Can't seem to pinpoint lack of, or abundance of, Nutrients.

It is nute burn. Hydro is very easy for this to happen, especially because you don't have ec metre. The overdose of nutes has most probably caused other problems. An overdose of anyone element will almost certainly lead to a lack of another nutrient. All these problems on here (this forum) are very rarely just down to one problem.
Your ph is to high. 5.5- 5.8 is a better range. The tips of your leafs are burnt, which would definitely suggest nute burn, the leafs on the bottom are showing several different symptoms. Mg deficiency potassium deficiency.
It is a fine line between deficiency and toxicity in terms of symptoms. A lack of one nutrient or an overdose of another can have the same affect.
If in doubt, flush it out. That is what I was always told. Gets rid of the crap and salts and everything else not needed by the plant, then you can start again with the feeding and build it up gradually and hopefully everything will be much better.


Boomer, how EXCATLY should I go about flushing? It's been mentioned several times, and I have gathered I can do it with plain water, but a lot of the videos show conflicting info, and I'm not sure how to best go about accomplishing it. Do I just put fresh, Plain, water in the pot and let it sit, or do I run it over the roots continuiously (this seems like a waste of water)

I have a ppm tester, cal-mag and root dip on the way. I also bought a cheapie note book which I'm going to use to chart the nutes/reactions over time for future use, and for this plant too. I suppose I'll start to treat it like the lab experiments I did in college *-* only this time it'll be fun!

Last night the ph went from a high 6-7 ph down to a clean 6.0 so I left it there. I want to see if it'll be the same this next change too in which case I can just drop it a tiny bit and see if that'll help.


Well-Known Member
To flush you would just put the water in your reservior like you would with the nuted water and let her drink plain water for 12 hours. Then add the nutes to the water. Use less than you did before and add the Magnesium. You know you can get Epsom salt for the Magnesium and sulfur. I like to use Cal mag because it has Calcium as well.

Once you see that she doesn't have any tip burns, then you know that she can handle a bit more. Increase a lil by little. Once you see a slight tip burn you know your slightly too far so then you back off a bit and stay at that path. Your leaves will tell you what she wants ;)


Oh tester came today with the calmag. Ppm was way to low! Poor plant, I had no idea. I'll update you guys with its happy cheerfulness once it perks up. I'll be keeping my eye on the ph levels too. Thank you so much for the advice, I'm hoping I can put it to good use.

What is ideal ppm range? I was just following the schedule from foxfarm