Cannabis "runners" idea


Active Member
This wouldn't be particularly useful to most growers but it's a concept I've never seen anybody else mention so I figured I'd fire it out there. It might benefit a medical grower who can grow plants of any size he wants but needs to limit the numbers or a commercial grower that does not want to be caught growing more than 300 plants and become a first degree felon (as applies to FL law)

Some plants such as strawberries and grass (the kind in your yard) will reproduce asexually by growing a branch outward and when it touches the ground it forms roots there.

How about growing a plant and topping it until it splits into 4 branches. Then LST those until they reach 4 surrounding pots, the edges of one large pot, or multiple holes of a hydroponic system. Now snip the top off, hit it with some root hormone and place them into the soil.

Theoretically once the 4 ends are rooted you will see new stems appearing from the leaf nodes like you normally would with LST however the plant now has 5 root systems and 5 times the potential nutrient and water uptake. It's no different from growing 5 plants except that you technically only have one strange plant.

"I don't know why it grew like that, some genetic mutation from my breeding experiments when I tied each end down and bla bla bla techno babble bla bla pentametric fan"

If they still want to go to court with it your lawyer would probably call on a botanist to explain why a mangrove is a tree and not a forest and that your multi root plant has the same genetics through the whole thing, grew into the shape it is in and was not spliced from multiple plants, and if you cut a tree down the middle (analog to cutting the stem between each of the root systems) you are MAKING 2 trees, it was not 2 trees from the start. Since this is not part of the reproductive cycle and these are therefore not actual runners you can't say they are offspring plants.

Of course the law has nothing to do with logic or what is right and wrong so you might want to consult a lawyer first if you're a legal medical grower.

Who knows, maybe it'll end up making a "super cola" or some crazy science fiction scenario.

I'm still experimenting around with conventional growing and have less than a dozen or so grows under my belt in my stealth box so I'm in no position to try this just yet but if anybody else wants to give this a shot, all I ask is you tell me how it went.


Active Member
Correct, I believe it was 300 is the cut off for a felony but don't take my word for it. Not really a concern for me because I'm never going over 3 or 4 anyway but some people it's the difference between getting deep fried and incinerated.

Edit: wow was I wrong. I just looked it up out of curiosity and it is actually 25 and used to be 300. Man, just 25 and you lose your rights to vote and 1/4 of your life. You'll probably get out pretty pissed off and certainly will be institutionalized by that point and unable to fit back into society without committing crimes again and making the prison companies more money when you get arrested again. That's pretty damn draconian.


Active Member
Regardless of whether or not you have 1 super mutant plant instead of 1000 normal ones you're still going to prison for having a 500 pound marijuana plant.


Active Member
True they can get you on the weight too so that's useless for commercial growers. Is there a weight limit for medical growers I wonder?
Well then someone just give it a shot if you care to see what happens to the yield anyway. My guess is it'll be similar to topping. A lot of people think "oh sweet 2 colas makes for twice as much weed" but then you end with just about the same yield but in a shorter height. 5 root systems will probably be equivalent to 5 plants unless I'm overlooking something.

I wonder now about cutting and rooting a longer darkness stretched clone at both ends and raising one pot, altering the nutrient and phytohormone flow to screw with geotropism and nutrient uptake, using gravity to simulate a larger root system.


Well-Known Member
Here they weigh the plants, so the number is not important. But i like the idea and i guess it could be beneficial to growers like you mention - it is only one single plant like that and it would be pretty hard to prove that otherwise. Unless they prove them to be clones which they probably could defend.


It's a cool idea but I suppose it would only be helpful to someone who either can't grow in the ground, or those who can't use a really large pot size. Using LST will increase your yeild if you give the plant a longer veg period than most people are used to using, and give the plant a large enough container to develop a proper root system to support the larger number of bud sites. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Search multiple rooting sites(MRS), its the technique your talking about. There are some threads on RIU about it. Im planning on trying it this year. I have a bagseed plant I started just to mess with- trying topping,lst,fimming,etc. Its about 2 months old, only like 6" tall with a stem almost 2 times thicker than a pencil(i kept crushing it with pliers)and tight,tight node spacing and 8 tops. Its going inyo the woods end of may and once it recovers from the transplant im going to tie it over, trim up the weakest looking top, slather on rooting hormone and bury it... see what happens. It'll be awhile but Ill be on here-prolly under Advanced Techniques-talking about it


Active Member
Cool, I haven't been around in a while but I see some are going to try it. I'll be looking into the Multiple Rooting Sites you mentioned WeedFreak78.

I'll be glad to see how they turn out if anybody tries this mad science.