Cannaventure seeds thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah, plenty of light here too. 560w cxb3590s

View attachment 4258889

I can’t see the tape anymore so more than 40” above the net after supercropping, and no shit 70’ of soft garden ties. :eyesmoke:

Lol. 70' good lawdy that's alot. I use pipe cleaners alot. I hate having to get em back out to trim n stuff. I'm super lucky though. Bc my ol lady loves trimming. It's kinda weird. But I jus let do it. Bc ummm trimming absolutely sucks. I hate it. Almost enough if it was jus me. I'd be like fuck it we can smoke that. Throw it in a jar lol. And she bitches about having to take them out. I could only imagine handing her that with 70 feet of garden tape. I'd be sleeping on the couch for a month.


Well-Known Member
Wow that sounds neat trainwreck x ghost og. What does it smell like? How finicky is it? Post up more pics brada. This makes me want to order the cookie wreck. But i have alot of cookie crosses in bean state already. Latez
@bambino AG is a easy plant to grow not fussy at all. I can not help with the smell that much. Actually there was a mistake in her measurements in that photo she was 51 days not 57. This is her at 55 days ( with the red string halter top lol)CV 53 days 017.JPG


Sorry man, I was stoned and didn't realize what you were asking me at first response.

Yes, I think my cut is close to 30%. Rusty said he has seen the TK rated at 28% but he said that the ghost og has been tested at over 30%.

So realistically my cut is in mid to upper 20s, that's why I'm thinking the right pheno of ghost og will be ridiculous.
Sounds like a winner, cheers


@bambino AG is a easy plant to grow not fussy at all. I can not help with the smell that much. Actually there was a mistake in her measurements in that photo she was 51 days not 57. This is her at 55 days ( with the red string halter top lol)View attachment 4259026
I googled to find the obvious, AG holds a good crop. I will keep it in mind.

Around the same size, perhaps a little less then I was getting off Trifoliate Skunk, large crowns on 5 or 6 braches.


Well-Known Member
I'm digging the lvtk for breeding/pollen chucking with. As far as smoke wise I'm loving both phenos of black dog I have right now, flavor for days. The lvtk is stronger but the black dog is potent as well and the black dogs have a more manageable high, lol. Sometime the lvtk will get me too stoned like I've been smoking hash. But flavor wise the b dogs are hard to pass up in my opinion.

That is why I went with the Hurkle, I figured some urkle would compliment the goji and black dog terps as well. Cheers man
Cool cool, I keep hearing about black dog, I'm going to have to see what it's all about one of these days.
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Well-Known Member
If this Pure Ghost OG is the genuine item, I am more than a little interested.
That was awhile ago...huh? Just thought I'd ask if you ran the Ghost cut back then you remember much stretch (like 6X?).....or huge buds? I got my cut direct from Ghost....ran it for 2 years or so...but was cash cropping at the time and I remember letting her go because she never yielded for shat. At the time I had a well circulated cut of ECSD that yielded like a mofo and offered similar fare. (some of my weightiest indoor plants ever)

Fast forward to 2012-13....was given a cut called "Ghost OG" from a friend who has a lot of connections/etc...but who wasn't in the scene "back then". I grew it and it yielded very well....and that was my first tip that it could be a different cut....and after the cure I felt pretty strongly that the smoke was also not the same as the original cut. Ran it for awhile but it just didn't ring true to me as the original cut.

Not at all saying the CVS cut used isn't the real deal...I have no idea. Just saying that I'm 99.9% sure there 'is' a cut out there named the same thing that just...isn't.


I derived 6.6x times height at 12/12 from CAPT CHESAPEAKE.

Of my Skunk/Haze hybrid, one grew to 1.5Mtrs from 12” switch to 12/12. (Hermied).
Another grew even faster and snapped in half like a stick of Celery.
To look at the difference of chosen seedling, you would not believe they are sisters.

Kind of glad i have started all my CV gear at 6". I know i am sacrificing some yield starting that early but i did not have to deal with much over 36"-40".
That was awhile ago...huh? Just thought I'd ask if you ran the Ghost cut back then you remember much stretch (like 6X?).....or huge buds?
Yes, I sometimes forget how far back things happened.
I have not grown the forum cut of Ghost OG.

As a general rule, I would normally cull very tall Sativa dominate plants.
Unless a trait is being transferred, in which case the offspring with bad traits are not selected.

The quote of "huge buds?" refers to:
Just going on the pics, this AG (Arcata Ghost) could hold a big crop.
Mentioned this in reference to my Breeding Skunk Mother Plant that has huge crops.
I do not like the Arcata Ghost in terms of my breeding plans.

