Cannot get cuttings to root. This is my 6th time i need some experties :(

I thought everyone hated bully cops. And loved marijuana roots! :-)
Such a great memory. Don't want to hijack this thread. I need to put it together and because I enjoyed it so much I may have to take a couple of days to make sure I don't embellish to much. Wish I had a video of my face when it happened. This cop was a guy who intimidated me and I was probably the happiest guy in the room when it happened.
Just my F*cking luck!! Il place it in the propagator and see if that changes anything :(

Finally got it in the 80s. By just placing the thermo in the propagator Got myself a £10 mister aswell just incase. Temps are around 20degrees and humidity in the 80s. Touch wood i see roots in around 2 weeks :D
Finally got it in the 80s. By just placing the thermo in the propagator Got myself a £10 mister aswell just incase. Temps are around 20degrees and humidity in the 80s. Touch wood i see roots in around 2 weeks :D
If you still have trouble after this I would try non dechlorinated tap water or water with clear rez/non buffered pool shock I've hear of people having issues with bad bacteria during cloning and this fixing their poor rooting rates.
Are you

Really struggling to master the trick of getting clones/cuttings to root. I use a 8wt heated propagator along with a single t5 bulb. I use either root riots or jiffy pellets to put my clones in. I cut with a sterile blade at 45degrees and place straight into clonex rooting hormone as soon as there cut. They are left in there for around 5mins then transferred into the jiffys or the root sponges. I then cut of access leaves from the sides. Then i lightly spray the lid of the propagator and also the plant itself...after 4-5days they have either drooped dramatically or they look strong until i have a little look in the plugs and not even a sign of a single root forming. What am i doing wrong? Advise much appreciated as i have tried a few other techniques and none are workin
hey bud! Are ya using a dome? I just saw a thread today on icmag with some other approach with chlorine or tap water phd. Might help.
I thought everyone hated bully cops. And loved marijuana roots! :-)
Figured it was quiet here and I would post the story here. If it is uncool to do and the OP wants it removed I'll have it deleted, no worries.

I spent yesterday pondering what to say. So many things came up and I said to myself, no not a good idea. Maybe another time ;).

First I need to say I wish only the best for the police officer that I will call cop or the guy from LA in the story. I met his wife and children and I have always liked them and wish him and them the best. Maybe he is a good cop maybe he was not, maybe intimidation was only a tactic he used at the poker table to throw off his opponents. It was a useful tool for him. It worked against me when I 1st came to town. I dreaded seeing him in the poker room when I showed up. I got over it in time and it strenghtened me against his type so in some way he helped me. By the time the incident happened in 1999 me and the cop got along fine and his tactic would benefit me. The person he was pulling it on would get rattled and I would reap the benefits and he never messed with me anymore.

Everybody gets called out at some point.
I just erased a lot of stuff lol.
Time for me to take a break and get stoned. At the Bellagio we would walk out to the parking garage and get stoned and hang out. Security was our friend, we showed 100% respect to tourists and never had a problem, the President of the Bellagio was a poker player.

About the cop. He is 5'11 and has the shape of a guy you would not want to mess with. He is about 55 in 1999 when this happened.
The move the cop is about to pull on the guy who wants to sit down in the 3 seat at a 7 card stud poker game is a classic move of his.

The guy who wants to sit down is an awesome guy. I hope he is still around or had a great life. A gentle giant. A fun guy to play poker with. Also a man that can have a serious side and you might say there were days when you knew it was not a good day to talk to him. He was a retired professional wrestler, well known from the late 60's. He was about 60 years old at the time in 1999. I'm guessing on the ages but he was definitly 5 to 7 years older than the cop. Wrestling may be fake but you can not say these guys were not strong. I think in a fight the wrestler who can probably still lift a guy in the air and crush him would be a tough opponent and could still do some serious damage at 60 years old.

1999 at the Bellagio. Visualize a 7 card stud table in vegas. It seats 8 people. The 1, 2,4,5,7,8 seats are comfortable. 3 and 6 get squeezed in. I was in the 8 seat, the dealer was on my left. The table had 7 players and the 3 seat is open. The cop is in the 4 seat but half of his body is in the 3 seat and his body is angled facing me in the 8 seat.

