Cannabis Act would further criminalize some marijuana users, committee hears


Well-Known Member
The government’s Cannabis Act doesn’t go far enough to legalize marijuana, a panel representing law and bar associations told the Senate committee studying Bill C-45 Wednesday.

“The message that Canadians have is that cannabis will be legal soon. This is not true,” said Paul J. Calarco, a member of the Canadian Bar Association.

There are still serious criminal punishments associated with marijuana in the bill – some as severe as 14 years in jail.

Rather than legalizing recreational marijuana, as many Canadians believe it will, Bill C-45 would continue to criminalize and stigmatize marijuana use, the panel testified.

The bill would also discriminate against young people, underprivileged people, and permanent residents who would be put at a higher risk of being deported, the committee heard.

Punishing young people criminally for something that is legal for adults should “be found to be unconstitutional,” said Michael Spratt of the Criminal Lawyers’ Association.

This bill seems more concerned with helping already privileged people collect a profit than it is about reversing the historic injustices of marijuana prohibition, said Annamaria Enenajor of the Criminal Lawyers’ Association.

To illustrate the absurdity of marijuana criminalization, Spratt said that he has had clients who are routinely turned away from the American border because of small marijuana offences – some decades old. “But I have clients who are convicted of manslaughter who make it through the border no problem,” he said.

The public desperately needs to be educated and engaged with marijuana legislation – and that won’t happen through criminalization, according to panelists.

“Canadians are not nearly informed enough about this legislation,” said Calarco. Most Canadians believe that this legislation will legalize marijuana, but it would only some very limited non-criminal exemptions to possession of cannabis, which is otherwise still illegal, he told the committee.

This makes it very easy for people to inadvertently engage in illegal behavior. And, it could result in vulnerable groups being swept up in the criminal courts, which could over-burden the justice system, Calarco said.

Rather than criminalizing some elements of marijuana usage and sales, “the answer is to treat cannabis like we treat tobacco and alcohol,” said Spratt.

The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology will continue studying Bill C-45 until the end of May.

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12 comments on “Cannabis Act would further criminalize some marijuana users, committee hears”
  1. AVATAR.png
    cocoartist says:
    May 4, 2018 at 5:14 am
    I am a cancer patient. I use Cannabis. I am appalled that an oz of medication costs well over $300 with taxes. This cost is prohibitive on someone like myself who is a senior and only getting CPP. I smoke it to eat and to control pain. Forget eating, though, with the prices as they are, so how does this help me? It is insane. It will only HELP the BLACK MARKET unless the prices come down. I recently bought underground and I ended up buying Cannabis laced with Crystal Meth! Yes, it was cheaper, but it was not worth what happened to me. I reacted very badly to it and ended up in hospital. So thanks to the federal government; I now have to worry about a psychiatric diagnosis of being a drug abuser. I didn’t need this with cancer but my license ran out while I was sick and I did not want to suffer. Now, in order to have medication, I have to pay these criminal prices!

    1. AVATAR.png
      Rob says:
      May 4, 2018 at 8:04 am
      I agree 100% with you. I currently have a choice, all the free narcotics I want (with side effects) paid for by my work benefits, OR $400 a month for cannabis paid out of pocket. If the price doubles with taxes then I will be forced to be creative.

  2. AVATAR.png
    Frank says:
    May 3, 2018 at 6:14 pm
    The current legalization platform is simply the criminalization of cannabis adding 40-plus new cannabis convictions through Bill c-45 and c-46 is completely down right disgusting furthermore taking a monopolisation approach over legalization and allowing only governments to choose and decide which government bodies or companies are allowed to participate in the marijuana trade is completely despicable cannabis if anything belongs to the countless men and women across Canada who have risked their lives to bring attention to cannabis from the medical perspective to the world stage it is Canadians who have paved the way to show you how to use and operate dispensaries it is Canadians that have big and pleaded and fought with the court system and one many many times vs Her Majesty for medicinal cannabis purposes in Canada and it is for the countless men and women of Canada who have been persecuted and who have had their lives ruined for simple cannabis possession while in just a few short months to maybe a year or two when legalization actually takes place we will see buddy of our provinces do the same exact thing you’re now currently putting people in jail for talk about a hypocritical system.

    Maybe Canadians should throw their politicians in jail for doing the wrong thing for Canada. Maybe our corporations CEOs should be thrown in jail for allowing the theft of billions of dollars to go on for countless years.

  3. AVATAR.png
    Bruce McIntosh says:
    May 3, 2018 at 4:24 pm
    It seems like this so-called “legalization” of cannabis is all about keeping the prohibitionists happy and not about mitigating the harms that have been done to cannabis consumers by waging a war on them.

  4. AVATAR.png
    Roger Morais says:
    May 3, 2018 at 3:02 pm
    Guess I spoke the truth too much as my comment was erased.
  • AVATAR.png
    Roger Morais says:
    May 3, 2018 at 2:59 pm
    The Senate ! You say ! That useless institution instilled by Sir J,A. MacDonald for the times was then and is now a political plum for all the “SEAL” actions by these clowns at a salary of $2,50.000.00 yearly and there are 104 of them. Do the math and see what you think about these brainwashed unelected on the dole. My views only. Agree or disagree it’s up to you.

