Can't Figure out what the Problem is? (picture)

Picture shows three different leaves with the same problem. I've tried adding CalMag, which has solved my nutrient deficiency problems in the past, but has had no effect this time. There are NO bugs/pests in the plants. If it helps, the leaves are dying off like the ones in the picture in only a certain area of the canopy. Also, in this area, the plants are not too close to the light.

Help is much appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
It helps to get good answers if you post what you are growing in and what you are feeding it, also how much you are feeding it.
It helps to get good answers if you post what you are growing in and what you are feeding it, also how much you are feeding it.
Strain: Flo (hybrid variety)
Nutrients: Flora series (FloraGro, FloraMicro, FloraBloom, LiquidKoolbloom, Floralicious Plus) at 1200 ppm (currently in week 7 overall). I mainly follow this schedule as it had worked for me thus far.

Also, I've very careful about keeping my pH around 6.0.


Well-Known Member
Stop giving cal mag you are making it worst even if it is hard to get toxicity from micro nutes it is very possible.The best solution to your problem is to give you plant(s) plain ph water (6.5) and let run off.Your Ph is either too high or too low (too high most often) which is causing a manganese lockout.Are your leaves rough too?
Thanks HotShot I'll try this out. I do flush my plants out with plain pH water weekly for one day as well, drain the fresh water and add the next week of nutrients.

The leaves as shown in the picture are rough and will fall apart to the touch. It's kind of weird because the discolored leaves are only in a certain region of my you think any factors might contribute to this area of discoloration?


Well-Known Member
Molybdenum in Biology - An Essential Trace Element

Molybdenum in plants and soils

Molybdenum is essential to plant growth as a component of the enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrogenase. Legumes need more molybdenum than other crops, such as grass or corn, because the symbiotic bacteria living in the root nodules of legumes require molybdenum for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. If insufficient molybdenum is available nodulation will be retarded and the amount of nitrogen fixed by the plant will be limited. If other factors are not limiting the amount of molybdenum will determine the amount of nitrogen fixed by the plant. Increasingly vigorous plant growth, higher protein contents and greater buildup of nitrogen in the plant and soil accompany nodulation and symbiotic microbial activity.

It looks like nutrient lockout for sure of some sort.

looks like ph lock out, are u testing your soil or just the water? that was my mistake....
I just test the water after mixing nutrients. Its hydroton rock pebbles in Waterfarm recirculating hydro system so I though there was no need to test this??

I circle the area of the canopy that is yellowing, this was a week ago so now its significantly more yellow
