Cannabis Origin/DNA. Cali Elite Strains: OG Kush, Tahoe, Larry, SFV, and Breeding

luk e bag

Active Member
seedstock.jpgGrowing up in California I believe that og's have the specific terpenoids and cannabinoids to blow away any genetics I've ever seen in Amsterdam:clap:. Obviously cannabis breeding has to come from a limited amount of feral varieties that have high THC content; Mainly African/asian equatorial sativas, and India/Paki/Nepali/Afghani kush/indica strains that have been brought out in the past 50 years. Prior to that cannabis was used for 1000's of years but the strains were indigenous to specific regions and crossbreeding could not have occurred in the scale it has reached in today's horticulture. Since there has been little to no DNA sequencing of cannabis that I am aware of, I try to breed back to parental stock or find vastly different strains that display similar/identical growth patterns and make crosses that increase resin production, flavor and potency in the progeny. I consider my growing skills to be limited in comparison to many master growers elaborate commercial set-ups but I feel that we are close to reaching the pinnacle of cannabis potency by following these two methods: Backcrossing to create stable hybrids for breeding by finding heirloom strains that share a common ancestor; strains that have been dialed in to reach their maximum potential in different environments. Having the ability to recognize that two completely different strains may have been grown 1000's of miles apart and share a common ancestor is crucial to isolating and increasing the production of specific cannabinoids found in each strain and keeping genetic integrity intact. I want to know why I like what I like, where it came from, how to improve upon it and how to assure that specific genetics stay intact for future generations. As our science advances hopefully we'll truly learn the potential of cannabis usage; both positive and negative. Pardon my writing while drinking and possibly failing attempt to sound smart. I welcome all to contribute their knowledge, strains they like, why certain crosses should be made and whether or not they believe I'm on the right track or full of BS.
What I truly seek are people who have knowledge and pictures of some of the seeds I have recently acquired. I have been on an og kick since around 1999. I first saw an SFV in 1994/1995 and I got some of the first cuts of "SFV OG" and "Bubba" in 1999 from Granada Hills and Simi Valley. They were the best and nothing new exceeds them:hump:.
I've grown pretty much every og s1 or hybrid to hit the So Cal market. Tahoe, Larry, SFV, Skywalker, Poison, XXX, Ghost, Faceoff, Abusive, Old School, $100, King Louie, Mars, Jupiter, Earth, Holy Grail, Madman, Obama, Fire, and various crosses of the above. I also had the original bubba which blew away the pre-98, katsu, platinum, North Hollywood, twisted sister, bomb threat etc.
I've made a few crosses with clones that looked almost identical in structure but had very dissimilar flavor and high. SFV x King Louie, $100 OG (DRC) x Tahoe, Madman x Obama. I can make these crosses again but they will always be feminized and will therefore never reach their full potential. These are all so amazingly dank and I hold on to my 20-30 seeds of these crosses as part of my project. The few dispensaries that have popped seed and kept cuts have lame names for them "key lime og, hardcore og, wheelchair og, brain freeze og" etc etc.
So..I bought a bunch of seeds to play with recently: Sin City Seeds, Gage Green Genetics, Rare Dankness, Bodhi, DNA/Reserva Pravada. The list goes on. I'll post a list of what I have and if you have pheno pix before flip to 12/12 and bud pix after 50 days or so you could really help me to plan what I will cross with...and possibly get some free testers and a cannabis cup winning quality strain to play with if you pm me. For now. Sin City Seeds: Rappers Delight, Sourflame og, Galactic Jack, Sinfully Sour, True Power OG, Nightmare OG, Nightfire OG, Sins OG, Blue Power, Powernap, Petroleum Nightmare. I see a lot of progressive options cuts in there to BX to. I'm also thinking the Dr Cletus Sour Kush or Lemon Larry might go well with Sinfully Sour.
The list goes on Rare Dankness: Scotts Og, Lee Roy, Rugburn, Khyber Kush, 4 Corners and Vale Vale.
Humboldt Seeds: Lost Coast OG, Desert Diesel, Amherst Sour Diesel, Bubba Kush, Trainwreck and Green Crack. Hazeman: Blue Bubba. Cali Connect: Chem 4 og, Boss Hogg, Chem Valley Kush, Buddha Tahoe. Kens Estes: Bay 11, Bay Dream, Kens Kush. Gage Green Genetics GGG: 5 K puff, Good Ideas. Also weird freebies sourstar 5 x goji og and goji#5 x polardawg chem 3. If you have pix of any of these in veg and flower or know anything about cannabis botany that night help me. Please post pix. I've been around a while. I know the "ocean grown" story is bs. I recall the strain spoke of in that urban legend and the strain was called "magooey" back in ruled Huntington and South County. The same grower (Larry) got an og around 2002 and that Ocean Grown story was made up sometime after. I know that SFV OG was the original followed shortly by tahoe but obviously they have some similar parents somewhere in their lineage and its not chemdawg; though I love skunk va, chem d and chem 4. Put your two cents..and hopefully pix in!
luk e bag say "Growing up in California I believe that og's have the specific terpenoids and cannabinoids to blow away any genetics I've ever seen in Amsterdam"

were have you been in amsterdam ?
to green house coffee shop ???
90 % of the new US strains come from amsterdam.....
I have a cut called "Pre '93 OG Kush" that is supposed to have great genetic lineage...if you are interested I am always open to share what's in my genetic library! Also have a cut of SFV OG Kush and DNA's Lemon OG Kush.
luk e bag say "Growing up in California I believe that og's have the specific terpenoids and cannabinoids to blow away any genetics I've ever seen in Amsterdam"

were have you been in amsterdam ?
to green house coffee shop ???
90 % of the new US strains come from amsterdam.....

