Cannaventure seeds thread


Well-Known Member
Both lemon crash og have tiny little ball sacks and lc #1 has multiple little spots. I'll pick them off but will be cautious with them. After I turned these girls to get the pics I smelled my fingers and one of them has a nice lemon smell, I couldn't really tell which one after cuz fingers were too stinky already. Have to try tomorrow



Well-Known Member
63 days. Everything in this run got tortured well....

3 Cheap Thrills in this first run. #1 went purp'ish and has a slight PRK aroma to it. It's also the best yielder. #2 isn't noteworthy whatsoever. #3 has a very pronounced lime pixy stix thing going on.
I picked 2 herm flowers off #1 a few days ago. No other signs of funny biz.

There is also an LA Affy in the mix. She also went purp'ish. Sweet smells////like Old School Afghani with some pine tossed in...but not super strong. Reminds me of the Lapis Mountain Indica I ran about 10 years ago.....



Well-Known Member
no balls on my lemon crash ogs. early tester nug is og coating with a sweet cookie backend. Got a lil punch to it. Hate to see all the folks getting nutsacks, I stress my plants pretty good in a smaller tent flowering out in one gallon smarties and I never get any balls and I know sometimes it seems as if they might be a tad rootbound. Never any balls, go figure, same strains as others, gotta be something with the environments I guess


Well-Known Member
no balls on my lemon crash ogs. early tester nug is og coating with a sweet cookie backend. Got a lil punch to it. Hate to see all the folks getting nutsacks, I stress my plants pretty good in a smaller tent flowering out in one gallon smarties and I never get any balls and I know sometimes it seems as if they might be a tad rootbound. Never any balls, go figure, same strains as others, gotta be something with the environments I guess
Flowering out seed plants that don't have the best upbringing is my best guess. Letting them get rootbound, not having a dark period, having light pollution during the dark period in veg, low light intensity, etc. The variables are numerous but those issues go away, once you're dealing with mature clones, for the most part ime.


Well-Known Member
The nanners I saw on the CT were very minimal. Reminds me of growing the Chem D clone/offspring/etc. Right @ the end of the cycle...and no big deal. It's those early culprits that screw the pooch. Envoronment may play into things....but's more likely that the genes are simply in there and will express themselves when they choose to do so .(much like the verigation of the leaves on some Chem D plants....same thing, IMO. Hit and miss, for sure.)

It's that "keep ya on yer toes" shit we all love so much....LOL


Well-Known Member
2 Albert Super Tramp at 43 days and multiple nanners on both. Down they go! Still have a runty Cookie Wreck also at 43 days and 3 LA Affie just into flower today. Hope to see better here but losing confidence quickly. Probably stick with regs and probably not Cannaventure. Solved some space problems in flower tent if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Man I'm not liking all these herm reports coming in. I have several cannaventure packs now. When he run that sell opening his website. I stocked up. On everything that people are posting about throwing sacks n nanners. Uuggghhhh
I have run a few LVTK, Ghost and Animal. One of the LVTK had a few balls but I removed them and they didnt return. One Ghost and the two Animal were covered. I gifted the herms to a friend who is exploring the idea of growing, (not like he could harm them at this point lol).

Discouraging but I kinda expect it with fems, and that's why I really only buy regs... got them for a great price and couldnt pass up the opportunity, much like you.

main cola

Well-Known Member
Man I'm not liking all these herm reports coming in. I have several cannaventure packs now. When he run that sell opening his website. I stocked up. On everything that people are posting about throwing sacks n nanners. Uuggghhhh
I’ve ran two Lvtk with no herms and two Gorilla Wreck #4 with no herms and i have one Cheap Thrills in early flower and no signs of herms. Fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Yeah I dont have any on the two arcata ghosts. So far so good. And the main terminal sites on the side branching and top main cola are packing fast. So hopefully these flower in a decent amount of time. I think I'm gonna let em go halfway through flower under 2700k and 3000k Samsung strips. Then through em under some Lm301bs H inFlux_L06 in 4k to finish em. And see if it helps bring out some frost. These are the seed plants. I have clones of both. If they herm I'll throw the clones in flower to see if they herm too. Before I can say they are a true herm. I like to atleast run it twice. To rule out grower error.


Well-Known Member
I think the 2 lemon c's will be alright after these first couple sacks are plucked. They did get a little stress early in seedling form but not much. Ive noticed a lot of plants will pop a ball or two in early flower but never show intersex issues after that but not really breeding stock for the most part.

The hurkles are whooping ass though.


Well-Known Member
Well I just spent an hour and half going over every bud site on both Arcata Ghosts. Not a single ball sack yet. So hopefully it's a clean run. Man they are smelling too. Whoa.... after finger fukn them they really started smelling(gettin wet). Even more so than the Cali Mango Mass.

Buds sites are developing fast.

Arcata Ghost #1

Arcata Ghost #1
And shes got the almost wrinkled look on her fans. Just like trainwreck. So I'm guessing this one is a trainwreck leaner. The other Ghost leaner. #2 is definitely OG structure. Long lanky node spacing. So I'm stoked to have a pheno of both. Especially only germing two. I bet these get fukn pretty colors. Its winter here. Once they fill in nice. I'll give em some 60° nights. And see what kindve color I can pull outta em.


Well-Known Member
63 days. Everything in this run got tortured well....

3 Cheap Thrills in this first run. #1 went purp'ish and has a slight PRK aroma to it. It's also the best yielder. #2 isn't noteworthy whatsoever. #3 has a very pronounced lime pixy stix thing going on.
I picked 2 herm flowers off #1 a few days ago. No other signs of funny biz.
View attachment 4267682

There is also an LA Affy in the mix. She also went purp'ish. Sweet smells////like Old School Afghani with some pine tossed in...but not super strong. Reminds me of the Lapis Mountain Indica I ran about 10 years ago.....

View attachment 4267688
Eeeewwwwwwiiiiiieeeee that sure is purdy.