Cannarado genetics

Hola rado gang. So i follow a few seed auction pages on IG and most have the usual stuff but this guy _seedpage has recently listed/sold rado packs that ive never even seen before like:
The Wrinkle (Crinkle Legend OG x White)
Hasidic Grapes (Jew Gold x Grape Pie)
Better Than Their OG (BTY OG x Legend OG)

Some have a high starting price (175 and up for the rare stuff) but i know some of yall dont mind shelling out some bread for the hard to find stuff
I follow dude and see them all the time too. Never used him yet.
And one more of both grumpz phenos from right now. This would make it the very beginning of week 9. That second one is definitely not shabby by any means, but the buds on the first one are just ridiculous, not to mention the colors. The first one smells more gassy with that distinct runts candy and the second one smells like pure watermelon. EF5221F2-C1DF-4403-B21F-8758327ED738.jpeg92C269CC-7B38-4E1F-99AD-C1F6E516AD9B.jpeg
Two of my Blue Apples didn't hatch, but all of the Bazookazs and Upside Down Frowns did. They stretched a decent bit before I could get them under a real light, but they'll be fine. I'm going to give them a couple of days of chillin in a cloner under a T5, then I'll slide them into the coco.
Only one of my blue apples didn’t make it, but another two of them look pretty weak. 4 of them look really good and one is growing so fast she needed to be supported.
Dammit I’m gonna be at work during the gushers drop. Gonna have to come up with some excuse to either leave early or take a late lunch. Decided to just get the money gun and slushers but I’m going to have to be on top of it to score that. Drop is on Friday at noon PST/1pm my time.
I’m gonna be online for that one. I wonder what the freebies are gonna be... Hahahaha. It’s bad when your lookin forward the free packs just as much as the purchased ones.
Welp, I'm no longer a poser in this forum. Started some Gelatti Biscotti today. Will update when/if they turn out to be worthy.

That one should be killer. I’ve got a biscotti sundae cross going right now. Found two nice girls in the pack. Compact, slow vegging, but vigorous. I’m vegging them quite a while longer. Gelatti seems to breed extremely well.