90%? really? NO please stop talking nonsense
i have an AWESOME purple D clone i would love to trade a fellow CA patient for an equally awesome old school OG or bubba cut!!!!
I've seen several people I have actually heard of, and somewhat respect (at least for their growing skills), laugh their asses off at OG's or anything good coming from Florida. Who to believe? No one can really be 100%, but I put a lot more stock into a good quality cut coming from somewhere with good quality cannabis. Florida, no matter what people from there will tell you, is not known for quality cannabis. Doesn't mean it could come from there, sure it could have, but then we would have heard of quality coming out of Florida.... This whole OG comes from Florida thing seems pretty new no? I could be wrong but the first time I heard this was last year.

I would put a lot more faith into his claims if he wasn't advertising for his dispensary. Nothing to drum up business like saying you are the original creator of something that no longer exists.

As for Bubba coming from northern lights... So the original bubba isn't anything like Bubba kush then? This does nothing but add more confusion.

I'd be a lot more willing to believe it came from Cali, BC, Ohio, Colorado or somewhere that is actually known for creating strains of high quality.
so many "stories" truth is nobody created anything you worked someone elses gear and so on and so forth, whether you have made good selections and done your pollinations in a controlled environment means more to me then someones an indian gave me a purple plant ......i robbed this guy for a cut but they didnt get the real cut......and the list goes on and on.

lived all over the country from cali to the east coast and my fam is still located out west that being said it's not too hard to get access to elite cuts work them and then call it whatever which seems to be whats happening in the scene)
who knows i would just rather find my own champions from seed stock just like those who found the elites to begin with.

btw this story is suspect as the rest since there is about 10 different bubba stories. could be true or NOT
maybe one day i can tell everyone a found 2 seeds under the end of a rainbow and could only receive them once i thumb wrestled two midget leprechauns for the championship belt...just sayin.
^lol urban :D

I have a Bodhi seeds Goji OG going at the moment and one in particular is doing great - at least considering this is my first grow. I've read in other threads around here and other forums Bodhi has amazing seeds and this is some wicked potent smoke :)

This is about 4.5 weeks in from seed:
View attachment 2950051
i first laughed when i heard the florida story too, but years later, October 2013 issue of hightimes the birth of bubba kush claims: bbuba and college buddies bred OG kush and had the bubba at the same time in florida, someone took cuttings to california and while growing the kush and bubba the kush hermed pollinating the bubba and a purle indica creating bubba kush and purple kush, the original bubba was a pheno from a nothern lights cross i guess..i believe this because i have recently learned the true lineage of Girlscoutcookies is the old school flo-rida kush or south florida OG closely related to the TK crossed with and f1 durban cross
Urban you got the skittles rainbow leprechaun OG Midget cut??????? I heard that the best shit anywhere, heard it was started from bagseed that was eaten and shit out by Mr. Nice's Irish wolfhound. LOL
maybe one day i can tell everyone a found 2 seeds under the end of a rainbow and could only receive them once i thumb wrestled two midget leprechauns for the championship belt...just sayin.
Is it at all possible that at two different places at approximately the same time, someone or some group of people crossed similar strains and came up with similar combinations, creating similar plants with similar cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Is it also possible that at two different places and times different people named different or similar strains the same thing? I have crossed bagseed with F1 kush crosses and come up with very similar but not the same as sour diesel. The same batch of seeds also produced a bud that smelled and tasted like flinstones vitamins and one that was pure grape. Unless your breeding program is super tight and focused on specific results, you could end up with just about anything when you toss that pollen and make those babies. Like a deck of cards tossed in the air, who knows whats going to land face up? Just sayin...
luk e bag say "Growing up in California I believe that og's have the specific terpenoids and cannabinoids to blow away any genetics I've ever seen in Amsterdam"

were have you been in amsterdam ?
to green house coffee shop ???
90 % of the new US strains come from amsterdam.....

i am laugh so fucking hard i cant stop.
those dumb fucks got nothing compared to us in the USA
i have been to many coffeeshops and they aint shit.!!!!

