Cannabis Documentaries


Active Member
I know this topic has been discussed.....but when I Google it its just a mess of nonsense. I'm going to post up a list of all the documentaries on cannabis I can remember off the top of my head....and I want you all to tell me what else is out there. I look at all movies, for and against cannabis :peace:

Also fee free to post your opinion on any of these documentary's I've seen.

  • Grass
  • Should I Smoke Dope
  • The Union: The Business Behind Getting High
  • Reefer Madness
  • Super High Me
  • Stoned In Suburbia
  • In Pot We Trust
  • Emperor of Hemp
  • American Drug War-The Last White Hope
  • Hashish The Movie
  • Marijuana: It's Time For A Conversation
  • Waiting To Inhale
  • Green Rush
  • Cash Crop
  • How Weed Won The West
  • Cannabis: The Evil Weed?
  • The Principle Of Pot
  • Totally Baked

Im sure im missing a few....but thats where you guys come in bongsmilie :peace:


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
here's one that EVERYONE should watch. it is totally dappy at times, terribly acted and scripted, and is more an educational film than a hardcore documentary

totally baked: a potumentary

i'veyet to show it to a smoker who hasn't rolled around with merriment! :)

grab a joint or 3 or 4 and kick back :)


Active Member
I actually left that one out on purpose....I thought it was completely wack.....even "should i smoke dope" was better.....and I thought she was just an idiot....and pot shouldent be blamed for her ignorance LOL

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
to each their own, you're the first person i've encountered who didn't find it very entertaining and funny :)

is this list going to be personal and subjective then? because i've watched all of your list, and a couple of them i persoanlly found to be utter wank.


Active Member
to each their own, you're the first person i've encountered who didn't find it very entertaining and funny :)

is this list going to be personal and subjective then? because i've watched all of your list, and a couple of them i persoanlly found to be utter wank.
Hahaha nah man I was just saying why I left it out....I also stated all are welcome to their own glas you brought up the movie! bongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
indeed, but my understanding of the thread was to have a big list in one easy to follow post instead of suggestions dotted around the thread in various posts. althouhg then again, RIU has some shitty bollcoks about not being able to edit your posts after a certain period of time or something doesn't it


Active Member
indeed, but my understanding of the thread was to have a big list in one easy to follow post instead of suggestions dotted around the thread in various posts. althouhg then again, RIU has some shitty bollcoks about not being able to edit your posts after a certain period of time or something doesn't it
Exactly....I will add it to the list....and continue to add them as people post them up....and until RIU stops me LOL

The Potologist

Active Member
Drugs, Inc.( Being released in September 2010) Pot: The business behind getting high. Sativa Shipper : Confessions of a Pot Smuggler ( being released in Nov. of 2010)


Well-Known Member
I own "The Union" on DVD, and I was very impressed with the commentary, the deep in-sight into the actual business history of industrial hemp and recreational marijuana, and the people they interviewed...(i.e. Mark Emery (A.K.A. The Prince of Pot), Tommy Chong, Joe Rogan, etc.)...It gets a 5/5 in my eyes in the category of Cannabis Documentary...



Active Member
Drugs, Inc.( Being released in September 2010)
You talking about the series coming on nat-geo? That shit looks ridiculously awesome....They take you from the grower to the buyer....from the manufacturer, to the distributer, to the transporter....all the way down the chain....shit looks crazy

Pot: The business behind getting high. Sativa Shipper : Confessions of a Pot Smuggler ( being released in Nov. of 2010)
Er....I think its called High : Confessions of a Pot Smuggler, and The Union: The business behind getting high LOL :D