I got my cut direct from Ghost....ran it for 2 years or so...but was cash cropping at the time and I remember letting her go because she never yielded for shat. At the time I had a well circulated cut of ECSD that yielded like a mofo and offered similar fare. (some of my weightiest indoor plants ever)

East Coast Sour Diesel sounds interesting, but not suited for my plans.
I have been breeding for about 20yrs and about 10yrs back my sister got MS.
The plant I have is a little light on production but has the fire.
I want the plants to be controllable height so patient can grow.

Fast forward to 2012-13....was given a cut called "Ghost OG" from a friend who has a lot of connections/etc...but who wasn't in the scene "back then". I grew it and it yielded very well....and that was my first tip that it could be a different cut....and after the cure I felt pretty strongly that the smoke was also not the same as the original cut. Ran it for awhile but it just didn't ring true to me as the original cut.

Not at all saying the CVS cut used isn't the real deal...I have no idea. Just saying that I'm 99.9% sure there 'is' a cut out there named the same thing that just...isn't.
I started this journey looking at Cali Connection.
Now I know this Ghost OG cut/seed could be genuine?
I will try and make it happen.

At the same time I will also use Rare Dankness Rug Burn OG in separated pollination with my strains.
This will be the backstop if Ghost OG is a failure, and a good test for the +/- traits of strains.
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Well-Known Member
I derived 6.6x times height at 12/12 from CAPT CHESAPEAKE.

Of my Skunk/Haze hybrid, one grew to 1.5Mtrs from 12” switch to 12/12. (Hermied).
Another grew even faster and snapped in half like a stick of Celery.
To look at the difference of chosen seedling, you would not believe they are sisters.

Yes, I sometimes forget how far back things happened.
I have not grown the forum cut of Ghost OG.

As a general rule, I would normally cull very tall Sativa dominate plants.
Unless a trait is being transferred, in which case the offspring with bad traits are not selected.

The quote of "huge buds?" refers to:

Just going on the pics, this AG (Arcata Ghost) could hold a big crop.
Mentioned this in reference to my Breeding Skunk Mother Plant that has huge crops.
I do not like the Arcata Ghost in terms of my breeding plans.

East Coast Sour Diesel sounds interesting, but not suited for my plans.
I have been breeding for about 20yrs and about 10yrs back my sister got MS.
The plant I have is a little light on production but has the fire.
I want the plants to be controllable height so patient can grow.

I started this journey looking at Cali Connection.
Now I know this Ghost OG cut/seed could be genuine?
I will try and make it happen.

At the same time I will also use Rare Dankness Rug Burn OG in separated pollination with my strains.
This will be the backstop if Ghost OG is a failure, and a good test for the +/- traits of strains.
I am not sure i would take that 6.6 x stretch to the bank. Everyone's lighting and environmental conditions very a great deal. Just saying.


I am not sure i would take that 6.6 x stretch to the bank. Everyone's lighting and environmental conditions very a great deal. Just saying.
Yes, I know it was just a throw away set of numbers to make your point.
That said, I have seen 5.5 X switching height from breeding out seedlings.
Understand what youre getting at.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I know it was just a throw away set of numbers to make your point.
That said, I have seen 5.5 X switching height from breeding out seedlings.
Understand what youre getting at.
What is surprising is the reports of the clone plant stretching just as bad. Only herd of a couple reports but they both said the clones stretched just as bad


Are you just referring to the stretch of Cannaventure "CV OG".
Just to confirm my understanding of what CV stands for?

My Selected seedling got to 80cm when first grown in crowded conditions with larger sisters.

The same clones grown per 20" square, grew to 1Mtr high.

At 35-45 C temps it finishes at 44 days.
Temps 25-35 C it finishes at 48 days.
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Well-Known Member
Are you just referring to the stretch of Cannaventure "CV OG".
Just to confirm my understanding of what CV stands for?

My Selected seedling got to 80cm when first grown in crowded conditions with larger sisters.

The same clones grown per 20" square, grew to 1Mtr high.

At 35-45 C temps it finishes at 44 days.
Temps 25-35 C it finishes at 48 days.
Yes CV= Cannaventure. The clone stretch i was referring to was the LVTK strain.


Well-Known Member
My "huge buds" comment came from seeing some of the plants folks have grown out on this thread. Very nice. Just not what I personally remember from the original Ghost cut I got from Ghost.

Folks do seem very happy with this offering from CV...and that is what matters. Good luck with your project