Can't wait for Harvest!

:leaf:grow weed, smoke weed.... how we do things!!!

Grow So here is a video and some pictures of my baby's. There doing grate with the help of Meany people here. They have come a long way in just 54 days and are now starting to bud =).This is my first outdoor grow. Never have grown indoors either. The white spots you will see on the plants is the sulfur spray I hit them with for PM. Anyways,here ya go. any suggestions are welcome…..

[video=youtube;ti8eK3ncKQc]  [/video]



Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Your still in pre-flower tho. You will have to wait till they looks something like this...26 004.jpg
The your in flowering. Keep your head high. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No there the same thing, but pre-flowering and flowering (budding) are. Pre-flowering really starts before you even see any pistils and goes until you have about 12-24 pistils poking out of each top node on your branch. The plant will then start stacking up "buds" or Calyx's pistil2.jpg.
No there the same thing, but pre-flowering and flowering (budding) are. Pre-flowering really starts before you even see any pistils and goes until you have about 12-24 pistils poking out of each top node on your branch. The plant will then start stacking up "buds" or Calyx's .

thanks for the insight =D