Cannabis Overdose Experiences


Active Member
Wasn't sure where to post this. I saw a few threads in this sub forum with similar posts, so figured I'd just post it here, since this is the most populated forum.

A few years ago, my gf of the time and I ate some bag weed her uncle in NY gave her when she was up visiting. We smoked it for days before the experience I'm about to tell you of, all was fine, it was decent cannabis, nothing incredible, just standard stuff.

The last we had of the bag, no more than two grams, probably less, we added to brownies. I don't remember why or what happened, my gf prepared the food, but the pot was not cooked, it was simply added with the brownies. I cannot remember the details, I just know the cannabis was not properly cooked.

Because of this, I expected nothing to happen. We ate normally, didn't even finish it all. Despite this, awhile later, we began feeling the effects. It was a great high, getting stronger and stronger over the course of 45 minutes or so. At one point, it became too much.

I had to stand up and go outside, felt like my heart was coming out my chest. I made it halfway down the driveway and became comatose. My body froze up and I began feeling intense pain all throughout my abdomen and chest. Over the next hour, I felt as though I was experiencing death. I've had this experience on dxm and another time on sleeping pills earlier in my life, never thought I'd repeat it, especially with marijuana.

I began losing vision, feeling the black space tunnel effect, flying through space, apart from my body. Though all the while I'm aware of very intense pain in my body.

Eventually, my gf came out of the house to find me. She too was feeling all of this, though not quite as heavily as me. She helped me back to the house, I wouldn't have been able to walk back myself and would have laid there all night, possibly dying, as it was the middle of winter and i had walked out of the house without proper clothing for the cold temps outside.

We got in bed, still in tremendous pain. I felt like I needed to vomit every moment, but never did. I fell asleep at some point, and we remained in bed, intoxicated, for over 36 hours. Throughout this time, I would try to get up and was unable to, I could not stand up. The spins were overwhelming, like I had consumed a bottle of liquor. The torso/body pain remained, with extreme dissociation and confusion all throughout the duration.

Eventually, it began to pass, a couple days later, and we were able to walk around and perform basic tasks.

Neither of us could ever explain what happened and we got over it rather quickly, unfazed. No lingering effects after it fully passed.

Now I have heard some stories of cannabis overdoses, but nothing like this. The fact that we both experienced it means it wasn't just a solo fluke - like some spiritual psychotic breakdown/transformation. We smoked the pot many times before this, it was fine, not altered in any way.

I've always been sensitive to drugs, but not excessively. I had a lot of experience prior to this trip with powerful psychedelic experiences, so the death experience and pain and loss of consciousness etc wasn't as dramatic to me as it would had been if this was a completely new experience.

Still, it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced, mainly because of the extremely long duration, and I've never really understood what happened.

Anyone have an experience like this or know anyone who has? Just curious...o_O
You wouldn't "overdose" on 2 grams of weed. Is it possible to overdose on weed? Yeah, theoretically it is. But 2 grams is far, far away from that point. I'm not a doctor and idk what happened to you but I'd put everything I own on it not being a weed overdose.
Well I'm aware it wasn't a physical overdose, as like you've pointed out, at the amount ingested, it isn't anywhere near the amount needed to induce such a thing. Maybe using the word overdose in the title and post wasn't a good idea.

I'm just wondering if others know anything of the experience I mentioned, whether having experienced it themselves or having heard this happen elsewhere. I just wanted to share the experience, as I never really went back to it in review and dictated what happened, and see if this occurrence is shared by others.
Sounds like a whitey followed by a panic attack. Overdose is not possible. Nobody has ever died directly from consuming to much weed.

There may have been some of that, but it was brief. There wasn't much panic. I have had panic attacks in the past, not drug related, so I'm familiar with the effects of one. There definitely was faintness, but that was a minor symptom in relation to all else that was happening, particularly the severe torso pain.
Never heard of a weed high?, yes... Overdose? absolutely not. cant happen
You can overdose on marijuana it just isn't practical because no one would ever consume enough and it would be really difficult to in the first place. The estimated LD50 is 1:20,000 grams and 1:40,000 grams.
There may have been some of that, but it was brief. There wasn't much panic. I have had panic attacks in the past, not drug related, so I'm familiar with the effects of one. There definitely was faintness, but that was a minor symptom in relation to all else that was happening, particularly the severe torso pain.
Maybe your gf is a crappy cook sounds more like food poisoning more than anything. You would literally have to smoke a semi truck sized joint to die and most likely only from smoke inhalation.