Cannabis retailer Tweed lays off 12% of Manitoba staff


Well-Known Member
So, when craft cannabis eventually takes off, and they let the REAL growers in on things, I hope they refuse to hire anyone who jumped on the bandwagon with the LP's and lost their jobs there... LOL


Well-Known Member
its hard to fault someone who needs a job and goes to work in the cannabis industry...
They are pawns at best... being used by tweed to make a point...
being this is a fledgling industry
and tweed could easily float these employee's wages...
and write off any losses...instead they play with peoples lives and lively-hoods to try and show the shortage of customers is having an effect due to the grey/black markets

Tweed is lame at best
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Well-Known Member
So, when craft cannabis eventually takes off, and they let the REAL growers in on things, I hope they refuse to hire anyone who jumped on the bandwagon with the LP's and lost their jobs there... LOL
No. The guys who work the floor aren't the bad guys and no one should suggest they be held accountable for bad decision making in the board room.

The problem is that the clowns in the board room will walk away with fat pockets while everyone else suffers. That's a problem with corporate run capitalism, not the workers, and it's high time we not only recognize the difference but ACT ON IT.


Well-Known Member
My advice to anyone who works in the cannabis industry is:

Unionize. Fuck those corporate cunts. It won't stop you from being laid off, but it will freeze out cheap, temporary foreign workers, and will give you what you deserve. A pension, a living wage, benefits with lawyers at the ready when someone tries to fuck you. I hated unions for years, but now that I'm in one, I'd never go back.