nORTHERN CALI USED TO HAVE THE SICKEST "CALI ORANGE" AN outdoor stain that was pure orange citrus
the cookies is another
rare dankness uses cuts from cali to make his company strains
they are winners all cali og
southern cali had the SFV OG and pretty much most of the OG's came from a very special plant from the south of florida in triangle land :)
especially if you can access the TK then you in the right circle
View attachment 2942315Growing up in California I believe that og's have the specific terpenoids and cannabinoids to blow away any genetics I've ever seen in Amsterdam:clap:. Obviously cannabis breeding has to come from a limited amount of feral varieties that have high THC content; Mainly African/asian equatorial sativas, and India/Paki/Nepali/Afghani kush/indica strains that have been brought out in the past 50 years. Prior to that cannabis was used for 1000's of years but the strains were indigenous to specific regions and crossbreeding could not have occurred in the scale it has reached in today's horticulture. Since there has been little to no DNA sequencing of cannabis that I am aware of, I try to breed back to parental stock or find vastly different strains that display similar/identical growth patterns and make crosses that increase resin production, flavor and potency in the progeny. I consider my growing skills to be limited in comparison to many master growers elaborate commercial set-ups but I feel that we are close to reaching the pinnacle of cannabis potency by following these two methods: Backcrossing to create stable hybrids for breeding by finding heirloom strains that share a common ancestor; strains that have been dialed in to reach their maximum potential in different environments. Having the ability to recognize that two completely different strains may have been grown 1000's of miles apart and share a common ancestor is crucial to isolating and increasing the production of specific cannabinoids found in each strain and keeping genetic integrity intact. I want to know why I like what I like, where it came from, how to improve upon it and how to assure that specific genetics stay intact for future generations. As our science advances hopefully we'll truly learn the potential of cannabis usage; both positive and negative. Pardon my writing while drinking and possibly failing attempt to sound smart. I welcome all to contribute their knowledge, strains they like, why certain crosses should be made and whether or not they believe I'm on the right track or full of BS.
What I truly seek are people who have knowledge and pictures of some of the seeds I have recently acquired. I have been on an og kick since around 1999. I first saw an SFV in 1994/1995 and I got some of the first cuts of "SFV OG" and "Bubba" in 1999 from Granada Hills and Simi Valley. They were the best and nothing new exceeds them:hump:.
I've grown pretty much every og s1 or hybrid to hit the So Cal market. Tahoe, Larry, SFV, Skywalker, Poison, XXX, Ghost, Faceoff, Abusive, Old School, $100, King Louie, Mars, Jupiter, Earth, Holy Grail, Madman, Obama, Fire, and various crosses of the above. I also had the original bubba which blew away the pre-98, katsu, platinum, North Hollywood, twisted sister, bomb threat etc.
I've made a few crosses with clones that looked almost identical in structure but had very dissimilar flavor and high. SFV x King Louie, $100 OG (DRC) x Tahoe, Madman x Obama. I can make these crosses again but they will always be feminized and will therefore never reach their full potential. These are all so amazingly dank and I hold on to my 20-30 seeds of these crosses as part of my project. The few dispensaries that have popped seed and kept cuts have lame names for them "key lime og, hardcore og, wheelchair og, brain freeze og" etc etc.
So..I bought a bunch of seeds to play with recently: Sin City Seeds, Gage Green Genetics, Rare Dankness, Bodhi, DNA/Reserva Pravada. The list goes on. I'll post a list of what I have and if you have pheno pix before flip to 12/12 and bud pix after 50 days or so you could really help me to plan what I will cross with...and possibly get some free testers and a cannabis cup winning quality strain to play with if you pm me. For now. Sin City Seeds: Rappers Delight, Sourflame og, Galactic Jack, Sinfully Sour, True Power OG, Nightmare OG, Nightfire OG, Sins OG, Blue Power, Powernap, Petroleum Nightmare. I see a lot of progressive options cuts in there to BX to. I'm also thinking the Dr Cletus Sour Kush or Lemon Larry might go well with Sinfully Sour.
The list goes on Rare Dankness: Scotts Og, Lee Roy, Rugburn, Khyber Kush, 4 Corners and Vale Vale.
Humboldt Seeds: Lost Coast OG, Desert Diesel, Amherst Sour Diesel, Bubba Kush, Trainwreck and Green Crack. Hazeman: Blue Bubba. Cali Connect: Chem 4 og, Boss Hogg, Chem Valley Kush, Buddha Tahoe. Kens Estes: Bay 11, Bay Dream, Kens Kush. Gage Green Genetics GGG: 5 K puff, Good Ideas. Also weird freebies sourstar 5 x goji og and goji#5 x polardawg chem 3. If you have pix of any of these in veg and flower or know anything about cannabis botany that night help me. Please post pix. I've been around a while. I know the "ocean grown" story is bs. I recall the strain spoke of in that urban legend and the strain was called "magooey" back in ruled Huntington and South County. The same grower (Larry) got an og around 2002 and that Ocean Grown story was made up sometime after. I know that SFV OG was the original followed shortly by tahoe but obviously they have some similar parents somewhere in their lineage and its not chemdawg; though I love skunk va, chem d and chem 4. Put your two cents..and hopefully pix in!

skunk va is a cut of chem91 right? .. is that wat your saying in that last sentence.. lol i got confused. if i remember i thought skunk va was dudes name on forum.. and chem91 was the cut.