Cannabliss Going Guerrilla 2007


Well-Known Member
ah, now thats why the name location X has been chosen. even me and he lad im doing it with call it that when we talk amongst ourselves.


New Member
I can't wait to see some pic's. Also, just to know the yield, and any hardships you come across will all be useful information for me.

We should be in for a good summer this year, hopefully one that'll do much for your yield.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i hope so too, promise ill have pics by the weekend, to be honest, im dying to show them off. lol, my ganja farm is workin, i never expected so many to get this far, but theyve loved it. i just hope the other 3 early misty follow suit and show soon :(.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, was gonna wait ill i had pics tomoro, but i cant wait any longer. ALL EARLY MISTY have shown now so im raher excited, as you caan guess. i only expected 10-15 or so to survive, so its a bit nerve racking that i have more than expected. no casuelties so thats grea, and they were out from day 1 or before so theyve done great.
i tried FIMing on the second biggest at 6pm on tuesday, and by 10am friday it had healed itself (wow that was quick).
my biggest is now knee high too, and the next 2 bagseed are doing great too, they have 34 nodes now and the widest leaves.
the other bagseed and 4 northen lights are now getting there 3rd nodes too, and coming along fine.
and of course the durban poison, these are doing fine.
the DP & EM are quite cramped at the minute, but they will be getting spaced out when theyre a little bigger.

keep your eyes peeled for pics tomoro CANNABLISS


Well-Known Member
maybe, before my harvest, say WHEN YOUR MASTER KUSH are chopped and dried :D , dont think i aint seen them. have you a number 4 yet?

right people im off to get pics, its a long f*cking walk, but beleive me its worth it. if it wasnt for my gam leg, id be leggin it there and back.


New Member
No number 4 as yet. The last 2 are holding on tight to their seed cases.

I don't mind making friends. Although I also have 2 grapefruit crops coming through before the master kush, and most likely an la conf' x mystery haze crop too.

the master kush are barely into veg' stage, I'm only growing them to find a decent mother. Any more females will most likely be flowered in a corner somewhere.

It takes a while to start a new strain properly (indoors).


Well-Known Member
thats why i chose to go outdoors, perfect ventilation, perfect light, all the space they need and twice the growth time. you cant beat it :)


New Member
Indoors though you can pull several harvests per year, outdoors (unless you're really good) you get one.

Me, I'd much rather do both at once... I live in a big city, it's hard to find places to grow outdoors that will go undisturbed. i have the seeds, and outdoor strain suited to colder climates called Biddy's Sister, they're in my freezer just waiting for the day when i go guerrilla. Hopefully next year.


Well-Known Member
ive heard about freezing 1st, when the wet paper towel stops giving me 100% success, then ill give it a go.

ok so ive not posted for a while, still no pics ill try for the weekend.
i have FIMed one of the oldest plants, i have left the tallest to see how it grows with no adjustments its 4 inches above knee hieght now.
thenext 2 i have FIMed 1 ofthese 2 and topped the other, the 1 i have FIMed has just began to get a 3leaf node, is this normal?
ou of th other 6 bagseed i have topped 1 but they arent really big enough, im just trying to experiment so i no exactly when to do it next year.
and the 4 northen lights have been left to get a bit bigger before i start to top or FIM any of them.
and now to the durban and the early, these are looking great (for seedlings), and you can tell durban is sative dominent, the leaves are almost as long as the main stem. i will be moving my early's to the trench i dug for cuttings.
saying as im not planting cuttings out anymore, im going to give a cutting from each plant to a friend to flower 4 me. although ill not be doing this with the DP & EM because, basically, ill be giving away a large proportion of my final yeild to him. no chance of that lol.

hope this ounds ok guys, sorry theres no pics ill get some by the weekend even if its with a camera phone) promise.


New Member
I only freeze them because this makes them last longer. I wrote a thread not too long ago and proved that frozen seeds will germinate just as quickly as unfrozen seeds.

Seems like everything is going well, particularly with the showery weather we've been having. In my city it rained for 3 days solid.


