Can't get it right, nutes


Well-Known Member
whats the ppm/EC and ph of your source water... are you on well water or city

if on well water are you prone to iron or sulfur
sulfur stinks like rotten eggs when you turn the shower on
iron turns your sidewalk orange when you water your yard

if you don't have over 400ppm in your water and as long as the ph range is 6 - 8 I would be concerned

if you had calcium in your water you could just void the cal mag


Well-Known Member
when you switch to 12/12

feed veg nutes for first 2 weeks then switch to this
per gallon
2ml grow
4ml micro
6ml bloom
1.5ml kool bloom
o.25 grams per gallon Epsom salt
1ml cal mag


Well-Known Member
spray your crop 1x per week every week until week 4 of flower

30ml silica blast
30ml azamax

combined in 1 gallon of water



Well-Known Member
when you switch to 12/12

feed veg nutes for first 2 weeks then switch to this
per gallon
2ml grow
4ml micro
6ml bloom
1.5ml kool bloom
o.25 grams per gallon Epsom salt
1ml cal mag
Dosed her with something similar to this, just barley lighter, and forgot I had some powder cal mag!! Through that in and did it with distilled water this time and the girls are looking perky and loving it, no signs of burn yet after 2 nights. I think the water I have in tap is hard and was adding too much of something so starting at 0 ppm may be needed going forward. Got to get that lush green color back now.


Well-Known Member
I would give 24 hours dark to let em rest. This always seems to help when I have plants that are stressed. I'd agree with im4satori in that it looks like a magnesium deficiency. I would give a feed with 4ml per gallon of calmag, and 2ml per gallon of some grow nutes, as they don't look far enough along to really need bloom nutes.

Just make note of what you do, and you will at least have a better idea what to do, or what not to do, the next time something like this occurs.


Well-Known Member sorry
did I give you bloom formula while your looking for veg?

I will also post the veg formula


Well-Known Member
I would feed veg nutes up until 2 weeks into 12/12 and then switch to flower nutes

the first formula is the flower

the second is veg