The wrestler gave a look to the dealer without saying anything. The dealer knew what he wanted, some room. The dealer politely asked the cop to move. He made the mistake of not looking up and still facing me slid over some but not enough. The wrestler looked at him and said can you move. The cop still not looking up starts to mumble something and finally looks up after he already had mumbled two or three words. After he saw who it was he gave the guy room to sit down.
It was over except several seconds later the cop mumbled something. Bad timing. The wrestler looked at him and said something to the tune of. I'm tired of your shit, If you have a problem let's me and you take it outside.
It was a win/win for me at that moment.
If the cop stood up. I win!
If the cop stayed in his seat. I win!
He stayed in his seat in front of the entire poker room.
I stayed as poker faced as I could and stayed around for a couple of hands until I could get far away from the table to LMFAO!
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Really struggling to master the trick of getting clones/cuttings to root. I use a 8wt heated propagator along with a single t5 bulb. I use either root riots or jiffy pellets to put my clones in. I cut with a sterile blade at 45degrees and place straight into clonex rooting hormone as soon as there cut. They are left in there for around 5mins then transferred into the jiffys or the root sponges. I then cut of access leaves from the sides. Then i lightly spray the lid of the propagator and also the plant itself...after 4-5days they have either drooped dramatically or they look strong until i have a little look in the plugs and not even a sign of a single root forming. What am i doing wrong? Advise much appreciated as i have tried a few other techniques and none are workin
Get a heating pad, cannabis roots best from 75-80F
How warm do they get? Maybe getting to warm? Is this your first try? The one's that look good still do you leave them in for a while longer? Usually it takes longer than 4-5 days to see roots.

I control every environmental factor in my clone space and see my first roots in 3-5 days with at least 90% of strains.

The first thing I noticed is that you didn't mention anything about exposing the cambion layer (I think I'm spelling that right). Most scrape the skin a bit but like to grip and peel back the leaf and top at the node that I want to root at. The cambion layer has the cells that are able to become differentiated and then turn into roots and the node has concentrations of growth hormones that help with the process.

Also the op didn't mention anything about temps. Ideally you want to keep the temp steady at what ever temp you settle on. Some growers prefer low seventies, high seventies or even into the eighties or somewhere in between in the mid seventies. I've heard that some strains, like the more tropical sativas, root better with warmer temps but I haven't experimented with it. I keep mine at 74°f.

Since they'll also root faster if they're heated from the bottom I use propagation heat mats with digital thermostats to warm them to 74°f and keep the space they're in a few degrees cooler so that the heat mats will cycle on more often.

I'm curious about what you're talking about when you say "8w heated propagator". I assume one of the little tray/done kits but I'm not sure. Are you using the clonex gel? If you are then you don't need to worry about leaving them in it. Just dipping them coats the cutting with enough gel to get the job done. If it's the liquid you're using it doesn't actually have any rooting hormones and is actually just meant give them the minimum of macro/micro nutrients to get them through the process. Are you adjusting the ph of the water you use in the trays? I've heard if plenty of people not doing it without a problem but I've always adjusted my ph to 6.0.

I'm sure I'm repeating what a few people have already said here. I didn't take the time to read past this post. I struggled with rooting cuttings for awhile but after some time I learned the basics and figured the things that improve on the rooting time and now I get most strains to start showing roots in that 3-5 days and usually start potting up the first ones on day 5 or 6 and the last ones in day 7 or 8 with around 90-100% success with that 90% or so of strains. There are some stubborn ones that just take longer and hardly ever do better 80%, though.
Regarding the 8w heated propagator, put it on a timer, something like 15min on 30min off works in winter.
Problem is without a thermostat and with the dome on the heat gets a bit too warm at the root zone.
I only use them in winter but it should help maintain a reasonable temp. Better option is a good heat mat with thermostat which will be more consistent but you can work with what you have.

How we do

Well its a propagator but does have a dome...can you post the link
why not plant and finish?
Going to finish the solo cup water grow as far as I can.
4 weeks 2 days since flip.
I change the water occasionally. Sometimes RO. sometimes cal/mag+ and possibly some Epsom salt. Also once or twice I gave them half tap (500ppms) and half RO.
Haven't kept track of what water they sit in at any given time. They get misted with the items above randomly. They sit 48" from the 600W hps bulb at an angle on a table.
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I've kind of developed my own method w/ bits and pieces from others, focused on the water. I just put them in a dome, no heat mat, no fancy mister and it works great, I get about 85-90% success rates consistently, in fact, they usually all take, though a couple might linger past 14 days.

