Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

Soils can only buffer the pH for so long because the minerals that buffer the water eventually degrade and get absorbed. If you are growing in soil then, IMO, you should always try to keep your water and feeding solutions close to 6.5 pH. The only acceptation to this, that I'm aware of, is with fully organic grows.
I've read with my soil that I shouldn't ph it ig. I'm about to transfer to new bigger pots with fresh soil. Should I test the soil buffering like once a week?
Do you want help, or have you changed your mind and just want to know how that one person is feeding their plant?
Lol do you have a problem with my advice lol or are you just an asshole of course the guy wants help and I'd I could find a picture it looks exactly like my first and last ff trio grow it was purely my experience with ff soil. you dont have to get self conscious he replied to someone being nice and helpful instead of rude and conceded
Lol do you have a problem with my advice lol or are you just an asshole of course the guy wants help and I'd I could find a picture it looks exactly like my first and last ff trio grow it was purely my experience with ff soil. you dont have to get self conscious he replied to someone being nice and helpful instead of rude and conceded
I made that comment because nobody would be able to help them unless they provided more info. Why would I be self conscious about someone giving random advice without knowing the actual facts about the OPs grow? You are the only one being rude in this thread. Maybe if you took a second to read the advice I gave them, you would see I actually gave them some actual advice, instead of whatever it was you offered. There's nothing wrong with chatting, I was just trying to keep the OP on course to get actual helpful answers. Also, in case you missed it, they aren't using FF Trio, and Fox Farms have many different blends of soil. Happy Frog is very different than Ocean Forest.
I've read with my soil that I shouldn't ph it ig. I'm about to transfer to new bigger pots with fresh soil. Should I test the soil buffering like once a week?
If you do an all organic grow in it then you shouldn't need to. But, IMO, once you start using salt based nutrients you should. The reason they don't recommend pH up or down being used is because it can kill the beneficial bacteria that comes in the soil. There are still ways to adjust the pH of your water, though, without using those products.
If you do an all organic grow in it then you shouldn't need to. But, IMO, once you start using salt based nutrients you should. The reason they don't recommend pH up or down being used is because it can kill the beneficial bacteria that comes in the soil. There are still ways to adjust the pH of your water, though, without using those products.
How so. I know of the soil meter but that's the extent of my knowledge to be honest
How so. I know of the soil meter but that's the extent of my knowledge to be honest
I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you asking how to pH your water? Or how to do it without using regular old pH up/down? You can test the water/feeding solution pH with a pH meter or any decent pH test strip kit (amazon, home centers, and pet stores usually sell them). THIS artical gives tips on adjusting pH for organically grown plants.
Do you want help, or have you changed your mind and just want to know how that one person is feeding their plant?
Right here your being condescending and rude subletting me on accident when I was right he is having problems with another bullshit "ph balancing soil from ff" you will always have to maintain your ph yourself and I've ran into that with many fox farms brand materials you like is this not a community lol were supposed to be friendly here guy have discussions and learn ‍♂️ but i guess you one of those guys in the chat
I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you asking how to pH your water? Or how to do it without using regular old pH up/down? You can test the water/feeding solution pH with a pH meter or any decent pH test strip kit (amazon, home centers, and pet stores usually sell them). THIS artical gives tips on adjusting pH for organically grown plants.
yeah was just asking how to do it without regular old up and down
Right here your being condescending and rude subletting me on accident when I was right he is having problems with another bullshit "ph balancing soil from ff" you will always have to maintain your ph yourself and I've ran into that with many fox farms brand materials you like is this not a community lol were supposed to be friendly here guy have discussions and learn ‍♂ but i guess you one of those guys in the chat
It wasn't condescending at all. I was asking if they still wanted help, or not, and they didn't get bent out of shape about my question, so why are you? In case you missed it, the two of us have continued our discussion, and you are the only one here creating any drama.
when I was right he is having problems with another bullshit "ph balancing soil from ff"
You were right? LOL! This post is the first one in this entire thread where you brought up pH. The only thing you brought up was that you over fed and that has nothing to do with the pH buffering of the soil.
It wasn't condescending at all. I was asking if they still wanted help, or not, and they didn't get bent out of shape about my question, so why are you? In case you missed it, the two of us have continued our discussion, and you are the only one here creating any drama.
There is no drama your an arrogant grower who cuts off other people before they finish a conversation because hes mad they didn't read his shitty signature lol he asked for answers you gave him a book lol then cried because he was talking to me and and not reading yours but whatever you say dude happy growing hope you enjoy the rest of your day bud
There is no drama your an arrogant grower who cuts off other people before they finish a conversation because hes mad they didn't read his shitty signature lol he asked for answers you gave him a book lol then cried because he was talking to me and and not reading yours but whatever you say dude happy growing hope you enjoy the rest of your day bud
You really are a tool.
Literally said wanna ask a guy what he feeds or find out what the problem is or ask this guy how he feeds his plants and calling me a tool lol imagine being this immature and rude I'm sorry your so offended bud but your one of the douchey growers that makes people cringe and you'll never be any better good luck with your growing and good luck with your manners
Literally said wanna ask a guy what he feeds or find out what the problem is or ask this guy how he feeds his plants and calling me a tool lol imagine being this immature and rude I'm sorry your so offended bud but your one of the douchey growers that makes people cringe and you'll never be any better good luck with your growing and good luck with your manners
I’m not offended at all. I just think you are completey overreacting. Like I said, you are the only person complaining here. I’d also suggest you look through my posts. I help plenty of people out, including the OP of this post, and I’m far from douchey. You are either an ignorant tool, or a troll who’s purposely trying to pick a fight...take your pick. Now why don’t you let it go rather than continuing to act like an asshole in somebody else’s thread.
When my plants do that I assume a nutrient deficiency.
I normally feed every day with 20-10-30 +TE (growing in coco), so a plant with a tip like this gets a feed with extra 0-52-35 and a dash of Cal-Mag.
It seems to solve the problem. The damaged leaves remain damaged.
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No CalMag. And yes started appearing in older leaves first and now is appearing on newer ones
I would add some.
In my experience and from most issues I've seen people have with these symptoms, it is the early signs of a Ca deficiency.

I could be wrong, but you won't hurt anything by adding a bit of CalMag and seeing if it stops.

The brown won't ever go away, but you shouldn't see any more appear.

I "could" be wrong, but I'd throw an ounce on it that I'm not... bongsmilie
Check my signature for my grow journal and you'll see I've had to deal with the same issue before.