cannabis clone problem help!!

First time growing clones don't know what's wrong with my clone any advice would help I have my clone outside for 3 days the other clone is fine.20140603_140216.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like over-watered and nute burn, your soil could be too hot if you haven't added nutes. The good news is the new growth in the centre is healthy so you may be able to recover it. Make sure you have good drainage holes in the bottom of that bucket and let the soil dry out before you water again. If you're going to use hot soil (lots of nutrients), mix it so the first layer where the clone roots are is less hot, like mixing it 50/50 with PRO-Mix or one form of peat/humus. Even better, let them grow and establish more in a cooler soil mix and smaller pot, then transplant to your larger/final pot with hotter soil mix.


Well-Known Member
Is pro mix alone too hot for clones?

Just put a bunch in solo cups after rooting, we're overwatered and look similar but without the bleaching look, more straight up dead leaf but still alive.(before transplant)


Well-Known Member
No problem straight up, it doesn't contain much but enough nutrients and it's not hot at all. That's what I use to start seedlings, or the odd time I plant clones straight into soil (use aero cloners for the most part, unless I don't have the room to run the cloner).

For seedlings, no different than clones if I do them in soil, I use a party cup and leave it in there until about 2-3 weeks and let them establish well and build a decent root system before transplanting them into their final or larger pot. I put a mix for about 2/3 of the cup of 50% Pro-Mix, 50% Triple or Quad mix soil (hot). Then for the final (top) 1/3 of the cup, where the seedlings will sit initially, I use straight-up PRO-Mix. That way by the time the roots establish and reach the "warm" soil, they can handle it. I did this over time with a lot of trial and error, works well for me and avoids burning them.
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Well-Known Member
you can't place clones straight out in the sun. artificial light, to dappled sunlight, to full. do they have good roots?


Well-Known Member
i see alot of bark and wood chips in the soil i have always had a problem with that kind of mix as it holds alot of water like a sponge