Cannarado genetics


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I use the full House and Gardens lineup with Aqua Flakes being the base along with some cal-mag and terpinator.
I agree. They all look fantastic. Have you gotten to try them yet? I was set on ordering a pack of party foul on friday but after seeing your kitchen sinks I might side with a pack of those instead.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
So here’s a before and after lollipopping the lemonessence and the blueberry sundae’s except my dumbass took a picture of the before from the top instead of the side *face palm*. The lemonessence and the blueberry sundae’s were extremely happy after I cleaned them up especially the blueberry sundae’s. I’ve never seen them so happy before, right after I cleaned them up I had them outside the tent and the tops were completely bent to the side going towards the light and everything was perky and happy. Even after I put them in the tent they were both looking happy as fuck. I do wish I would’ve topped her earlier but I think she would’ve done better with low stress training then topping, because the leaves are so fat and brought that it blocks all light penetration to the bottom. I think tonight I may lst then or at least try to. One of them has a thicker stock then the lemonessence and the lemonessence is at least quadruple their size. Also on a side note the lemonessence is looking a lot better with her nutrient deficiency or light bleaching. I wish I wouldn’t of moved the light before I knew for sure which one it was but either way me raising the light or giving her a full does of calmag and some super thrive(4-1-1) made her one happy lady.



Well-Known Member
Havent been here in a min but i chopped one of the tk 91 s1s its drying

Ok idk if its the genetics or my environment but the tk91 foxtailed heavy on me i did have a issue where i had to re pot 4th week of flower the roots got removed on some of the top of the plant maybe this caused idk i lsted this plant also bending the stem 3 times to form a hook

Plant 2 is a nice stretched but not as bad as one .. all the buds lower than my lst grew round like in the pics but all the buds on the stem bent on half are foxtailing heavy the tops of the buds are now the sides so there growing 3d my temps been pretty high also this can also be a factor but the buds are dense not airy like heat stress .. im not 100% but i think the plant is turning purple also in 90 degree temps thats dope the overall look of this plant is killer

Pros - vigorous .. not fussy .. yield

Cons- stretch .. flower time ..

Advertised as 56-70 but im like at day 85-90 from seed tho but she she wants another 10 days atleast maybe my temps slow down flowering and coming from seed

Edit: i have a few pics i dont kno how to upload them tho
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Well-Known Member
Ill post pics of the super foxtailed one later smell on this is dog shit + funk .. the foxtailed one has a strong funk kinda pine with citrus over tones.. did anyone else get any purple on there tk91 ?


Well-Known Member
I didnt take any clones but im hoping those little shoots that didnt flower will re veg later .. idk where the purple is coming from and its genetics bc my room is never cold .. lowest is like 78 degrees


Well-Known Member
I didn’t even know there was different cherry pie strains. I thought there was only one being f1 durb(whatever the fuck that is) x GDP or just DP x GDP depending on who you ask. The Cherry Pie cut I got from midnight farms I believe was a real indica dominant plant that grew really squat, had decent sized colas that were absolutely rock hard, super colorful, and had a musky cherry/berry and a doughy/pie crust flavor and smell. If I had to guess it would probably be cookie fams cut since he has their blue cookie cut as well.
Your gettin me fuckin pumped brah


Well-Known Member
Theres a thread at the other spot that talks about cherry pie .. theres a thread from 09 with a dude from norcal who posted cherry pie .. since then its been confusion but i kno theres diff cuts with dhn cherry pie being one

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
So for anyone who hasn’t ran lemonessence and blueberry sundae, the pheno of lemonessence I have absolutely loves being topped I even topped some of the side branches and it responded really well to it. Most of the side branches are just as tall as the main tops, and also she’s definitely a strain that loves a lot of nutes. Now for the blueberry sundae at least with the phenos I got they are definitely super Indica dominant and very light feeders and I would recommend low stress training over topping them but if you do top them do it early in veg(this is just a review for the mentioned strains for veg I’ll give another detailed review after bloom). On a side note the day after I cut my clones they all looked like straight shite now 98% of them are all looking happy and look like they’re going to root! I’m super stoked to have some mommas of everything! Except the super cookie dom pheno of Fudge Ripple she was way too bipolar for me knowing my luck it’ll either be the best yielder out of them all or have the best flower out of them all. I may just cut a couple and see if she roots and then mom her out and run her during the winter when the temps are more favorable in my area

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
So I got two packs of the lemonessence with the sale today I really wanted the sticky sundae and the banana sundae but due to my financial situation right now I couldn’t get them all. I know the lemonessence is fire and the different pheno’s I’ve seen were almost identical, so I don’t wanna roll the dice on something else until I can start saving up some money and get two packs of the strains I mentioned. I know I really wouldn’t be rolling the dice with those two strains because basically everything Rado touches turns to fire but I know the lemonessence is perfect for my set up