CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member
**friend talking to stoneygirls, might grow some of their genetics to help out (plus side, if a solid pheno is found we got dibs, sweet~)


Well-Known Member
*no worries, most of the indoorMODs like to keep things spam free & flame free ---dude, its RUI.. trolls just come w/ the package.. ;)


Well-Known Member

**one confirmed high cbd strain found, hoping to get the strain out by 2012 (look for a future article about it on

(btw, its from a landrace ;))




Well-Known Member
Just got 9.8% tested CBD bubba kush just 13% thc and I am blowin up project z-6 from mr nice seeds gonna cross that to my la con and my bubba going for 12-12% thc-CBD can't wait to have bred my own super high pain releaf strain! Right now all I offer is the. Mk ultra, lA con, and errl and medibles.. Soon cannatonic proj z-6 and z-7 and bubba kush!!
What are the results for your strain? I am hoping to get my own gas mass spec second hand;) it is on the list with a rotary evaporator and kessil system !
Like 30,000$ in equipment
On a side note I ran three batches of trim thru a Tasmisium extractor and the results were not as tastey as other extractors I have used ... Wonder why? I made over 20 grams of oil for 180 grams of sugar so about a 11% return not bad at all .. Was gonna buy this unit but may just wait and get another vendor to go in with me to get the half pound extractor... Not that you care..
When do we get to see flower pics?? Here is a local norcal og for my garden up here ;)


Well-Known Member
**dude, how much for the gas mass spec second hand??? :):)

--as for extractors.. got some1 already handling my trims.., (the ivory man).. dunno just got introd to him by my bro~

(we are gonna wait till thanksgiving weekend to pop 12/12 for the main room, trying to get them fatter ;))

..that OGnorcal looks tasty


Well-Known Member
6-12k BUT you need training depending on the unit and the output mod you also need to learn the protocols for the burning and input soooo.... It's more than money I got a buddy that broke off from full spectrum and is gonna help teach me the inns and outs


Well-Known Member
6-12k BUT you need training depending on the unit and the output mod you also need to learn the protocols for the burning and input soooo.... It's more than money I got a buddy that broke off from full spectrum and is gonna help teach me the inns and outs

**yo.. whatever happened to those full spectrum guys? did the business split?

--yea, those machines need techies to run it.. ill let you hadle all that crazyness Joe 'haha


Well-Known Member
They are going to be a real testing facility again soon ... Can't say too much about the real happenings of that biz my bro is a two year lab tech finishing his certs and studies in organic chem.. He knows more than he is telling but I feel big money playing a role here ---boulder money;) but we will see soon weather they show up again or jump deep into paid research and development ...


Well-Known Member
77 days on that cut supposed to get the good marks in pain releaf I just got super stoned! ;) not much brain power left to ponder pain ;) that greasy green leaf is a recessive sativa Dom trait I have found .. It is in the s1 of og#18 and the good phenos of Cali connection gear;)