I thought everyone hated bully cops. And loved marijuana roots!
Figured it was quiet here and I would post the story here. If it is uncool to do and the OP wants it removed I'll have it deleted, no worries.
I spent yesterday pondering what to say. So many things came up and I said to myself, no not a good idea. Maybe another time

First I need to say I wish only the best for the police officer that I will call cop or the guy from LA in the story. I met his wife and children and I have always liked them and wish him and them the best. Maybe he is a good cop maybe he was not, maybe intimidation was only a tactic he used at the poker table to throw off his opponents. It was a useful tool for him. It worked against me when I 1st came to town. I dreaded seeing him in the poker room when I showed up. I got over it in time and it strenghtened me against his type so in some way he helped me. By the time the incident happened in 1999 me and the cop got along fine and his tactic would benefit me. The person he was pulling it on would get rattled and I would reap the benefits and he never messed with me anymore.
Everybody gets called out at some point.
I just erased a lot of stuff lol.
Time for me to take a break and get stoned. At the Bellagio we would walk out to the parking garage and get stoned and hang out. Security was our friend, we showed 100% respect to tourists and never had a problem, the President of the Bellagio was a poker player.
About the cop. He is 5'11 and has the shape of a guy you would not want to mess with. He is about 55 in 1999 when this happened.
The move the cop is about to pull on the guy who wants to sit down in the 3 seat at a 7 card stud poker game is a classic move of his.
The guy who wants to sit down is an awesome guy. I hope he is still around or had a great life. A gentle giant. A fun guy to play poker with. Also a man that can have a serious side and you might say there were days when you knew it was not a good day to talk to him. He was a retired professional wrestler, well known from the late 60's. He was about 60 years old at the time in 1999. I'm guessing on the ages but he was definitly 5 to 7 years older than the cop. Wrestling may be fake but you can not say these guys were not strong. I think in a fight the wrestler who can probably still lift a guy in the air and crush him would be a tough opponent and could still do some serious damage at 60 years old.
1999 at the Bellagio. Visualize a 7 card stud table in vegas. It seats 8 people. The 1, 2,4,5,7,8 seats are comfortable. 3 and 6 get squeezed in. I was in the 8 seat, the dealer was on my left. The table had 7 players and the 3 seat is open. The cop is in the 4 seat but half of his body is in the 3 seat and his body is angled facing me in the 8 seat.
The wrestler gave a look to the dealer without saying anything. The dealer knew what he wanted, some room. The dealer politely asked the cop to move. He made the mistake of not looking up and still facing me slid over some but not enough. The wrestler looked at him and said can you move. The cop still not looking up starts to mumble something and finally looks up after he already had mumbled two or three words. After he saw who it was he gave the guy room to sit down.
It was over except several seconds later the cop mumbled something. Bad timing. The wrestler looked at him and said something to the tune of. I'm tired of your shit, If you have a problem let's me and you take it outside.
It was a win/win for me at that moment.
If the cop stood up. I win!
If the cop stayed in his seat. I win!
He stayed in his seat in front of the entire poker room.
I stayed as poker faced as I could and stayed around for a couple of hands until I could get far away from the table to LMFAO!