Cannafarms-pink kush/green crack review

From a former employee at tilray they only have a couple hundred pounds of good stuff left, i.e. they are still trying to impress some folks with weed they bought elsewhere before they start flogging their own (mite infested, irradiated bud)
former? they fired you? or you quit due to pay? issues? what? tell us more?
I'm not a f
former? they fired you? or you quit due to pay? issues? what? tell us more?
No I'm not a former tilray employee, I know one who was, who told me alot about them, including how they fired him after almost getting to union status, but dumped him while he was at 12.50 an hour , seems like usury to me to hire an 18 yr old kid to trim up hundreds of pounds of sketchy mar weed then give him the boot.
From a former employee at tilray they only have a couple hundred pounds of good stuff left, i.e. they are still trying to impress some folks with weed they bought elsewhere before they start flogging their own (mite infested, irradiated bud)

fortunately HC does not require testing for bugs..
@ BCbreeder That's how unions work after all. Ask DL he's happy to be part of one. One day he'll realize unions do not work for people anymore.
To lazy to work and in turn, lose contracts to the ones who like to work for good wages. Same old same old. It can be tough when you don't wanna work but like to get paid eh :hump:
That's half of most peoples problem :lol:
Truth is...if you work hard and are good at what you do, retirement comes that much quicker eh :lol:

cheers folks.

Hope ya all have a good one

Kali mist might have been taken off temporarily like Rockstar has been since they sold out. And yeah, I think 4/10 is a fair score. Product I rate at 8/10, customer service a 6/10, packaging a 4/10 because the bud dries out too fast after opening the bag and pricing a 0/10 because I feel their pricing prevents reasonable access to the medication. For people on disability they might as well be asking for 100 a gram because even people who are paid well would never be able to afford $1500 a month without going into debt.
Yup, you just a disgruntled ex MMAR patient or just plain stupid. 6/10 on customer service? Everyone else says, including me, they are very knowledgable and are stellar with their CS and their shipping not to mention the product.

Your just a little bitch!
Only true med patients held onto their licenses because they knew they could fight in court. The others, who went hand over fist to the new system, knew well they might not get a chance at a license if they had to see another doctor for a script.

BP, LP's know SHIT when it comes to growing. Having you say they do, shows just how much you actually know about Medication.:confused:
Actually I'm not an ex MAR grower, I just like it when customer service reps are able to answer some basic questions and I prefer my meds aren't left on my sidewalk when they're delivered. As far as the meds go, they WERE decent at first. As far as my past goes you can assume all you want or, you could do what an intelligent person would do and look at my post history and see I was all for this system in the beginning. I even got into it with GB in the beginning. But, It didn't take long to change my mind once I saw how customers are treated and how poor most of the product is.
Actually I'm not an ex MAR grower, I just like it when customer service reps are able to answer some basic questions and I prefer my meds aren't left on my sidewalk when they're delivered. As far as the meds go, they WERE decent at first. As far as my past goes you can assume all you want or, you could do what an intelligent person would do and look at my post history and see I was all for this system in the beginning. I even got into it with GB in the beginning. But, It didn't take long to change my mind once I saw how customers are treated and how poor most of the product is.
LMFAO @ Puralator left my package on the sidewalk. You are really trying to milk this but I assure you, one fucking slip up and you go to jail, star! I'm punching holes in your shit and I'm not even an investigator.

"....How poor most of the product is.." Fuck you! That Skywalker OG hits hard as does the Pink Kush etc. Go fuck yourself if you think, I repeat think, that most of Tilray's shit is crap. I've smoked everything they have and your a bullshitter. Be honest. You don't give a fuck about anyone else so quit the shit with " I don't like how they're treating people..."

I've been threw Canna Farms, Delta 9, Mettrum and now Tilray. Guess who wins by a landslide?

Go take your pills and stop all the whining.
When I said most of the product, I wasn't referring to tilray. I was referring to the mmpr as a whole. I even said that their product is decent. At least it was.
Once again, I haven't asked anyone for anything so not sure what I'm gaining here. I was even hesitant to do anything at first for fear of something happening to the one consistent source of meds in the MMPR, Tilray. But unfortunately their response was less than diligent so thankfully I received that package instead of someone with a comprised immune system or it could have been really bad.
When I said most of the product, I wasn't referring to tilray. I was referring to the mmpr as a whole. I even said that their product is decent. At least it was.
When I said most of the product, I wasn't referring to tilray. I was referring to the mmpr as a whole. I even said that their product is decent. At least it was.
I made four (4) points for you to address. You still have three to comment on.

I think you're looking for sympathy for some reason. Hey, good job taking a bullet for the team. Your a real player! Poor bastard that may have died from meds you boldly consumed instead of he/she. HAHAHA You're a complete joke, Pal.
Well, why don't you put your 4 points down in some order with out all the clutter and I'll address them cause you're post have a lot of words but not much to say. it's a lot of cap to read through.
Also, I haven't consumed any of it so my point wasn't that I took one for the team, it was that had a person who is sicker than I actually used the meds Tilray could have had a huge lawsuit on their hands. You need to focus on actually understanding what's written and not just glancing over the post and picking out bits here and there.
Also, I haven't consumed any of it so my point wasn't that I took one for the team, it was that had a person who is sicker than I actually used the meds Tilray could have had a huge lawsuit on their hands. You need to focus on actually understanding what's written and not just glancing over the post and picking out bits here and there.
So, what's your point? Ya, Tilray would have been in shit. You want a hero biscuit?