Can't tell if female or male


Well-Known Member
Well i would not go and cull this thing just yet curious how old is it ???
I does look like balls forming but i always wondered how many cull to quick give it another week or 2 seriously be 100 percent positive ,, Can't imagine how many culled a female plant thinking it was a male
for instance my plant last week was showing me signs of being a male plant and was both unhappy and also happy as its one nice naturally growing plant with perfect structure if its being either male or female ..
If it was to be a male it might be a good stud, nice tight internodes , nice bush lateral branching etc growth rates fast but not overly 5th - 6th week veg and today the plant decided to spread its legs only to show me its a women :)
I just voted you "most likely to fuck a tranny."
Thanks for all the input guys , I ended up transplanting it into a forest hella far away from my house, I got 1feminized early miss auto flower at around 4 weeks old and multiple other strains in my backyard, I was sad to get rid of my biggest one but at least I have some plants that are doing good. Happy harvests :)
I feel the same exact way man. I ended up just pulling mine & dumping it into a trash bag. It killed me to do so.