Cannabis Spot Vapor Lounge

however they aren't completely blind / dumb either, they know when the product is better , it just takes the exposure
Genetics + solid growing = good bud

Without both parts of the equation you don't sum up to the expected outcome. If we share genetics some of it is bound to be grown right while most of it will come out OK. Quality must come from the ground up then demand will follow suit once people become exposed to more quality. Telling people their weed sucks and they should get better stuff is not offering an alternative.
The old people who have paid taxes/ fought for this country/ contributed to this country for 50+ years deserved to be taken advantage of.... (sarcasm)

Patients need MEDICINE...
I like Birds analogy about brown pills...

Its great when a OK grower will tear down a solid product/grower instead of embracing their capabilities.
This is why AZ will continue to have dog shit herb.
If you cant cook get the fuck out of the kitchen. (Unless you are trying to learn, but patients should not even be subject to a novices overpriced learning curve.)
Vapor lounge is okay.... exactly what I expected. Not to sound like a cannabis snob, but I didnt share with anyone lol :) People really need to start getting "medicinal" quality bud. I am tired of going everywhere around town seeing this poorly grown, poorly dried, poorly cured bud everyone raves about. If you found a brown pill in your presciption bottle from CVS, would you say something or go home and take it?? Come on people....we are all better then that.... Sorry for the ramble but please be weary of other peoples medicine :(

You shoulda went the day I said I was going.. I was sharing with EVERYONE at our table.. You missed out on some mendocino purps, some white rhino (medicine man) and some mecca OG.. All fire.. Ill be going again in a few days if you want to meet up :)
The old people who have paid taxes/ fought for this country/ contributed to this country for 50+ years deserved to be taken advantage of.... (sarcasm)

Patients need MEDICINE...
I like Birds analogy about brown pills...

Its great when a OK grower will tear down a solid product/grower instead of embracing their capabilities.
This is why AZ will continue to have dog shit herb.
If you cant cook get the fuck out of the kitchen. (Unless you are trying to learn, but patients should not even be subject to a novices overpriced learning curve.)
Sometimes some growers always want to compete with everyone and anyone. In my experience this is an overcompemsation for some insecurity or another. Let's start to work together.
Sometimes some growers always want to compete with everyone and anyone. In my experience this is an overcompemsation for some insecurity or another. Let's start to work together.

I get a kick outcome hearing those that have smoked for 10 or 15 years thinking they know more than people that have smoked 30 + years. Gotta laugh as there are good/not so good in any age group. I enjoy a good smoke but pot snobs, not so much...
I get a kick outcome hearing those that have smoked for 10 or 15 years thinking they know more than people that have smoked 30 + years. Gotta laugh as there are good/not so good in any age group. I enjoy a good smoke but pot snobs, not so much...
i have smoked less then 10 years and i probably know more about cannabis then most people that have been smoking for 30 + years
i have smoked less then 10 years and i probably know more about cannabis then most people that have been smoking for 30 + years


The length of time smoking does not correlate to knowledge of cannabis or cannabis cultivation. That is up to the individual to pursue.
I get a kick outcome hearing those that have smoked for 10 or 15 years thinking they know more than people that have smoked 30 + years. Gotta laugh as there are good/not so good in any age group. I enjoy a good smoke but pot snobs, not so much...

I laugh at old people that think they know alot because they have been smoking regs for 30+ years. It doesn't have any relevance to how knowledgable someone is on a certain subject. It just means you have been smoking longer lol.
Experience does not always denote knowledge. And knowledge does not always denote experience. Just because someone who has slpked regs for 30 years does not mean someone is knowledgeable and on the other side of the coined just because you think you have seen a few pounds or even think your connections have the best bud or read about it on the interwebs or maybe even popped off a few good harvests. This does not mean you are an expert or even close to one. There is a common phenomena with people at a young age thinking they know everything and have experienced more than others have who have lived five times as many years. Yes there are old smokers who don't know shit but I have yet to meet a young smoker who know anything other than that they know everything. Just because someone does something for many years does not necessarily make them and expert at the same time you can not be an expert unless you put in a meaningful experience.
Experience does not always denote knowledge. And knowledge does not always denote experience. Just because someone who has slpked regs for 30 years does not mean someone is knowledgeable and on the other side of the coined just because you think you have seen a few pounds or even think your connections have the best bud or read about it on the interwebs or maybe even popped off a few good harvests. This does not mean you are an expert or even close to one. There is a common phenomena with people at a young age thinking they know everything and have experienced more than others have who have lived five times as many years. Yes there are old smokers who don't know shit but I have yet to meet a young smoker who know anything other than that they know everything. Just because someone does something for many years does not necessarily make them and expert at the same time you can not be an expert unless you put in a meaningful experience.

This is exactly what i'm talking about Irieie.


Pot Snobs. How do they work?
weed snobs, pure & simple. All the knowledge you seem to feel you have came from " the old people". You will be one soon enough. I was growing with a MH in the mid 80s, & will never claim how awesome anyone is because they can grow pot, some better than others but all just a passing moment in their life.

Feel free & superior to all, it is a right of passage thing.
How does one not act like a weed snob when a fucking ounce is 400 dollars? Its like being a wine connoisseur and talking boones farm wine vs Napa Valley's finest. I mean we aren't exactly dealing with reggie weed anymore. Everybody is aiming for that " top shelf" or finest bottle of wine money can by.
I think it's safe to say that it was the old folks who revolutionized indoor MJ growing in the first place, and there are obviously tons of examples of their work over the years and their dedication to the industry...

If you're gonna be a stubborn bastard, and not pay attention to science and others who know what they are doing, you're gonna suck either way, young or old. If you aren't making the effort to learn and discuss with others or practice your craft, your gonna suck. If you continually ask for help and advice, and never heed it, you never made any progress either (look back to stubborn/ cocky).

Generally if you can be good at one thing in life, you can probably be good at others... it takes the same dedication and attention to detail from one discipline to the next...

The only reason I have gotten anywhere, is because I stood on the shoulders of giants, I will be the first to admit that. There is never enough learning and experimenting.

You guys are all arguing over stupid shit and most of you aren't wrong about it, so it's just gonna keep happening..

Yes str8 grows better than 99 % of people out there, young or old.. yes there are good old growers that have more experience and knowledge than anyone (not too many of them though!) Str8 isn't claiming to have invented growing in his statements, and I know for a fact he has adapted his growing style to become a better grower over time...

I've always been a 99th percentile guy myself, I don't waste my time on shit that I could be doing better, in any aspect of life. I'm young and I got it from my dad who is the same exact way and he's old. 100 % effort for anything you put your mind to, otherwise what's the fucking point?

One thing young people DO have is the advantage of hunger, which can be good to keep them motivated and working, which in turn leads to new innovation upon old concepts... it works this way with anything, athletes are constantly getting stronger, people smarter, and techniques and technology across the board in any science or skill eventually increase from generation to generation! This can be a disadvantage too, young people are known for making calls that are too based on the gut and not enough mental preparation to them. Older people tend to have families and at times have to weigh those into their efforts in hobbies / activities of interest, something not necessarily inherent with younger people who tend to have less responsibilities... each has their advantages and disadvantages you guys are right !

The vital link is you need the young people to open up their ears, learn a bit, and then roll from there... All the intermediate dick measuring is pointless in the long run... I personally have learned most of everything I know from old-timers, and would love to shoot the shit with a CERTAIN few...
back to the topic lol... i called this place today seemed really cool... small 25 dollar membership fee...i think im a check it out... its right around the corner so why the f not ..bongsmilie