This is false. CA has NO SAY in CO law... WHATSOEVER! CO DPHE policy is 1 caregiver for purposes of growing. CO case law has proven that you cannot limit patients to just 1 caregiver no more then you can resrict a patient from going to DrugFair or ANY other pharmacy for medicine. Patients are not restricted to 1 place to obtain medicine, especially a medicine so essential to life.Yes you need to designate to be legal.CA just included CO when they changed thier caregiver guidelines.
a caregiver must do allot more than just provide medicine.Food,travel,Dr appointments etc....
I would not believe everything you hear from people,some are to cheap to pay legal counsel.our attorney is in Key West at the NORML Legal seminar right now getting the low down.We our the National NORML Sponsors.I wonder how such a little place could stack so high.![]()
Why would you deliberatly chase after the herbie?Even his grow shop has better prices than yours.Fact.There are alot of cheap dispensary owners here most from CA.And herbie is the only one doing things accordding to the law.He has been this way from the beginning,setting standards when others do not care.who are you calling cheap?
and once again you praise yourself. you must have the smallest penis. j/k lololol![]()
Dude,You all are so full of yourselfs you couldnt see clear of your noses.I would not want to be in his shoes dealing with so many issues .
I am not in CA which has different guidelines in each county.We Rock the Rockies.
In our statue it says whatever your caregiver deems necessary for your conditions.So we request of our Dr to consider ingestion over inhalation.
anyone else notice the periods and no space after each sentence..check it out...hes not fooling me...but i am medicated..lolNormally patients are allowed 6 plants total 3 in flowering 3 in vegative.We do have exceptions to the rule if your Dr deems you require more.
Maybe you guys or gals or whatever need to do more,I am tired of seeing the moderator team up with another member cuz they do not like him.Allot of people do not.Envious over what he does do.
Ever patient that walks through my door is legal already.Paint a banner for yourself you need it.![]()
We always have a trial period on new items to see how patients react and respond.Yes ,we give away free baked items daily to is critical to what we provide. Be well, Be safe,herbologist
thank you for signing off properly ass kisser.Do you swallow dick?Question only
anyone else notice the periods and no space after each sentence..check it out...hes not fooling me...but i am