Can't find a good site...

Couldn't be any newer - just created account 4 minutes ago!

I've been reading posts for quite some time now and learning all I can. I'm a pretty adept gardener, but this is "little different" isn't it? I live in the middle of the God Forsaken Midwest and for a 100's of mile radius is nothing but farms and private land. There is literally a farm house, road, police station, asshole, etc. every 1/4 of mile. I've been Google Earthing it, first hand on foot scouting and pretty well convinced there isn't a place secluded enough to make me super comfortable

My question: Has anyone ever grown up in a tree? I know it will be a bit more work and I think I can work out some of the technicalities. If it is possible the locations around will suit in my opinion. I'm sure it's been discussed before and I have spent a lot of time using search options but I'm not finding any answers. Either some tips and anecdotes from those that have given it a shot or a link to previous posts would be awesome.
Woa thats an awesome idea. But how exactly do you want to try an set it up? With bags of dirt and boards to support them? I think you could make a really awesome pulley system with water buckets, or even a way to collect rain for a drip system. By the way like dangerouseknowledge said about the risk, I would be really careful about neighbors especially in the midwest. I don't know what state you live in but I've heard shit where Midwest states lock people up for like a thousand years just smelling like weed. Check your state laws before you debate this further. But if you do decide, post some pics because I think growing up in a tree would be an awesome accomplishment. Sorry I don't have more info to help you.


Well-Known Member
I have tried it before,back in highschool. to make a long story short, I will never waste the time again.
Just to understand how my thinking gets "up in the trees": Saw a friend climbing a tree with his telephone pole climbing gear - he was up to the top in like a minute totally safely. Also I live in area where I rarely if ever water my vegetable garden. Last year I threw the extra tomato starts I didn't plant on a table in the garden. Three months later they were on thier sides still alive and flowereing with absolutely no care. Here there is nothing but the farmer's fields and sections of hardwood forest that are sometime hundreds of acres. And the biggest sets of woods are always on steep hillsides - to steep to plow so they get left alone. Otherwise, they would be another f^%ing cornfield. Not too many like to walk the woods when they're that steep.

Dangerousknowledge - Would love to move just to establish here. Used to live in the SW and it's amazing place, they actually have National Forests and something unheard of here PUBLIC LAND! This site is a bad influence.

This site is a bad influence. Too many good stories makes your mind "go places"! ;)


Well-Known Member
Just to understand how my thinking gets "up in the trees": Saw a friend climbing a tree with his telephone pole climbing gear - he was up to the top in like a minute totally safely. Also I live in area where I rarely if ever water my vegetable garden. Last year I threw the extra tomato starts I didn't plant on a table in the garden. Three months later they were on thier sides still alive and flowereing with absolutely no care. Here there is nothing but the farmer's fields and sections of hardwood forest that are sometime hundreds of acres. And the biggest sets of woods are always on steep hillsides - to steep to plow so they get left alone. Otherwise, they would be another f^%ing cornfield. Not too many like to walk the woods when they're that steep.

Dangerousknowledge - Would love to move just to establish here. Used to live in the SW and it's amazing place, they actually have National Forests and something unheard of here PUBLIC LAND! This site is a bad influence.

This site is a bad influence. Too many good stories makes your mind "go places"! ;)

So plant on the hills where no one walks? thats probably a better idea than growing up a tree.
Not the best idea obviously. Something that might be possible but more likely way more hassle than it's worth. Gonna have to work out something smart and nothing stoopid. Not trying to go all out, just want a hobby w/ benefits. Have a green thumb, but tomatoes just aren't all that cool.

I posted again just to say Thanks For the Responses.


Well-Known Member
u have all winter to think about it and come up with somthing smart it never hurts to come on and ask if ur not shure we all do it were all learning


Well-Known Member
lols u guys are talking about climbing. No offense i can climb on a tree and go up pretty fast. For some reason i can even climb up on lighting poles pretty high and not fall off. Anyways u ask if ppl grow on trees i remember seeing a thread on RIU, someone growing on a tree.