Canuk seeds?

How can Peak Seeds be the original?

Cinderella 99 is created by Brothers Grim. Mr Soul and Duke Diamond bred it.
Peak bought C99 seed crop from the Frost Brothers who were running Brother Grimms C99. He’s maintained a inbred C99 line that’s used in some real nice hybrids. Buddy didn’t say it was the original but similar to it
Peak bought C99 seed crop from the Frost Brothers who were running Brother Grimms C99. He’s maintained a inbred C99 line that’s used in some real nice hybrids. Buddy didn’t say it was the original but similar to it
This is not accurate. Frost Bros. never ran Brothers Grimm but I have no doubt that Duke hunted through every C99 he could find to make selections for the new version. Peak's C99 is definitely a furthering of Frost Bros. line. I'd have to check hunt through our old messages to confirm, but I do believe Frost Bros. started from Joey Weed's F2 stock, which was always a really good representation. I seriously doubt anything Mr. Soul is selling these days is from original stock and probably does have some of the Frost Brothers line in it. Some other great ones were Mosca, Brother Monk, H3ad Seeds, Kingdom Organic Seed (still available), and several different breeders from Europe (Apotix, Tanska Seed Development, Lil Bald Man Lala) further working of the H3ad line. Also @Research Varietals, Duke did not breed C99. He was a child when C99 was made. He just reworked it for Soul when he decided to start Bros. Grimm back up, before they fell out. In any case, all of those lines started from original Brothers Grimm stock, so they are all technically the "original" C99, though none (including Bros. Grimm) are the original F1s.
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Some more power info wow. :)

Mr Soul said he still had the original female he used to create the original varietal of C99 and he used a brother of the original male as he couldn't keep the male alive but he still had the seed batch that the original male came from.

C99 is one 3 Jack Herer seeds he found in a bud in Sensi Coffee Shop that he keep and back crossed multiple times to stabalise it hence the 99.

Duke bred the new line after Subcool convinced Mr Soul to get back into business I believe.
What Mr. Soul says and what really happened are rarely the same thing. Princess (the mother of C99) was from the seed found in the Jack Herer. C99 was made by crossing a Shiva Skunk male to Princess and then BXing multiple times ("cubing"). I wasn't there but have been told by multiple people who should know that Soul never really worked with the plants himself, even in the first incarnation of Bros. Grimm. Sly was the breeder. Soul was the marketing guy. At least that's how I've heard it from several people I trust.
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C99 was created by crossing Princess with a Princess 94 male.
Yes... and Princess 94 was made by crossing Princess with a P88 male and so on. The original male in the cubing process was Shiva Skunk. This is all well documented.

Soul's own exact words - "In the process of "cubing" Princess I wanted to add a little strength to her branches because the buds were always so heavy at harvest that the branches flopped over. To do that, I crossed a male from a heavy-yielding, dense, resinous strain, Sensi’s Shiva Skunk. Crossing that male to Princess created the "P.50" generation (using the shorthand notation I developed to indicate the fraction of Princess genes in the cross). "

Cindy is technically the "P97" generation but 99 was a better name because 1999 was the year it started being sold on a large scale and entered into Cups and being marketed as the newest latest greatest.
Yes I know the lineage and that Shiva Skunk was used in the 1st cross, but C99 was created by crossing Princess with a Princess 94 male. To recreate it they just used a brother of Princess 94, another male from the Princess 94 batch of seeds no?
Highly doubtful that those seeds would have been viable. I know for a fact that Soul bought up clones and seeds of all his old stuff when making his comeback because I know some of the people he bought from. I can't just be posting details in a public forum because I don't know what kind of NDAs might be attached to those transactions and don't want to cause trouble for any of the sellers.
Its on The Pot Cast (Soundcloud) featuring Mr Soul Brothers Grim where he says he used Princess 94's brother from the original Princess 94 seeds.

