers at just one side and then wonder why nothing ever changes.
Well only one side started a retarded and unwinnable trade war


Well-Known Member
We've been borrowing money from China to buy Chinese goods for decades. Both parties have helped build the current system of 'free trade' and outsourced manufacturing, leading to the hollowing out of the American economy.

But point fingers at just one side and then wonder why nothing ever changes.
everything you do to damage democrats only helps the republicans.....I'm sure they thank u very much and encourage your continued efforts....nice work comrad


Well-Known Member
come to the center......
Your idol, Mr Obama, is on record as saying he governed to the right of Ronald Reagan. Any sober analysis of his track record proves this true. Both American parties are bought and paid for by corporations and the tiny minority who own them- the New York Times themselves said that 158 families have half of all contributions to politicians in 2016, remember?

I AM in the center. American politics looks like Mussolini's Corporate led fascist wet dream come true.


Well-Known Member
Your idol, Mr Obama, is on record as saying he governed to the right of Ronald Reagan. Any sober analysis of his track record proves this true. Both American parties are bought and paid for by corporations and the tiny minority who own them- the New York Times themselves said that 158 families have half of all contributions to politicians in 2016, remember?

I AM in the center. American politics looks like Mussolini's Corporate led fascist wet dream come true.
Yeah Tty, you are the center. The center of the world.



Well-Known Member
everything you do to damage democrats only helps the republicans.....I'm sure they thank u very much and encourage your continued efforts....nice work comrad
You keep repeating yourself as if saying it over and over again makes it true.

I'm done supporting Democrats; they don't represent me so why should I?

I never supported Republicans because they don't represent my interests either.

If a party wants my vote they can damned well earn it. It is the height of arrogance to simply demand someone's vote without offering anything in return.


Well-Known Member
You keep repeating yourself as if saying it over and over again makes it true.

I'm done supporting Democrats; they don't represent me so why should I?

I never supported Republicans because they don't represent my interests either.

If a party wants my vote they can damned well earn it. It is the height of arrogance to simply demand someone's vote without offering anything in return.
You've done your work for the republicans......


Well-Known Member
You keep repeating yourself as if saying it over and over again makes it true.

I'm done supporting Democrats; they don't represent me so why should I?

I never supported Republicans because they don't represent my interests either.

If a party wants my vote they can damned well earn it. It is the height of arrogance to simply demand someone's vote without offering anything in return.
No party wants your vote.


Well-Known Member
You've done your work for the republicans......
Binary thinking got us into this mess. It's classic divide and conquer thinking.

If the old tactics don't work, do you keep throwing time, effort, resources and bodies at it?

Time to think strategically; it's time to repudiate the politics of tribalism and focus on the issues.

I suggest we start by demanding the end of money in politics. That's an extremely popular stand on BOTH sides of the aisle, so why not take advantage of that popularity?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Strange. How do we know what's best for the Russian people? We can't even manage to help out our own citizens!
maybe i don't know what's best for them, but i know putin is no good for world peace, and never will be. he has no interest in peace, he has interest in russian domination...he doesn't want to move forward, he want's war, so he can conquer, and eventually feel big enough to come for us, who he hates above all others....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They start like that... if I go by our situation over here...
Then the goal posts get shifted at every opportunity....
that is exactly it....they'll tell you one thing to get your support, then turn around and do something completely different.....much like all other politicians, over the whole planet....
the office of president should be like jury get a letter in the mail, and you're it for the next year.....that's the only way we'll ever get someone who isn't a fucking crooked amoral sociopath into public office.....because that's what we got now.......and all we got to choose from....assholes picked by other assholes, and shoved down out throats...with our only choice being which asshole we get to listen to for the next four years....