Cannanut butter

Ill Bill

Active Member
Got a couple of questions about cannanut butter that I have read about on here in a few threads, just not 100% sure on the amount of cannabis to peanut butter ratio, or if I should add alittle extra peanut oil to the mix for added absorbtion, I have also read (not just about cannanut butter) that putting the herb in the oven alone for alittle bit adds to the potency? It seems like it would just burn it off and make it less potent, unless it just brings them up to the temperature almost needed to activate the thc? anyhow alittle help would be cool, thanks in advance hopefully. Shit I shoulda said I was doing it the jiffy way cause it has fat in it and what not.


Well-Known Member
sorry the reason you get so many answers is because it works differently per person... each one has a diff preference on taste-potency-smell etc
The only real answer anyone should be able to give to this ? is..
it depends.... and it varies.. the basic ideas are there you need to tweak them to your liking.
I use an average of about 1-3 gram per dosage. Depends on what I am wanting in results for my pain as well.. If I am in major pain I like to have a few capsules then smoke some hash.
However cant really do this when I am in public. (tho I am legal... I dont want to cause attention to myself just like I would not want to be advertising that I also use pain prescribed pills either.

You can do all the extra stuff you see folks say to do if the original simple methods dont usually work
The basics are all the same on the well respected recipes.
Decarb it (times temps vary)
use what you would use to get high say if it takes you half a j to get high then use half a j's worth to make a DOUBLE serving.

weed once decarbed is more potent in thc cbn cbd etc...
so you wont need as much.
read up on the methods.. but in general the temps are 165-225 for 15-25 mins less time =less weed etc...

you want a simple easy way.... google edible firecrackers or search the forums here


1 ¾ cup all purpose flour
½ cup packed brown sugar
½ cup granulated sugar
½ cup finely ground sifted leaf(measure after grinding and sifting)
1 tsp. Baking soda
¼ tsp. Salt
115 grams cannabis butter, softened
¼ cup buttermilk (sour milk)
2 eggs
1 heaping cup of mashed banana’s (around 3)
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Banana flavouring
½ cup chopped walnuts

place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Blend at low speed on electric mixer until moistened. Beat on medium speed for 1 min. Pour greased 9 in. X 5 in. Pan. Bake for 55-60 mins, at 350 or until wooden pick when inserted in centre,comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 mins. Loosen edges. Remove from pan onto wire rack. Cool completely.