Cant get help.

Hello all again. Sry if this is the wrong place to post this---- But i have a serious question and would be of great help to me. Well iv been looking for someone to talk too about my inpulse anger problem iv tryed therapists and anger management and other options and i get the same respons from em all pretty much telling me thay wont help me cuz im a cannabis user. i tell em i use it to help me slow down my thinking and to help me not act b4 i think when my anger goes off. and thay say well we cant help you and till u quit if i did do that then thay put me on pills that do more harm then good and even make it worse. i am in fear that if i cant find somebody to talk too that things may get out of hand im trying my ass offf to find help and there is none i live in Minnesota if any one can help. It would be a lot of help
sad to say i cant keep up on how much it costs to keep my self medicated. Thanks Every one for takeing the time to read this


Active Member
I wish I had some good advice for you dude. Stay strong. Don't tell doctors you smoke pot. Check out some anger management programs. Learn to recognize your triggers so you can walk away before things get out of hand. Lastly, maybe ask around with organizations that help re-integrate criminals after incarceration. Even if that isn't you, they might have a line on some free therapy or counseling. Good luck :peace:
man i got so much that need to be talked about like why do i have these anger problems and why do i act b4 i think.
i tired of haveing violent thoughts. i just whanna be at peace with my self and dont kow how to start that journy i know talking is a start and it a work or progress. but to get down to it i get mad really mad at the smallist of things like sayyy if i trip over shoes or some one says some thing wrong or if my dog bark or if i cant find keys it just wont stop i dont use any thing els only sweet left cuz it calms me down and is harmless i am just clueless on how to keep going in this day and age i aint NEVER thought about off my self soo now worries peeps i thin that selfish act imo

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That is bullshit that a licensed therapist won't help you because you smoke pot.

They counsel drinkers, cutters, sex addicts and the such all the time.. They don't tell THEM to stop their behaviors immediately or no counseling.

To refuse to treat someone because they smoke pot is unprofessional.
i cant help but to be open with people i really see nothing wrong with cannabis so i open to tell plp about me useing it and to be denied help is BS i thought i could tell em any thing and get help Guess i was wrong What a fucked up world


Well-Known Member
if no troll, then learn to meditate, join a boxing gym and have access to heavy bags and people that can kick your ass. Most likely troll is successful though.


Staff member
inner peace comes within strides,

-do 1 good deed everyday, help an old lady cross the street, help someone pick up something
- eat healthy and properly,
-avoid, alcohol, drugs ect
-take walks to clear your mind
- count to 10 while breathing!

realize who you can count on!
- check your network, what type of friends do you have? who is someone you can lean on in tough times, if your friends are all about being the cool gangster wannabe who shit talks and gets into fights maybe you need to rethink your friendships

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to agree with Robfather on this. Keep your cannabis history to yourself. If they prescribe medication make sure you research the shit out of it. If you don't like the medication they prescribe then ask for an alternative. It's your body and you know better than anyone else what works and what doesn't. Also, try some holistic methods. But, sadly, keep the cannabis smoking to yourself. Lastly and most importantly, if you don't like your therapist then fire him. Find someone you're comfortable with and challenges you. A good therapist will constantly push you. That's a good thing. Get thee to a therapist. By hook or by crook. If you have to lie then lie. But, you must also consider whether cannabis is contributing to your problem or hindering your progress in some way. You might have to make a decision to quit. A good therapist will give you the tools you need to cope with your issue. After months of therapy you can make the decision to keep toking or to quit. By that time you will have the knowledge and experience to make an intelligent adult choice.


Well-Known Member
To the OP I say fuck them and medicate yourself.

Start growing yourself some cannabis. If they wont help then help yourself. If you ever just need to vent let me know. I've got nothing but time.

I wouldn't be where I am today without this plant.


Well-Known Member
Oh I just thought of this!

A great stress reliever is some good ol fashioned sex! Go get ya some booty! ;)


Staff member
i could give out the names of the plp that wouldnt help me but i dont know if thats crossing the line or not
what is confusing to me, is those mental health professionals deal with drug users all the time there MUST be something you're not telling us. I used to be a heroin/cocaine/speed/mdma/ ect ect drug user and they never turned me down


Well-Known Member
what is confusing to me, is those mental health professionals deal with drug users all the time there MUST be something you're not telling us. I used to be a heroin/cocaine/speed/mdma/ ect ect drug user and they never turned me down
Come on sunni look at you! Who is going to turn you down ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, giving OP benefit of the doubt... OP, keep trying more therapists until you find one that will take you... there's no legitimate reason to refuse treatment because you smoke weed... so fuck that doc. There are many fish in the sea, as they say.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
All the suggestions seem pretty good.

Work out, join a boxing gym, jog, smoke pot and grow your own.

If something pisses you off to the point you think about hitting something or someone, leave the room and go for a long walk.

If there are people in your life that won't stop pushing your buttons, don't have them in your life anymore.

Surround yourself with supportive people, but not enablers. You need someone to say "chill man" or "hey let's get the fuck outta here" when you get overworked. People who will be by you as you work through it, and will also let you know when you cross the line.