    1. AVATAR.png
      Rob says:
      May 4, 2018 at 8:07 am
      Personally I’d like to see us move to an elected senate model similar to the US. Regional representation that is not population based with elections every 4 years that are staggered from the house of commons elections.

      The idea of NOT having a house of sober second thought is TERRIFYING to me.

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    Bonnie says:
    May 3, 2018 at 2:17 pm
    I am absolutely disgusted and shocked being that I live in a port city like Vancouver British Columbia with all the drugs that are rampid down here but let’s lock up cannabis users who are NON violent people by the way and most are doing it for medicinal reasons. I have been in this fight for over 16 years now and I am beyond blown away when the Americans do it better than we do. I never voted liberal because I knew their plans prior I suspected anyhow it doesn’t matter who you vote for they all work for the same Elite. They don’t call it the green rush for nothing I suppose but when cops who bust and lock up cannabis users are able to open up LPS. There’s something wrong with our system it’s broken beyond belief. Definitely not proud to call myself a Canadian. The entire world already thinks our prime minister is a joke and now we have this disastrous Bill good job guys!

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    Andrew Trecartin says:
    May 3, 2018 at 1:06 pm
    Drivel, absolute drivel, this whole article is bullshit. First of all, kids get in trouble for underage drinking, so how is prohibiting underage smoking any different ? It’s certainly not unconstitutional. The premise that people can end up accidentally breaking the law, is utter nonsense, unless you can provide something to back up the claims, you shouldn’t be making them, and not even an example of how that could happen was given. Penalties of up to 14 years, is not new, that’s the current legislation, these tougher penalties were first introduced by Harper. Being turned around at the border, is when crossing into the US, that’s US law, and has nothing whatsoever to do with our legislation. The legislation doesn’t “target” anyone, and it does not criminalise the use of cannabis at all. Currently, we can carry 0g, grow 0 plants, and can go to jail for up to 14 years for growing plants for trafficking. With the new legislation, we can carry 30g, grow 4 plants, but still go to jail for up to 14 years for growing with the intent of contraband distribution. We can’t simply eliminate every penalty if we want to attempt to snuff out the black market. If we don’t maintain strong penalties for black market activity, then it will simply continue to thrive and everything we are doing will be entirely pointless. The government in many provinces are allowing private retail and production, and the AB government is also allowing small scale operations as well. We should push the law through and get the damn ball rolling, millions and millions of dollars have already been invested and many billions more will come. We can pass further bills for the sake of further amendments, delaying the start will not do anyone any good.

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      Zoltar says:
      May 3, 2018 at 7:44 pm
      You are absolutely right Andrew Trecartin This article is a bunch of nay-sayers bullshit!!

  • AVATAR.png
    Phil King says:
    May 3, 2018 at 9:31 am
    The Liberals are so desperate to appease certain prohibition-minded people that they’ve made a mess of their legislation. The senate is rightfully calling for a slow-down to review and ammend.

    Unless the Liberals want to end up having made a hash of nearly every one of their promises they better listen to the senate. While there are always a few old kooks in the red chamber, at the end of the day they do have something of value to offer.

    Press pause, give them a couple more months and ratify by Christmas instead of pushing this through as is. It is ludicrious that legalizing should end up creating stiffer penalties than currently exist. Sheesh.

    1. AVATAR.png
      Josh says:
      May 3, 2018 at 10:50 am
      What a waste of time and the tax payers dollar. Fully legalize and work out the tweaks afterwards. Every illegal drug organisation are literally laughing at the Senate’s. Your combined tunnel vision to not being able to see the big picture… Wasting our tax money on smaller marijunana offenses… Allowing organised crime to control the black market…. With companies like Aurora.. aphria.. and canopy.. the competition would lower the cost per gram.. Thus not making it possible for the black market to compete. We’re talking about marijauna being grown on a very large scale.

      Nevermind the fact that many Canadian citizens passed these last couple years from the black market product. No one knows what theyre mixing in their drugs… Especially marijuana.. my friends cousins life was taken due to the black market.. you’re allowing kids to smoke that crap? Rather then having a regulated .. controlled substance from cannopy, Aurora, aphria? Have the Senate’s and yourself absolutely lost your minds?

      The fact that there would be talks about posponing legalization .. after 2 bills are passed… Is absolutely disgusting.

"There are still serious criminal punishments associated with marijuana in the bill – some as severe as 14 years in jail."

ANY MEDICAL PERSON! is screwed! lol
I have serious concerns about the influence of the laws coming in July, they are going to put a dent in the genetic stock.
dude ..we made it through the last 50

genetics......[dang i don't like to use the word 'diversity' anymore..] ......are exploding

there are serious people out there...and we don't all grow easy auto

this guy is a joke...