Cannabutter question


Active Member
Hey guys,

So i made cannabutter today and before i try to do anything with it i wanted to run you by how i made it and see if i could improve it somehow.

I used:
30 grams fresh (=cut today) shake (not a lot of stems though mostly fluff buds and trimmings from buds with trichs)
200 grams of unsalted butter

I put those together in a mason jar, and the mason jar in simmering water. Shaked it every half hour or so and kept cooking for 3 hours. After that i filtered the butter from the shake and now its resting in the fridge.

I have to say its a lot darker than what i thought but im guessing that because its fresh the clorophyl might have wandered in.

So my main question are what do you think about potency and taste for this kind of thing?


Well-Known Member
tastes like pure ass...but omg, it fries you good...Chocolate seems to hide the flavor best for me...hence, the popularity of brownies.

boil that stuff in water for an hour, freeze, skim off butter, waste the water and repeat another five times.
It seems to lighten it and tear out nasties...but it still works.
you get to have a better variety of flavors to mix it up with too.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Leaf butter can taste pretty bad, depending on what you make with it. Brownies do a good job of covering up bad flavors but most other confections don't. Buds and especially hash make less nasty tasting butter. Potency varies alot. The pot you start with can have any level of potency, the butter can be made better or worse and then cooking can take more potency away.


Active Member
thanks for the fast feedback :) i will try the freezing method and will look up some brownie recepies though frankly i really wanted to make chocolate chip cookies... you think if i add a bit extra sugar i could get off with it?
another thing what do you think of the ratio of shake to butter? is it enough or too much?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
We've made cookies with the butter. We figured that "butter cookies" would be a good way to use it. Made the butter from the best trim and OMG I couldn't eat them without gagging. Threw them all away. Stick with the brownies and you won't have the same problem.


Moderatrix of Journals
flavour masker: *vanilla*. whatever your recipe calls for, double or triple it. (i tend to go for the 2 oz freepour - and i use the madagascar bourbon stuff).

you won't use too much, flavour-wise (although i've screwed up a couple of recipes because i didn't compensate for the extra *liquid i was adding ;)). i've been trying to make something that's "too vanilla-y" for about 3 years now and haven't been able to do it. (i heard a baker on food tv say, "you can *never add too much vanilla" and i took it as a challenge lol...)

your shake/butter ratio seems fine. as long as there's enough butter to coat all the leaf, you're good. (the way i make it, i just keep adding leaf until it's all barely coated and it makes butter that most people can only eat 1/4 of a brownie before meeting the god of their choice)

there was a good thread about freezing your butter making the thc more bio-available somewhere here....


Add chocolate chips and walnuts to your brownies and even give it a frosting, all the marijuanaa flavor will be hidden!!