Cannabis seedling has brown tips and curling down


So I'm new to growing cannabis i planted x3 auto flowers and one died

One of my Seedlings is real bad now and thw other is getting worse by the day

So my problem is
They are now 12 days old and are looking like they are dying now to
I don't use any feed at the moment
My setup is very basic amazon light was about £30
One seedling is starting to go brown on a few tips and the cotyledons are curling down
I'm running the light 8 inches from the seedling
Ph is on 7 20210919_150845.jpg20210919_150907.jpg20210919_150920.jpg

My other one the whole seedling is going brown
Someone help please
They really only 12 days old 16320603124108273998113124750470.jpg16320603917912935044227085098845.jpg
Looks like coco to me.
If so, your pH is way too high........should be around 6.0.
Also, you should be feeding daily to run plain water.
Iv got them in coco coir 20210919_152245.jpg20210919_152250.jpg First 2 photos are of the worse seedling and thw other 2 are of the one with just one tip of the leaf going brown20210919_152301.jpg20210919_152305.jpg temperature is on 25 degrees Celsius and humidity is on 60
You might consider learning how to correctly grow in coco.
This is a good place to

Coco basics:
Feed daily to substantial run off using a pH around 6.0.
Never use plain water.
Never let the coco dry out.

Good luck.