try to take cuttings when your mother is getting dry, right before you water her. I have no scientific support, just experience implying it's efficacy (maybe a cut full of water and food won't work as hard to build roots as fast because it's satisfied?iunno) immediately place them in water and let them sit for at least a few minutes to prevent embolism, then scrape off the outer layer of the bottom inch of the stem that will be submerged in your medium, exposing the cambium to facilitate rapid rooting.

after scraping the stems, place cuttings in a strain labeled solo cup of ALOE water (explained below) with 1/4 strength nutes -ph 5.8-6.2 - with npk more like 2-2-2, or 2-3-2 for lower ppm, instead of standard 3-1-2 for veg - but definitely no more than 1/4 the ppm of your veg food. this will give plenty of phosphorus for rooting, if it's diluted low enough ppm not to cause harm. and the aloe is like magic, this post is gonna be long enough, I'll let you Google aloe and rooting cannabis for yourself. since I've started using it over a year ago with low strength, high phosphorus 6 ph water, I've had far better success rates and I don't even look at clonex or any other rooting hormones anymore. but the soaking step is possibly what made the biggest difference besides the aloe itself; I'm not sure what's going on but once I started soaking my cuttings in for a few days, my success rates skyrocketed. clearly there's a reason,I could guess, but I'm not going to pretend to know.

to clarify ALOE water:
mix 1/4 strength, high phosphorus nutes in a gallon jug of water, ph to around 6, THEN pour half a cup of this nute mix into a blender with a chunk of aloe that's at least as big as your index and middle finger combined (I have yet to discover an upper limit, I've used 3 times this much before with no I'll effects, but it seemed redundant) blend until the aloe is well dispersed and no longer chunky (there will probly still be chunks no matter what though), return aloe mix to the rest of the jug, and shake well before using it (and plan to use it within a few days, or aerate it) now you have clone water. there's chunks in it and it's thick, and your babies will love it. in fact you should try aloe at all stages of growth...

moving on. leave your cuttings in their labeled solo cup of aloe/nutrient water for 2-5 days or longer if your not in a hurry, changing the water every day or two, as it's stagnant. the longer I soak them seems to correlate to higher success rates, but keep in mind you're dragging out the process. if success rates are more important, soak them for 4 or 5 days. NOTE: you only need about an inch of aloe water in each cup, just enough to submerge the scraped parts of the cuttings.

now to set the clones.
I avoid rockwool and root plugs because you can scrape cloning solution off your cambium when forcing cuts into those little holes. instead, fill seed trays with straight coco and soak each seed tray with your aloe water. make sure the coco is saturated, you don't want to re-water until roots begin to show, because you can rinse away your rooting hormone(s). now, you can make as big of a hole as you need -unlike rockwool or root plugs - set your cuttings, and then tamp the coco in around the stem, rather than squeezing it in a hole and scraping off all your rooting gel. I suggest you use gel from the aloe leaf like clonex or rootek, it has rooting hormones which is why we're using it in the first place, it's natural, and it's far, far, far cheaper. if you don't do the above gel dipping step, then at least add another teaspoon or so of aloe/nute water after tamping clones in for good measure.
place in a dome and voila.

I see roots in as early as a week, usually by 12-16 days they all have roots growing through the bottom of the tray, which isn't as amazing as what some people claim, but it's no exaggeration, and I think some of them are full of shit. I certainly don't believe the guy saying he gets roots in 3-5 days, I've known dozens of seasoned growers and I've never heard of that. most growers I know can turn 2 ps per 1000 w no problem, but they still struggle with cloning and lose around a third of them every time and they can take 2-4 weeks from cut to transplant. A lot of people exaggerate their cloning success, don't let that affect your motivation. be patient and consistent and you'll find something that works for you.

also. DO NOT spray your clones with water, that's making them take longer to root, you want them to try and build roots to get water, not give it to them through the leaves. the humidity in the dome is enough moisture to fall back on.
aim for >90% and right around 80°F and I can't see your environment being the issue.

bon chance
I should also clarify that you need to filet the aloe before blending it. don't include the outer leaf - only the gel inside.
sorry that last post was way too long and all over the place. hope it helps
to OP,
8/10 in 2 weeks is superb for someone who thinks they have trouble cloning. you're doing better than the people on here who lie and say they get 10/10 in 5 days! congrats!

keep it up and don't get discouraged if you have a couple bad rounds or even if you lose an entire round of clones, because that's the experience. do your best to figure out what went wrong, learn from it and keep at it!