Well-Known Member
lol its only just stopped here, after a few days theres sun for a few, and then raining again couldnt ask for better. although i wouldnt mind if i had to go water them everyday coz its too hot lol


Well-Known Member
hello again rollitup, pic update, starting with my site, but heres what ive been doing while you missed me;
i FIMed the second biggest (leaving #1 to grow)
then i FIMed one of the next two, and i topped the other
i have also topped a younger bagseed and a NL
so thats 4 topped 2 FIMed, and im not going to bother with the durban or early theyre too small.
and i have begun to feed them once a week with 1/4 strength IONIC grow, and im going to gradually raise it until it is at 3/4 strength dont want to kill my first grow now do i?
and the 2 oldest at 9 weeks. (in that order)
then the next 2 are at 7 weeks, and are really bushy as you can see one of them is starting to get 3way nodes, wow.



New Member
Looking good. You do know what the yield is like on an outdoor plant, don't you?

I'm really excited for you, especially with us both being from the same place. Although with global Warming, it seems we may be in for a good summer!


Well-Known Member
yeah, whats the deal with complaining about it, i mean, im not complaining. and my plants certainly arent. let every one f*ck with the atmosphere, it wont harm me or anyone in this life time. and im from the UK Skunky, but yes, pretty much the same lattitude, although i think your further south than me. but im no good with places.

well ive seen from 3 - 40 ounces on a plant, but im unsure as what to expect for my yeild. ive worked it out like this:
22 plants, half female say 10. 3 ozs per plant == 30 ozs right?
or should i be looking at more? dont want to get ahead of myself tho.
thanks for lookin in man, appreciated.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, bad news today. i went to location X today to give them there weekly IONIC feed, and 3 of the early misty were dug up
. i have tried to replant 2 of them, but 1 is diffinately a goner. i brought that 1 home to inspect for teeth marks, but there were none. the whole plant wasnt touched, not even the roots, it just looks like its been pulled out, and layed down gently by the great big hole that used to be its home.
it looks like the kind of hole a dog would dig. my friend often brings his dog, and there are paw prints about the site, but i dont know if theyre off his or not. getting some barbed wire to surround my site, that should stop any of the little b*st*rds getting to my plants. i would ussually have went for the chicken wire, and a still might, but i want any animal to think "i dont wanna try to get in there!", you know?

on a good note, i had already put 3 more plants out on saturday (thats why my mate had a spade in his hand). there only another 2 bagseed and another early, but if the 2 casualties dont make it then my numbers dont change.

i have found a new location today too, but its not big. i was thinking of putting loads of seedlings out at the beginning of august. would this give me a guerrilla sea of green? i only want them to get about a foot tall, when would any of you recomend putting them out?

cheers in advance


i would put them out in mid july, so they are still small when they go into flower, but will have had some good sunlight to start off with

plants are looking great though, ready for that feeding your giving them now

the stems are huge! that'll help ya out

and i almost cried when i read you're plants got dug up
i can just imagine the sinking feeling you got.... i mean, they're your babies!!!

best of luck with the grow!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks ian, i didnt notice at first, i just began to water the older ones..... and then, "noooo!" i swear i couldnt keep my voice down, i was devastated. going to go again tomoro tho, just to see how theyre doing. if need be ill prop them up. i hope they dont die.
on a better note, the others are growing at an extremely fast rate now. its unbeleivable, all but the babies are over a foot tall now. i tied down 3 plants today, 1 northen light and 2 bagseed. this is part of my 'try everything' approach, and its hard to tell, but it looks like topping is deffinately takin hold. and it could be the method of choice for future grows, although theres still 5 months to go so i aint counting my chickens.

thats it for now, ill try and get pics of the casualties to show you there progress (i aint got a cam so dont bank on it).


Well-Known Member
well guys, the 2 ealries that i replanted have made a recovery. they are now growing strong. so all aint that bad, i still have 21. i have germed and planted 3 more, so well see how these ones fair.