Cannabis seedlings doing great until moved over into soil.

I've been trying to grow for a couple weeks now and have successfully rooted plenty of seeds, however once the seedling sprouts its two leaves and i move it over into the soil it begins to wilt and the root shrivels up, it cant be over watering because the paper towel method involves a soaked paper towel and they do fantastic. Please help out a noobie.


Active Member
first of all, what type of soil are you transplanting it to? is it a soil you bought from the store like miracle gro or peat moss, or soil you got out of the ground?
also what are you starting them in to get them to the 2 leaves stage?


Active Member
you forgot to answer one of my questions:
what do you have them in to get them to the 2 leaf stage?
MG has nutes in it, which may be burning the seedling, or your transplanting technique may be rough or both.

try this:
get some root riot pellets or peat pellets. soak the pellets to make them expand. gently squeeze most of the water from the pellet. you want it moist but not dripping wet. poke a small 1/4" deep hole in the center of the peat pellet.

do your germination technique since that seems to be working for you.

once the seed has cracked and you have a little taproot sticking out of the seed (1/8" or so) gently grasp the seed shell portion and stick it in the moistened peat moss pellet hole, covering the root and seed completely, with the root pointing down and the seed portion just under the surface of the peat. never touch the root portion. place this peat pellet in a warm spot and put your light above it. lightly mist the peat pellet if it starts to get too dry, again you are shooting for moist but not soaking wet.

once the seed pops out of the peat pellet let it grow a few days to a week until you see roots coming out of the bottom and/or sides of the pellet. once you can see roots then it is time to transplant into a good soilless mix in a 20 ounce plastic party cup. fill the cup with something such as peat moss/pearlite/worm castings in a 5/3/2 ratio.

let it grow in that for about 2 weeks then transplant into your MG soil in a pot.


Active Member
Let em grow a little stronger root before you transplant. Like 4-5 leaf sets. I lost alot of plants like this too so be careful with the root ball.
Good Luck
I am in agreement with Pmum, I think you are burning them up, transer to pellets or let them grow and bit stronger before you transplant them into MG. :)
Thanks for all the help, what everyone is telling me sounds about right. Only because they do fine up until that point of transferring them to the MG.
I'm going to grab myself some pellets at my local store and let them root before trying again, i might also pick up some foxfarm soil and nutes which might help out also.