Yeah but that's still Soul, so.... believe him if you want, I guess. Just keep in mind that people aren't always who their public persona portrays them to be, especially in an industry built from the ground up, in large part, on hype and bullshit. Someone can have a hand in making amazing contributions to the gene pool and still be a shitty person. Happens A LOT.
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Good luck separating truth from fiction while still believing in weed heroes. Yes, old seeds can definitely be popped if stored properly, etc. Doesn't mean P94 was. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. One question though, how exactly do "we all know" anything about anyone's character without actually dealing with them? There are a lot respected people who genuinely suck. I don't know Duke, so I don't mean to imply anything about him because I don't know shit about him that isn't based off second and third-hand information. But I do know what I know about some others or I wouldn't say it. There are plenty of people in the cannabis industry as a whole, and the seed business in particular, who are "famous" and have been pushed in High Times magazines and shit like that that aren't even real growers. Just marketers. There are a lot of "legends" who made their way up the ladder by screwing people over. I've personally been fucked over by some of them along the way. There are also wonderful people who aren't in the spotlight at all and are only really known to a few people but have made unimaginable contributions to the evolution of this plant without ever needing or wanting attention for it. Anyway, I'd honestly take C99 from every single one of those other breeders I mentioned than from Bros. Grimm at this point. There's a reason Duke doesn't work with Soul anymore and there are reasons why many banks won't carry his stuff. You're welcome to dig for all that background info if you feel like it. I'm not going to speak on it anymore. My whole point of even posting on this thread was to correct the misinformation about Frost Brothers supposedly running Brothers Grimm at some point, which definitely never happened, though he did make some really nice C99 f4 seeds from two different phenos once upon a time.
Dude I am not watching telethon videos and definitely not interviews I've seen before. What is the point of this exactly?
People with passion for genetics or breeders might have gained valuable history on genetics and lineage who followed this thread is the point, but I'll delete the info.
It's not my thread or anything. Do what you want. I just didn't understand why you quoted me and posted those videos.
Well im confused. One is "Purple Kush" by Saskatchewan the other is "Purpura Uno CBD" which Canuk claims they created. Screenshot_20210207-093903_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20210207-093921_Chrome.jpg
What Mr. Soul says and what really happened are rarely the same thing. Princess (the mother of C99) was from the seed found in the Jack Herer. C99 was made by crossing a Shiva Skunk male to Princess and then BXing multiple times ("cubing"). I wasn't there but have been told by multiple people who should know that Soul never really worked with the plants himself, even in the first incarnation of Bros. Grimm. Sly was the breeder. Soul was the marketing guy. At least that's how I've heard it from several people I trust.
That's BS!
Yeah but that's still Soul, so.... believe him if you want, I guess. Just keep in mind that people aren't always who their public persona portrays them to be, especially in an industry built from the ground up, in large part, on hype and bullshit. Someone can have a hand in making amazing contributions to the gene pool and still be a shitty person. Happens A LOT.
Instead of hating on successful people, try it yourself. You publicly call Rick a lier based on what hearsay tells you. How lame is that bra?
Instead of hating on successful people, try it yourself. You publicly call Rick a lier based on what hearsay tells you. How lame is that bra?
I know Rick's a liar, thanks, and with a lot more assurance and specificity than anything posted here. And you and I apparently have different ideas of what "successful" means. Not really sure whay you felt the need to reply to an old-ass comment, but kindly piss off.
Had 1 seed the , White Widow from Canuk , grow for a year now off and on everyone that's tried it loves it ,produces 1/2 lbs per plant on a bad run , only down fall is that strain had a mag def ,or at lease that seed did
What are you talking about? How does a seed have a mag deficiency? The colyden leaves have enough nutrient for the first 2 weeks, after that it is your responsibility to give it what it needs. If it had a CAL/MAG deficiency that is your problem, not the seeds problem. You failed to add adequate Calmag for the plants uptake. Or you hit it with to much light and the plant used so much Mag that you started to have Red stems and Calmag issues and that’s still your fault. Stop blaming the seeds for your poor performance simp.
That gg4 looks very nice but I haven't seen gg4 show that purple.
also did you pay over 150$ for 12 seeds?
Sorry but that is not the true GG#4 cut, It’s not purple. It’s a knockoff version that they created. Stop buying strains that weren’t created by the Breeder. Your just getting all these knockoff version strains. If I call Joesy Whales and ask him did you sell a Clone of your GG#4 to Canuk he will say No I did not. Joesy Whales is the creator of that cut. If you want the real cut go directly to him but I promise your not paying $77 for 7 seeds. That’s evidence of its low quality. He doesn’t even have it in seed form. Only as a cut.
Keep buying your seeds from knockoff breeders who do nothing but regurgitate others work.
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Canuk seeds has a 75% off sale and I went kinda crazy and bought up a ton of genetics and I’m on week five of bud on the second run of new strains. They are all fire. I had trouble getting first 3 to crack, I put them in water and brought them out 18 hrs after and put them back into paper towel. A site suggested sanding down the seeds with sandpaper wound around a pen and just tape it and put seeds in and cover with both sides and shake lightly. it’s sands the sides of the shell down and makes it easier for water to get iin and start the germination. After that, I sanded them all and had tails sticking out in 12 to 24 hours on all of them. Great seeds! Guessing they were ok’d stick they were getting rid of but I had no problems other than the first 3 i didn’t sand down. I gu ss you can teach an old dog a new tric! Anyways Canuk seeds are awesome, with genetics any garden would be proud to have. Get on tgst sale if you want cheap seeds just remember to sand the seeds and they will all germinate!