

New Member
[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I just bought a 5 seed pack of cannatonic off Attitude, I'll be growing them using a 1000 watt mh/hps air cooled light, fox farm ocean forest, light warrior seed starter soil and full fox farm nutrient line. Anybody have any tips or recommendations?[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
From what I know of it, it is a fairly lanky plant that responds very well to LST (low strength training). I would start with the expectation that she is going to want to stretch and LST early on. This is just my opinion though and your results may vary! If you start a grow journal, please let me know!



New Member
@Ogracious Thank you very much for the tip, I'll definitely LST early on.

Also, I'll be germinating all 5 cannatonic seeds using the paper towel method. I might not have that much time to post online but if time let's me I'll start a grow journal that way everyone can see my progress. And I'll definitely LST