
Well-Known Member
All of the seeds that I have started from attitude have germinated in 24 hours flat
Anything over 48 hours is usually crappy seeds
5 days to germinate is insanely bad bro sorry to tell ya
well i know its slow but most ppl said they dont germinate at all. Are you saying it that slow germinating seeds mean bad strain, its gonna produce bad bud? or what?


Well-Known Member
It means that the seeds were probably picked before they were fully mature
Were they dark with tiger stripes or a light green color?


Well-Known Member
It means that the seeds were probably picked before they were fully mature
Were they dark with tiger stripes or a light green color?
the majority were dark brown, a couple light brown with stripes though, i figured those were the good ones and sure enough they sprouted first. What does dark brown mean and will it effect the final product?


Well-Known Member
The dark brown is good that means that it is mature and healthy
The lighter colored green ones are the ones that were not fully mature
Here is a pic of some nice looking seeds



Well-Known Member
The dark brown is good that means that it is mature and healthy
The lighter colored green ones are the ones that were not fully mature
Here is a pic of some nice looking seeds

ya thats what a couple of mine looked like but the majority were even darker then those. I have some seeds coming in the mail from on the way, 5 "Ice" 1 "Snow White" Femanized and 1 "ak48" femanized. So it's not like I'm putting all my faith in these seeds. How did ur first grow go? Anything I should know that you learned from?


I ordered twice from and I received the two shipments after two weeks. At least, they come from UK so good chances to get through. They give you 12 seeds per $20 order. Germinated 12 and got 10 sprouts. I only have room for 7 plants. Hence my plan is to grow the 7 best looking seedlings. The others, maybe I will raise them outside, as I do not want to kill them. If I get 4 females, I will be more than estatic. All this for $20. It hard to beat that. Free shipping too....

BTW, I am growing early misty


Well-Known Member
I ordered twice from and I received the two shipments after two weeks. At least, they come from UK so good chances to get through. They give you 12 seeds per $20 order. Germinated 12 and got 10 sprouts. I only have room for 7 plants. Hence my plan is to grow the 7 best looking seedlings. The others, maybe I will raise them outside, as I do not want to kill them. If I get 4 females, I will be more than estatic. All this for $20. It hard to beat that. Free shipping too....

BTW, I am growing early misty
Welcome to rollitup :peace:


Well-Known Member
I ordered twice from and I received the two shipments after two weeks. At least, they come from UK so good chances to get through. They give you 12 seeds per $20 order. Germinated 12 and got 10 sprouts. I only have room for 7 plants. Hence my plan is to grow the 7 best looking seedlings. The others, maybe I will raise them outside, as I do not want to kill them. If I get 4 females, I will be more than estatic. All this for $20. It hard to beat that. Free shipping too....

BTW, I am growing early misty
cool man, keep me posted how they're doing


Well-Known Member
I think I mentioned earlier in this post that the White Widow's germinated fast, but thinking more about it I realized they were the ones that took the longest to germinate. I'm actually in the middle of germinating 3 more and its been 4-5 days and they still haven't germinated wereas all 6 of another seed (not from cannabisseeds) have germinated in 3 days (G-13).

Also, I was trying to sex some of my plants last night and even though its early, it looks as though all 3 of my WW plants are developing pollen sacks. :(


Well-Known Member
I think I mentioned earlier in this post that the White Widow's germinated fast, but thinking more about it I realized they were the ones that took the longest to germinate. I'm actually in the middle of germinating 3 more and its been 4-5 days and they still haven't germinated wereas all 6 of another seed (not from cannabisseeds) have germinated in 3 days (G-13).

Also, I was trying to sex some of my plants last night and even though its early, it looks as though all 3 of my WW plants are developing pollen sacks. :(


Well-Known Member
So I used miracle grow organic potting soil. I was wondering how long I should wait before I begin adding nutes? What is a good brand of nutes to buy?


I am thinking of ordering seeds from Nirvana seeds as this is a preferred supplier here. But I would like to know where they ship out off. England or the Netherlands....


Active Member
I ordered from them abouut a year and a half ago when I was just starting out and trying to keep costs down. For us$20 he send me 20 seeds I got them a week later. I germinated 10 about 7 lived 3 were males the other 4 were females they were supposed to be feminized white widow all the plants looked the same and they weren't white widow they looked like some kind of mexican shwaag that I wouldn't give to my wordt enemy. I hope you have better luck but I wouldn't take those seeds if you gave them to me!


Well-Known Member
I ordered from them abouut a year and a half ago when I was just starting out and trying to keep costs down. For us$20 he send me 20 seeds I got them a week later. I germinated 10 about 7 lived 3 were males the other 4 were females they were supposed to be feminized white widow all the plants looked the same and they weren't white widow they looked like some kind of mexican shwaag that I wouldn't give to my wordt enemy. I hope you have better luck but I wouldn't take those seeds if you gave them to me!
lol, well i have got my nirvana seeds now so they are just my experimenting seeds right now.. not growing too well either, very slow and are yellow. Cat ate my best one, lol, only two left but have 7 others!!


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of ordering seeds from Nirvana seeds as this is a preferred supplier here. But I would like to know where they ship out off. England or the Netherlands....
They ship out of the Uk. I got free seeds from them by just asking, didnt pay a penny!!

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i couldn't resist the 20 dollar price tag.. so i bought some g-13 (hopefully i will cure my curiosity) and B-52... 40 bucks its worth a shot... but now the waiting game!!!


Well-Known Member
Rose256: So did you grow it out and it wasn't any good? Did you finish and smoke any?

Sooo, and hate to say it, but I bought 4 separate strains from cannabisseeds and now that the plants are over two feet tall I can confirm that the supposed different strains are actually one single strain. Whether this strain, whatever it is, is any good is the question. I'm going to grow out three females I have and see.

Anyways, I bought some Colored Seed Mixes from Greenhouseseeds and DutchPassion through Attitude. Should have done that first.


Well-Known Member
Rose256: So did you grow it out and it wasn't any good? Did you finish and smoke any?

Sooo, and hate to say it, but I bought 4 separate strains from cannabisseeds and now that the plants are over two feet tall I can confirm that the supposed different strains are actually one single strain. Whether this strain, whatever it is, is any good is the question. I'm going to grow out three females I have and see.

Anyways, I bought some Colored Seed Mixes from Greenhouseseeds and DutchPassion through Attitude. Should have done that first.
Ya, me too. Do you have any pics? If not, how do they look? Are they lengthy and skinny?


Well-Known Member
just want to post an update.. I have two plants left from one is looking pretty nice and a strong grow, the other is a bit yellow, I think its a nitrogen deficency. Both are preflowers, i believe