.....cant find "root" of problem :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
90 is a little too much unless you're running cO2.
Thanks so much guys for the help!

I have been testing the PH twice daily (morning and night since a week old) as I had read elsewhere that the dwc method can have fairly quick and dramatic PH changes. The PH has ever only left the 5.8-6 zone (went to 6.8) in the very beginning when I first began to add my nute mix.

I try to keep the ppm measurement around 800 max as this is my first plant cycle.

As for the Heat, there is about a good foot of cool/pleasant air above the plant tops before the heat of lamp can be felt.

The small yellow patches appear to be on the lower leaves but also randomly scattered on the sativas, but the indica seems to have the main issue on the older leaves. the older leaves are also dark green and lack elascticty. So magnesium issue might make sense here?

As for the sativas, they are in the same container which is 36" by 18" and they are spilt with a divider which breaks above the root line they cant tanlge so water and air flows around the entire container without the roots being able to get tangled.

i think the plants have alot of oxygen (bc the sativa contianer has a 60 gal double outlet air pump with 8 air stones on the bottom of the container. Indica as 1 20 gal pump with 3 air stones) and all the roots are soft, white and seem to be still growing well.

The main stems are very green with small white hairs and seems very strong on both plants. The smaller stems also seem strong and healthy and all plants have lots of new bright green leaf buds still growing.

The temp in the room is around 90 degrees, but has fairly high humidity (i live in a humid area) and the fan blows air right through the plants and below the lamp out of the door. so it doenst feel like 90.

I decided to completely flush each container with water and wipe of any excess minerals. I gently washed each plants roots with fresh water also before re-filling the containers and putting below 600ppm of nutrients.

I also raised the light by a foot and managed to get the temp to 78 by keeping windows open.

Re-tested Hp and set each container to 5.6 and moved plants slightly out of direct light from the hps.

Gonna go check on them in around mid day.


I really wanna find out whats causing this before my widow and black pearl come nxt week :confused: hope this works

thanks again guys!
90 is a little too much unless you're running cO2.

yeah i know, I have the makeshift CO2 going on (simple soda bottle method with tubing etc) into each container for now, but I really need to get that temp down. Luckily the temperature outside dropped about 20 degrees last night, so with the windows open the temp was about 70.

After flushing each plants roots individually and changing the entire contents of each container to below or around 600ppm with fresh water....they seem to be a little better this evening. The PH is stable at 5.7.

Strangely enough the plants all grew about 1.5-2 inches all round in the last 24 hours, even with this problem. the roots are also bright white after flushing and seem to have added a good 3/4 inches.

The yellow has progressed just slightly making the tips of the middle aged leaves (lol) slightly yellow and curl, but the new ones - no problems.

Overall they seem to have stabalized and are still growing. I'm debating whether to do another flush though just to make sure ....:confused:

Ok so its been over 24 hours since I flushed the plants and all that, and it seemed to be getting better, but now i'm not sure. The indica is much much worse than the sativas (not even sure they have the same problem).

Took some more pics - higher res pics. thought it might make things easier.

First 4 are from the Indica. Last is Sativas.

Pic 1 : sorry for the slightly orange glow from the hps, but as you can clearly see the leaf discoloration.

Pic 2 : here is one of the "mid level" leaves close up

Pic 3 : This is from the top of the Indica. these leaves were relatively fine prior to flushin yesterday, but now they seem to be suffering from some defciency. ?

Pic 4. the worst leaf by far on her, located right at the bottom of the plant. Took it off to take a pic.

Pic 5. this is the sativa, as you can see NO WHERE NEAR the same problems the indica has, but still concerning. The tips are slightly brown and curl down

Im at a loss right now...flushing didnt help. I reduced temp to 70, light is now 3 feet above tops. Roots are white.


hay ther monkey.......... it's lite burn! raise that lite up asap. i just caught it on my girls and a budy of mine got that same look as you but he had much much worse. the sooner you raise it the better. when it's heat the leaves curl under like cat finger nails. that yellowing on top of the leaf is burning from the lite.
hay ther monkey.......... it's lite burn! raise that lite up asap. i just caught it on my girls and a budy of mine got that same look as you but he had much much worse. the sooner you raise it the better. when it's heat the leaves curl under like cat finger nails. that yellowing on top of the leaf is burning from the lite.
Thanks bud, gonna go do that right now. is worth a shot


Well-Known Member
It looks environmental to me, I think controlling your environment ought to be the most important thing for you! Ventilation is most important! Obviously be certain that your nute perimiters and ph are where they need to be.

Good luck,

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hay ther monkey.......... it's lite burn! raise that lite up asap. i just caught it on my girls and a budy of mine got that same look as you but he had much much worse. the sooner you raise it the better. when it's heat the leaves curl under like cat finger nails. that yellowing on top of the leaf is burning from the lite.
THANK YOU!!! :hug:
THANK YOU!!! :hug:
Thanks so much guys! finally figured it out after the suggestion about the light. Went to the room, stared at plants for 5 mins, lit up a :joint: and it suddenly made sense!

Mylar was crimpling and denting with the fan causing heat spots to reflect on the leaves. Took mylar down, put the fan outside the room facing in (blowing cooler air in rather than just warm air out).....no more burning! Fresh batch of leaves all over plants this evening with no yellowing etc!

I love you guys:hug: