CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge

Thanks CW

I turned off the Kessil - it was frying her.

She is still going strong though. The Attidude made a mistake because there is no way this is Malawi Gold landrace sativa:



*she looks healthy :) ..its kinda hard to fry things with LEDs (zero to no heat from the diodes wave frequency = light emittn) but just to be on the safe side; kessils recommends 1-2ft distance from the canopy.. i had mines just at 1.2ft with no problems :P ; cant really comment on the strain but you can always look up pics/specs online to check if you got the real deal ;)

Man can someone sum up this thread, its is full of spam.. Basicly, Do people use this uvb lights and does it work?

*do people use ultra-violet lights = Yes
*does it work = Yes

*what intervals should you use = try 10-30mins per day
*what kind of bulbs give of good amount of UVB? = reptile bulbs that are made of D vitamin enrichment; or tanning lights; or MH (but if your using reflector with glass shield, the glass will filter/block most of the UVB waves emitting from your bulbs ;)

*sorry for the spam in the thread; its just for Elites to post ideas/rants/info they find about MJ..


(o yea; genetics plays a big role on how your strain will re-act to UVB; i suggest working with indica dominant types to get better results with Ultra violet)
Hi CW,
OK - I raised the Kessil L.E.D higher and am using it for half of the lights-on time to see if the plant tolerates it more. I know it is an LED, but this Keesil's light beam is hot on my hand. I also reduced the sprinkler ON time because some growers have commented that it might be suffering from overwatering. It is an African desert plant so maybe it does not like so much water (even though it is in a hydro system).

I want to take a clone and do a scrog. I will grow the clone outside to see how big and how long I can grow this Sativa. Any suggestions to avoid bud worms? Here is what I got last grow outside:


'*what intervals should you use = try 10-30mins per day' How you been cannawizard? Do you mean 10 to 30 minutes a day? I was going to do 4 hours a day, but would like to do as little as possible, as the uvb kinda scares me and I want to preserve the bulb. Also the plants start to stunt a little with too much uvb.
Hi CW,
OK - I raised the Kessil L.E.D higher and am using it for half of the lights-on time to see if the plant tolerates it more. I know it is an LED, but this Keesil's light beam is hot on my hand. I also reduced the sprinkler ON time because some growers have commented that it might be suffering from overwatering. It is an African desert plant so maybe it does not like so much water (even though it is in a hydro system).

I want to take a clone and do a scrog. I will grow the clone outside to see how big and how long I can grow this Sativa. Any suggestions to avoid bud worms? Here is what I got last grow outside:



*sweet pic Mo!! sxy gal you got there~ in-regards to the budworms..

To monitor for budworm and detect early stages of an infestation, check buds and flowers for small holes. In small plantings, the most practical control is hand picking the caterpillars.budworm larvae are most active during dusk and best discovered at this time. During daylight hours, they often hide around the base of the plant.

budworms is a difficult insect to control with insecticides. Synthetic pyrethrins, also know as pyrethoid insecticides, can provide best control of tobacco budworm. These recently have become much more commonly available at garden centers and nurseries. They go under a wide variety of trade names but include as the active ingredient permethrin, esfenvalerate, cyfluthrin, bifenthrin or related compounds. Natural pyrethrins, also a commonly sold garden insecticide, have not been effective against budworms in (Colorado State University) trials, possbily due to its very short persistence. Spinosad-containing products should also be effective.

insecticides containing Bacillus thuringiensis/Bt (Thuricide, Dipel, etc.) are effective biological controls when used on some plants. (See fact sheet 5.556, Bacillus thuringiensis). However, the insect must eat the Bt in order for it to be effective. "On plants such as geranium, where the caterpillars drill into the buds and eat little of the outside surface, Bt is not effective. On petunia, where caterpillars eat a great deal of the blossom, Bt can provide a marginal amount of control."

**some farmers are also noted using home-made sprays from hot chilies (stronger the variety the better) ..they just simply boil the chilies in a pot; filter the concentrated mixture in a sprayer; and spray the plants every other day; the chili spray wont harm your plant(s)~

**hopefully you wont have any problems with these pests with your outdoor venture Mo :P goodluck

'*what intervals should you use = try 10-30mins per day' How you been cannawizard? Do you mean 10 to 30 minutes a day? I was going to do 4 hours a day, but would like to do as little as possible, as the uvb kinda scares me and I want to preserve the bulb. Also the plants start to stunt a little with too much uvb.

*ive been around; just a change in scenery and lifestyle; overall getting better~ thnx for asking :)
you could get away with 4hrs a day with the low watt reptile bulbs; but anything with a stronger UVB output might cause more harm than good.. tho some plants grown outdoors get 6-8hrs daily with high UVB exposure and still come out with great harvests.. so i really do think it just lands on genetics in the end~ (IMO)
with UVB; just be cautious being near the light exposure for too long; thats why DR.s always tell us to put sunblock when being under the sun these days because the amount of ultra violet getting past the ozone is actually quite high and bad for your health/skin/etc..

i had great results with reptile bulbs just being on for 30mins everyday with hybrid indicas (one strain i started the UVB tests were homegrown fantasy seeds k2 /or Nirvana k2) but i think Nirvana discontinued the k2 strain..

Hi CW - Thanks for the info. I was going out every day and picking the worms off and thought I was doing a good job. It was invasive and sticky. At harvest I must have removed over 200 more of these pests. Maybe I will build a greenhouse.
I use two Reptisun 5.0 48" tubes and a polished nickel reflector. The uv-b works fantastic. I have several dozen plants in a garden - four Bubbleicious are right under the uv-b tubes. Everything about the plants is better: they are STINKY - they smell like Bazooka bubblegum!! and STICKY, the plants appear to be fantastically healthy in every way, the stalks are thick, the buds are thick, the each plant feels like it is heavy with oil in the stalk ... even way down low under the canopy, the sucker buds are HUGE too.

In tha same garden, I have some (pricey) Dinafem plants - they are great plants but those Bubbleicious under the uv-b are MUCH better.

I can't believe that I [in italics] am growing this fine weed.
Hi CW - Thanks for the info. I was going out every day and picking the worms off and thought I was doing a good job. It was invasive and sticky. At harvest I must have removed over 200 more of these pests. Maybe I will build a greenhouse.

*a green house should cut down your pest problems; hope all is well with your plants~
I use two Reptisun 5.0 48" tubes and a polished nickel reflector. The uv-b works fantastic. I have several dozen plants in a garden - four Bubbleicious are right under the uv-b tubes. Everything about the plants is better: they are STINKY - they smell like Bazooka bubblegum!! and STICKY, the plants appear to be fantastically healthy in every way, the stalks are thick, the buds are thick, the each plant feels like it is heavy with oil in the stalk ... even way down low under the canopy, the sucker buds are HUGE too.

In tha same garden, I have some (pricey) Dinafem plants - they are great plants but those Bubbleicious under the uv-b are MUCH better.

I can't believe that I [in italics] am growing this fine weed.

*im glad your bubblelicious is danky :P guessing you got the more indica-dominant pheno which usually does great under extra UVb; havent tried any Dinafem strains-- so cant really comment on their strains ;P ..but goodluck on your harvest~

*im glad your bubblelicious is danky :P guessing you got the more indica-dominant pheno which usually does great under extra UVb; havent tried any Dinafem strains-- so cant really comment on their strains ;P ..but goodluck on your harvest~


It is alot of fun to grow and smoke. Just this a.m. I was sampling the crop and ....found myself drifting in Never Never Land.

Yes, I do believe you might be right about indica and uv-b. Thanks for that tip.

There are some long and lanky sativa-looking plants - long skinny buds - in the garden (??? from Nirvana - questionable breeding.) I topped the shit out of them and, still, they are two feet tall in one gallon containers. They do not seem to respond to the uv-b - those fuckers are growing right up into the uv-b bulbs like they are not even there - no scorched leaves.

But I like indica!! Thanks to my garden full of indica, I just put up with my sister-in-law for five full days before I woke her up around 1 p.m., threw her luggage out to the curb, and ordered her up out of bed and to get her fat ass out of my house. If not for indica I would have only made it 1-2 days with her. Also, in the following days, we were able to avoid too much domestic stress - that is, I was stoned - following Sister's forcible ejection.

Next year I probably ought to try to grow some haze ... I had such good luck with uv-b this grow that I'll probably use it again for sativa just to see what happens.
... reptile lights that if you dont keep 20" or more away from your plants you run the risk burning the crap out of them...seeing as they burn at a higher temp to recreate a desert environment while supplying the UVB

I keep the reptile lights 2-6 inches away from the plants - no significant burning.

CMH lights: it seems like these are such a new product that it is unwise to go out and buy them yet ... probably should wait until at least next year.
Hi there i sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure im not dreaming as my weed is so good, That may sound very big headed but i can assure its not. I have never been good at anything all my life and now at 47 years of age i realize that i have extreme green fingers and no i havent been fingering Kermit lol. I think every gardener has his own little secrets, and what i say is, if it works for you then fuck everyone else.
Hey guys i need some advice from the pros. How long doors it take for male pollen sacks to open to harvest the pollen? I recently had a grow with 3 snow white and they all turned out to be male with is cool because my lay grow i got 6 females... But if any one can help me with my question i will appreciate it..
Hey guys i need some advice from the pros. How long doors it take for male pollen sacks to open to harvest the pollen? I recently had a grow with 3 snow white and they all turned out to be male with is cool because my lay grow i got 6 females... But if any one can help me with my question i will appreciate it..
to accelerate the male flowers opening and collecting their pollen i would suggest cutting off a branch with a good amount of male flowers. place in a cup of water and the flowers will open in a few days.
The best way is to cut a small hole in a plastic cup or small bowl. Stick the bottom of the stem through the hole place a larger cup/bowl under the one with the hole. That way the pollen will fall into the bowl and not the water which sterilizes pollen.
Another method is to simply place a bag over a bunch of on the branch and the tie shut with something
thanks irieie, i might just name my new cross after you.. I'm by no means a pro at this, its my first attempt. but im going to cross bubbliciouse and snow white. I hope it comes out good! any advice can you guys offer about this.